git rebase -i 详解

git rebase 命令简介

git rebase命令允许我们轻松地更改一系列提交,修改存储库的历史记录。我们可以重新排序、编辑或合并提交。一般常用git rebase来合并当前分支的多个commit记录(压缩)以及避免出现分支的交叉合并(变基)1

git rebase 可用的命令

命令 缩写 解释
pick p 保留使用该commit。重新安排pick命令的顺序会改变提交的顺序。如果选择不包含提交,则应该删除整行。
reword r 使用该commit但需要编辑。类似于pick,但是在使用它之后,rebase进程将暂停,并给您一个修改提交消息的机会。提交所做的任何更改都不受影响。
edit e 使用该commit但需要停下来修改该提交。如果选择编辑提交,将有机会修改提交,这意味着可以完全添加或更改提交。还可以在继续修改之前进行更多的提交。这允许将大的提交拆分为较小的提交,或者删除提交中所做的错误更改。
squash s 将该commit合并到前一个commit。该命令允许将两个或多个提交合并为单个提交。一个提交被压缩到它上面的提交中。Git给用户机会编写描述这两个更改的新提交消息。
fixup f 将该commit合并到前一个commit,不需要保留该commit的注释。这与squash类似,但是要合并的提交会丢弃其消息。提交简单地合并到它上面的提交中,并且早先的提交的消息用于描述这两个更改。
exec x 使用shell执行命令
drop d 删除提交

git rebase 各个命令实操


# 我们初始化一个项目
git init

## 制造一些提交
touch base.txt
git add .
git commit -m "add base"

touch 1.txt
git add .
git commit -m "add 1"

touch 2.txt
git add .
git commit -m "add 2"

touch 3.txt
git add .
git commit -m "add 3"

touch 4.txt
git add .
git commit -m "add 4"

touch 5.txt
git add .
git commit -m "add 5"

## 查看现在的提交
git log
commit 24b96811274886be653492b3afb9434f0a6a8c4f (HEAD -> master)
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:36:13 2023 +0800

    add 5

commit 8117d20aa00dae8d4e71f835bba716e7cf8aec83
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:42 2023 +0800

    add 4

commit 4e8153308b8d71e89eddb6759881c4dd8838d2d9
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:09 2023 +0800

    add 3

commit ba2d4a8dd4976e63903f8e7777dbead108c5dbcb
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:34:50 2023 +0800

    add 2

commit 7d28548e7418f98f385edba1ef667cf7508d1e82
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:34:25 2023 +0800

    add 1

commit 9d6189ffbbf3da34e33d24b5058a155f3d1f5bda
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:33:51 2023 +0800

    add base





git rebase -i HEAD~2


pick 8117d20 add 4
pick 24b9681 add 5

# Rebase 4e81533..24b9681 onto 4e81533 (2 commands)
# Commands:
# p, pick  = use commit
# r, reword  = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit  = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash  = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# f, fixup  = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
# x, exec  = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# b, break = stop here (continue rebase later with 'git rebase --continue')
# d, drop  = remove commit
# l, label 


pick 24b9681 add 5
pick 8117d20 add 4

然后使用git log查看内容如下,成功

$ git log
commit 360558534b8b79dafdd77131485b252a0ad3bdd6 (HEAD -> master)
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:42 2023 +0800

    add 4

commit 40fecbc61d8d318d23b856e5e075600667dc9fdc
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:36:13 2023 +0800

    add 5

commit 4e8153308b8d71e89eddb6759881c4dd8838d2d9
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:09 2023 +0800

    add 3

假设我们紧接着要删除add 5这次提交,该如何做?


pick 24b9681 add 5

使用git log查看结果如下,add 5的提交被删除,成功

$ git log
commit 958d1bc05005f0141815e76f498406f443912e8d (HEAD -> master)
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:42 2023 +0800

    add 4

commit 4e8153308b8d71e89eddb6759881c4dd8838d2d9
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:09 2023 +0800

    add 3

commit ba2d4a8dd4976e63903f8e7777dbead108c5dbcb
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:34:50 2023 +0800

    add 2

commit 7d28548e7418f98f385edba1ef667cf7508d1e82
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:34:25 2023 +0800

    add 1

commit 9d6189ffbbf3da34e33d24b5058a155f3d1f5bda
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:33:51 2023 +0800

    add base



假设我们要修改add 2的提交comment信息,该怎么操作?

