主要参考了https://www.eefocus.com/liu1teng/blog/12-02/237897_4533d.html 、Xilinx UG471、UG472以及Xilinx Forum上的一些问答,在此一并表示感谢。
如果不加这个约束,执行implement的时候往往就会报error或者critical warning、内容中也会提到加上这个约束的话、就会将严重警告或者错误降级为普通warning,但是一直没搞明白这到底是怎么回事,所以这两天翻阅文档和论坛,算是弄清了个大概。
原来FPGA的管脚上有一类专用的时钟管脚、他们一般用于将外部的时钟信号引入FPGA、并在FPGA module中使用这些引入的时钟信号。但是如果设计时管脚分配没做好、或者管脚不够用了,那么就有可能将本该接入专用时钟管脚(或者叫做全局时钟管脚)的信号,接到了普通IO口上,这样只能通过添加CLOCK_DEDICETED_ROUTE FLASE绕过PAR的检查,但是没有解决根本问题。
在日常接触较多的Xilinx 7系列FPGA芯片上,Xilinx论坛上的工作人员对于这一点是这样解释的:
If you are bringing the the clock onto the device then you need to use the CCIO (Clock capable inputs) . Every 7 series FPGA has four clock-capable inputs in each bank. Two of the four are Multi-Region Clock Capable (MRCC) and the other two are Single Region Clock Capable (SRCC). These inputs are regular I/O pins with dedicated connections to internal clock resources.
关于这二者的区别,在xilinx forum的https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Embedded-Processor-System-Design/MRCC-or-SRCC/m-p/787546
The clock capable pins in a 7 series FPGA serve two purposes; access to the local clocking resources and access to the global clocking resources.
If you are using the global clocking resources (BUFG, BUFH, MMCM, PLL) then the MRCC and SRCC have exactly the same capability - there is no difference between the two.
If you are using the local clocking resources (BUFR and BUFIO), then then the SRCC and MRCC can both only drive only the BUFIO and BUFR located in the same clock region. The BUFIO can then only drive the IOB flip-flops and high speed clock of the ISERDES in the same I/O bank and the BUFR can clock all the logic (except the high speed clock of the ISERDES) in the same clock region.
The only difference between the SRCC and MRCC is that the MRCC can also drive the BUFMR. The BUFMR can then drive the BUFIO/BUFR in the same clock region as well as in the clock regions above and below the MRCC. This would generally be used for "ChipSync" (source synchronous) interfaces that need to use more pins than are available in one I/O bank.
MRCCs can access multiple clock regions and the global clock tree. MRCCs function the same as SRCCs and can additionally drive multi-clock region buffers (BUFMR) to access up to three clock regions.
if you are forwarding clock out from the device, then you can use any regular IOs, I.e
Clock path is
Clock you want to forward -> ODDR -> OBUFDS ->Routed to any regular differential pair .
Clock Forwarding
Output DDR can forward a copy of the clock to the output. This is useful for propagating
a clock and DDR data with identical delays, and for multiple clock generation, where every
clock load has a unique clock driver. This is accomplished by tying the D1 input of the
ODDR primitive High, and the D2 input Low. Xilinx recommends using this scheme to
forward clocks from the FPGA logic to the output pins.