
Sounds like a date to me 听起来像是和我约会

It matters to me 对我来说有关系

Push her down the stairs 把她推下楼

You can see where he’d have trouble 这就是他的问题所在了

I live across the hall,I’m away a lot 我就住在对面 我经常不在家

stop hitting on her 别再勾引她了

I wish I could but I don’t want to 我倒是希望能但是我不想

I’m such an idiot 我是个大白痴

I’m going through that right now, I’m such a mess 我现在碰到这种事儿了,我很纠结

This is the best thing that ever happened to you 这是你遇到的最好的事儿!

I know exactly how you feel 我完全了解你的感受

Other people are satisfied with staying where they are 其他人安逸与现状

He and she are going to raise the baby 他和她打算共同抚养孩子

Thank you for giving it back 谢谢你送还给我

Are you welling up?你热泪盈眶吗

Tears are welling up in her eyes 她热泪盈眶

The way he makes me feel about myself 他让我感受到了自我

You are attractive你很迷人

You finally get up courage to do it 你最终鼓起了勇气

You can mix and match whatever you want 你可以混搭着穿,随便你

Have you never done this before?你从未这样做过吗

Quit making up rules 别乱编规则了

She had the most amazing life 她的生活真是太丰富多彩了

How could you get involved with a woman like this?你怎么能和这种女人交往?

Instead you wait until they send you a notice等到他们催你通知单

This is a big break for me这对于我来说是个重大突破

Look at how happy they are 你看它们多开心

The entire city is blacked out全城大停电

The doctor says it’s a matter of hours 医生说只剩下几个小时了

I’m glad you’re here 真高兴你们能来

Which is actually why I took this job 这实际是我在这儿干的原因

actor slash model 演员兼模特

You can put it on the table 放在桌子上就行了

Three kinds of potatoes coming up  第三种吃法出现

The most unbelievable thing has happened 刚才发生了一件最不可思议的事儿

Does anybody care what kind of potatoes I want?有谁关心过我要哪种土豆吗?

Make a wish 许个愿

2022年1月20日 第10集

We make a pact咱们定个协议

She was the most beautiful woman that he’d ever seen in his life 她是他见过最美的女人

I thought she had a hard quality 我觉得她有种强硬特质.

Come here and sit here 来这儿,坐这儿

She’s gonna break the pact她要违反规定了

You put your arms around me 你抱住我

2022年1月21日 第11集

Do you think he’s doing any better than he was this morning 你觉得他现在比起早上来好点没有

See what happens when you break the code 看这就是破坏规矩的下场

I’d like to start a song and that’s about a man I recently met who’s come to be very important to me 我想以一首歌开场 是关于我最近认识了一个男人,他对于我来说很重要

I promise it will never happen again我保证不会再发生这种事儿

2022年1月22日 第12集

We haven’t known each other for a long time 我们还没有经过足够长的时间来了解对方

He’s gorgeous and he’s charming 他真的好帅而且迷人

I really hate you for what you did for her 我很讨厌你对她的所作所为

You deserve so much better than him 你理应得到比他更好的人

I don’t even want to be near another guy 我甚至不想靠近任何一个男人

I just need to be by myself for a while 我只想先单身一阵子

I just got to figure out what I want 我只是想弄清楚我到底想要什么


You are so much cuter than your pictures 你比照片上帅多了

I don’t care how old you are, as long as you are under my roof you are gonna live by my rules 我不管你多大年龄,只要你在我这儿,一切都要听我的