使用git log查看add 2的提交属于最近提交的倒数第3次,则我们要使用下面的命令

git rebase -i HEAD~3


pick ba2d4a8 add 2
pick 4e81533 add 3
pick 958d1bc add 4

# Rebase 7d28548..958d1bc onto 7d28548 (3 commands)

我们只需要修改第一行的add 2如下:(r ba2d4a8 add 2或record ba2d4a8 add 2都可以),然后保存退出

r ba2d4a8 add 2
pick 4e81533 add 3
pick 958d1bc add 4

# Rebase 7d28548..958d1bc onto 7d28548 (3 commands)


add 2

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Date:      Fri Oct 20 14:34:50 2023 +0800
# interactive rebase in progress; onto 7d28548
# Last command done (1 command done):
#    reword ba2d4a8 add 2
# Next commands to do (2 remaining commands):
#    pick 4e81533 add 3
#    pick 958d1bc add 4
# You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch 'master' on '7d28548'.
# Changes to be committed:
#       new file:   2.txt

我们现在就可以修改add 2这个提交信息了,我们将第一行add 2修改如下

add 2 - new commit

保存退出后,使用git log查看发现add 2的提交信息成功修改了

commit bec01eba90140cd0158465dbec1b49aed2a183ff (HEAD -> master)
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:42 2023 +0800

    add 4

commit 9a19efcb04106fbb029f84d7e5e36f8fabe5a763
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:09 2023 +0800

    add 3

commit 7c628dbc275b749e8a6d20cff13f33d55325dc07
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:34:50 2023 +0800

    add 2 - new commit

commit 7d28548e7418f98f385edba1ef667cf7508d1e82
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:34:25 2023 +0800

    add 1

commit 9d6189ffbbf3da34e33d24b5058a155f3d1f5bda
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:33:51 2023 +0800

    add base



假设我们要在add 3和add 4两次提交之间再加提交,该如何操作?


git rebase -i HEAD~2


pick 9a19efc add 3
pick bec01eb add 4

# Rebase 7c628db..bec01eb onto 7c628db (2 commands)


e 9a19efc add 3
pick bec01eb add 4

# Rebase 7c628db..bec01eb onto 7c628db (2 commands)


$ git rebase -i HEAD~2
Stopped at 9a19efc...  add 3
You can amend the commit now, with

  git commit --amend

Once you are satisfied with your changes, run

  git rebase --continue
JiuWuyou@ABC MINGW64 /d/Code/gitopr (master|REBASE 1/2)

可以看到我们的master分支多了REBASE 1/2,我们尝试做一些修改,给3.txt文本中增加一些内容,然后提交

JiuWuyou@ABC MINGW64 /d/Code/gitopr (master|REBASE 1/2)
$ git add 3.txt

JiuWuyou@ABC MINGW64 /d/Code/gitopr (master|REBASE 1/2)
$ git commit -m"edit 3.txt"
[detached HEAD cfb4f5b] edit 3.txt
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)


JiuWuyou@ABC MINGW64 /d/Code/gitopr (master|REBASE 1/2)
$ git rebase --continue
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.

JiuWuyou@ABC MINGW64 /d/Code/gitopr (master)

根据上述信息,rebase成功,然后我们使用git log查看,结果如下,成功在add 3和add 4之间提交了一次新的提交

$ git log
commit c0b72762408e0d28a914dcae98ef5c41ff6ff662 (HEAD -> master)
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:42 2023 +0800

    add 4

commit cfb4f5b8ab1fb6794c0e219366bd9b4eb625d91f
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 15:06:27 2023 +0800

    edit 3.txt

commit 9a19efcb04106fbb029f84d7e5e36f8fabe5a763
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:09 2023 +0800

    add 3

假设我们要单独的修改edit 3.txt这次提交内容和消息,该如何操作?

