
1. 早晨我们的身体需要大量的水来新陈代谢。如果睡眠充足的话,Caffeine并不是必需品。但是咖啡里的各种抗氧化剂确是对消炎和癌症有着很好的预防作用。吃一顿低碳水化合物,高蛋白的早餐来维持早上的能量,血糖和饱腹感。例如带甜味的大多会分解成糖,最终化为肚子上的脂肪来储藏。这种简单碳水化合物你需要避免摄入太多。这并不包括如果糖或者牛奶里自然产生的甜份。复合碳水化合物大多由淀粉和纤维组成,有面包,豆类,玉米,米饭,面条等。不同于各种碳水化合物,蛋白质在我们的肠胃吸收后会化为氨基酸,比糖分解的更慢,给予身体和大脑更多的能量和精力。通常建议每早摄入30克的蛋白质如以下:

Drink lots of water to wake your body and stay hydrated. Caffeine should not be an absolute must with enough sleep; however, coffee is also full of antioxidants which are good for inflammation and cancer. Have a low carbohydrate, but high protein breakfast. This is good for maintaining steady blood sugar and high energy level (fullness) thoughout the morning. For examples, simple carbohydrates are various form of sugars you should avoid, excluding the natrually occuring ones like fruits or milk. Complex carbohydrates are starches and fibers in the forms of bread, beans, corn, or rice. Proteins on the other end breaks down to amino acids instead of sugar after digestion, so it’s a longer lasting energy source. 30 grams of protein is recommanded for each morning like below:

3. 在地心引力作用在你的关节之前,早晨可以有适当的健身和拉伸。可是如果消耗过多的精力和体力则会得不偿失。

Exercise and stretch before gravity crushing on your joints again, but without draining too much energy for the morning.

4. 保证至少三个小时的高强度工作。高强度指的是用出一天最高的效率去做最最重要的事情,而并不只是比中等高一点点的强度。随着年龄的增长,身体允许我们进入“心流” 的时间会越来越少。而且,我们也要留出其他的时间来做一些更为重要的事情,比如家庭,学习,恢复,和创造。好的点子往往会萌生在放松的环境下,而很少是坐在电脑前一心专注的解决问题。人的恢复也非常重要,每一次的恢复其实都是在成长。OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) 的数据显示工作时间更少的国家在2017和2018年反而产生了更多的每小时GDP。(图1-1,1-2)图给予的现象趋势是人们将会工作更少的时间换来更高的效率。(图2-1,2-2)这里重点不是说不该努力工作,而是要怎么提要钩玄,一石千鸟。

Guarantee at least 3 hours of high quality work. Make it absolutely productive on the utmost important matter, rather than just above average productivity. The hours one can physically be in the ‘flow state’ will get less and less over the years. Plus, you need the other hours for ‘more important’ things like family, study, recovery and creativity. Genius ideas are more likely to occur in a relaxed fasion instead of sitting on a non-ergonomic computer chair while focusing on the problem. When you are getting high quality recovery, you are growing in all aspects. Statistics from the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) shows countries with fewer work hours are generating more GDP in 2017 and 2018 (graph 1–1 and 1–2). The trending phenomenon is that people are going to work less hours, yet generating more GDP per work hour (graph 2–1 and 2–2). After all this is not saying we should not struggle. The point is about scaling your work.



6. 以上图表的还有一个深义是让我们移花接木而不是薄利多销。以时计价的工作呈线性代数,永远无法像以成果计价那样曲线多维度增长财富。更有甚者,收入还会随着时间而减少,并被新人或者机器代替。

Another implication about above plots is getting paid on results not time. When time and money are linearly related, there will be no way to grow your wealth exponentially. Even worse, the line will plateau over time, leaveing you less income compared with time.

7. 让读书成为你早晨必有的习惯之一。多读书才能多想,多读书才能给自己制定更好的目标。

Make reading a habit in the morning and throughout the day. Reading powers greater goals.

8. 给今天定目标。想一想自己的梦想。这样可以帮助增强你的执行力,让早晨充满动力。记住没有人会比你自己更关注你是否成功!

Set specific goals for today. Think about dreams. This practice will hone your execution ability, and motivates you throughout the morning. Remember that no one cares about your success more than you do!