Do you remember how your father used to be?记得你爸以前的样子吗

Always yelling Nothing made him happy 总是大吼大叫 总是不开心

2022年1月26日 14集

It’s a really funny story how this happened 这件事儿说来好笑

Something deep in your soul calls me out你的内心深处不断呼唤我

The right person is waiting for you 那个对的人正在等你

It’s easy for you to say you found one already 你说得倒是轻松,你已经找到对的人

2022年1月27日 15集

I don’t know. that’s the thing I don’t know what I want to do 我不知道,问题就在于我不知道想做什么

I just know I’m not going to figure it out working there 我只是知道我在那儿工作下去就永远想不明白

You guys all know what you want to do 你们都知道你们想做什么

He’s not gonna hurt you 他不会伤害你的

You get me so hot  I want your lips on me now 你让我欲火焚身 我要你马上舔我

I need something more than a job我需要的不只是一份工作

I need something I really care about 我要的是我真正想要的

They’re drowning 他们快淹死了

I’ve waited seven years for an opportunity like this 这种机会我已经等了七年


You know the thing what we talk about each other about things 你知道我们彼此之间无话不说的吧

What does this mean? We’ll be laying off people in every department 这代表什么 每个部门都得裁员

Listen the reason that I called you in here today was听着 我今天叫你来这儿的原因是

I can’t believe you haven’t told that girl she doesn’t have a job 我真的不敢相信 你还没有告诉她她失业了

You don’t have to knock anymore 你不用再敲门了

I guess you never know what’s going on inside a person's head 看来人们永远无法了解他人心中所想

They give me really strange looks 他们奇奇怪怪的看着我

They are jealous of us 他们在嫉妒我们

You are one of the most caring most responsible men 你是最细心最有责任感的男人

All of the sudden you grabbed my finger with you me whole fist 你突然用拳头紧抓住我的手指

And you squeezed it so tight 紧紧握住我的手指

I use my breasts to get other people’s attention 我用胸部吸引别人的注意

Let me check and see if she’s here 让我看看她在不在

We forgot to sign one of the admissions forms 我们忘了在入院表格上签名

2022年2月7日 17集

Fill this out and bring it back to me 调好资料后拿给我

What have we learned so far?目前为止我们学习了什么

What the hell are you doing ?you scared the crap out me 你们在干什么?把我吓死了

You were this ugly little red thing 你当时是个红彤彤的小丑娃

2022年2月8日 18集

I want someone who does something for me who gets my heart pounding 我要一个能让我有感觉,能让我心跳加速的人

If you are gonna play pocker with me don’t expect me to be a nice guy 如果想和我玩牌,就别指望我做个好人

I might have had feelings for her at one time 或许我曾经对她有爱意

Could we please listen to anything else?我们能听点儿别的吗

We have same taste in clothes 我们对服饰有相同品味

Look how happy she is 看她多开心


Why is the air in here so negative?为何一片愁云惨淡

All I asked you to do was keep him in here 我唯一的要求就是别让他跑出去

I shouldn’t have had you start with a monkey 我就不应该让你从照顾猴子开始

If they find him they’ll take him away from me 如果他们找到它,他们会带它走

That was a complete misunderstanding 这完全是个误会

You have no idea who I am 你们根本不知道我是谁

We are having an emergency 我们有急事

This is ridiculous we’ve been all over the neighborhood 太荒谬了,我们问遍了所有的邻居

Give me my monkey back 把我的猴子还给我

You can send it back whenever 你随时都可以送回来

Are you in the mood for something grape?有心情喝杯葡萄酒吗

2022年4月28日 21集

You can come up to the front and dance with me. 你可以来前面和我搭档

It was my credit card you were using你之前用的是我的信用卡

2022年5月2日 23集

I'm paying you to stop我付钱是请你别唱了

why won't I be married when I'm 40?我为何到40岁还没有结婚?

I'm trying to get a person out of my body here.我努力想把一个人从身体生出来

There's a lot of things Carol never did before I came along 我还没有出现之前卡萝有很多事没做过

Don't make me do this again! I don't like my voice like this! 别再让我这么做了,我不喜欢我的声音像这样

It's hard enough to get women to go out with me. 要找女人跟我约会很难


I have a message for you.我有消息告诉你

Don't give me that deep freeze不要给我脸色看

I can't believe you'd rather go out with him than me. 我难以相信你跟他约会而不是跟我

You and I both know we are perfect for each other. 你我都知道我们是天生的一对