我们先使用git rebase -i HEAD~2(因为edit 3.txt是倒数第2次提交),然后将edit 3.txt前的pick改为e保存退出后,继续执行下面步骤

修改3.txt文本内容,然后执行git add 3.txt后执行git commit --amend去修改信息,然后使用git rebase --continue即可

JiuWuyou@ABC MINGW64 /d/Code/gitopr (master|REBASE 1/2)
$ git add 3.txt

JiuWuyou@ABC MINGW64 /d/Code/gitopr (master|REBASE 1/2)
$ git commit --amend
[detached HEAD c1afb8d] edit 3.txt
 Date: Fri Oct 20 15:06:27 2023 +0800
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

JiuWuyou@ABC MINGW64 /d/Code/gitopr (master|REBASE 1/2)
$ git rebase --continue
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.

JiuWuyou@ABC MINGW64 /d/Code/gitopr (master)
$ git log
commit 4bdef431d96b06ccf128cc71647f77bfffc7bc9e (HEAD -> master)
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:42 2023 +0800

    add 4

commit c1afb8db039a9ca3f19862561fb282682ff51095
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 15:06:27 2023 +0800

    edit 3.txt



$ git log
commit 4bdef431d96b06ccf128cc71647f77bfffc7bc9e (HEAD -> master)
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:42 2023 +0800

    add 4

commit c1afb8db039a9ca3f19862561fb282682ff51095
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 15:06:27 2023 +0800

    edit 3.txt

commit 9a19efcb04106fbb029f84d7e5e36f8fabe5a763
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:09 2023 +0800

    add 3

假设我们要将add 4和edit 3.txt这两次提交合并,我们该怎么操作?

git rebase -i HEAD~2

再弹出的交互窗口中将add 4前的pick修改为s,如下

pick c1afb8d edit 3.txt
s 4bdef43 add 4


# This is a combination of 2 commits.
# This is the 1st commit message:

edit 3.txt

# This is the commit message #2:

add 4

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Date:      Fri Oct 20 15:06:27 2023 +0800
# interactive rebase in progress; onto 9a19efc
# Last commands done (2 commands done):
#    pick c1afb8d edit 3.txt
#    squash 4bdef43 add 4
# No commands remaining.
# You are currently rebasing branch 'master' on '9a19efc'.
# Changes to be committed:
#       modified:   3.txt
#       new file:   4.txt

使用git log查询如下,合并成功

$ git log
commit 60b3ebdd3cb11fbcba3aaa33911c13881532dce1 (HEAD -> master)
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 15:06:27 2023 +0800

    edit 3.txt

    add 4

commit 9a19efcb04106fbb029f84d7e5e36f8fabe5a763
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:09 2023 +0800

    add 3



假设我们要将edit 3.txt的提交内容与add 3合并,并丢弃edit 3.txt的提交信息,该如何操作?

git rebase -i HEAD~2


pick 9a19efc add 3
pick 60b3ebd edit 3.txt

# Rebase 7c628db..60b3ebd onto 7c628db (2 commands)


pick 9a19efc add 3
f 60b3ebd edit 3.txt

# Rebase 7c628db..60b3ebd onto 7c628db (2 commands)

保存退出后,使用git log查看发现edit 3.txt的提交信息消失,但edit 3.txt文本中的提交内容仍然保留着

$ git log
commit e43925beedb4520924d9996e3356040087531c3a (HEAD -> master)
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:35:09 2023 +0800

    add 3

commit 7c628dbc275b749e8a6d20cff13f33d55325dc07
Author: JiuWuyou 
Date:   Fri Oct 20 14:34:50 2023 +0800

    add 2 - new commit

exec 执行shell命令

git rebase -i HEAD~3
pick 7d28548 add 1
pick 7c628db add 2 - new commit
pick e43925b add 3

# Rebase 9d6189f..e43925b onto 9d6189f (3 commands)


x echo "execute print command....."
pick 7d28548 add 1
pick 7c628db add 2 - new commit
pick e43925b add 3

# Rebase 9d6189f..e43925b onto 9d6189f (3 commands)

保存退出,shell会打印“execute print command…”内容

$ git rebase -i HEAD~3
Executing: echo "execute print command....."
execute print command.....
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.




[1] git 重写历史


  1. 参考git rebase的压缩与变基 ↩︎
