HotReload for unity支持的代码修改

HotReload for unity支持的代码修改



  1. 支持在运行的时候修改异步,同步,重命名方法,修改方法参数,返回值,out,ref,访问修饰符,更改任何方法的返回类型,包括实例方法、静态方法、属性、事件、索引器、泛型方法等。
  2. 支持修改字段的任何信息。
  3. 可以修改部分携程中的方法,可以修改Invoke中的方法,可以修改InvokeRepeating 中的方法
  4. 不支持在运行的时候新建变量
  5. 不支持在运行的时候创建新的Class 新的结构
  6. 不支持添加/编辑枚举
  7. 不支持
    已执行的异步方法不会进行修补 - 仅新的调用将使用更新后的逻辑
    支持动态生成的代码,例如Unity Multiplayer hl-api、Photon、Bolt、Mirror等库生成的代码

支持的语法Supported Features

  • Editing functions in monobehaviours, normal classes or static classes
    You can edit the body of the function in any way that is valid C#. We recompile the whole function, so it works the same as you’re already used to.(可以直接修改MonoBehaviours、普通类或静态类中编辑函数中的函数)

  • Editing lambda methods
    If you modify a lambda, we hot-reload the existing lambda. So for example, store a lambda in a static field during startup, and then edit the lambda without running startup code, your change to the lambda will still apply immediately.(可以编辑Lambda 方法)

  • Editing lambda methods with closures
    If you use an outside variable inside your lambda, your lambda will work as usual. If you use a new outside variable, then your lambda will be hot-reloaded only when you create it again. for example the lambda in Array.Sort(() => …) is recreated every time you run the code, so it will always work as expected.(支持闭包的 Lambda 方法的编辑)

  • Editing async/await methods(支持:编辑异步/等待方法)

  • Editing properties (get/set)(编辑属性(get/set))

  • Editing events (add/remove)(编辑事件(add/remove))

  • Editing indexers (square bracket access such as dictionaries)(支持编辑索引器(方括号访问,如字典))

  • Editing operators methods (explicit and implicit operators)(编辑运算符方法(显式和隐式运算符))

  • Editing conversion operators methods such as == and +=(编辑转换运算符方法(如==和+=))

  • Adding/Editing/Removing constructors of classes(加/编辑/删除类的构造函数)

  • Adding/Editing/Removing local functions(添加/编辑/删除本地函数)

  • Changing a method from async to sync, or from sync to async(将方法从异步改为同步,或从同步改为异步)

  • Deleting any methods, properties, fields, class(删除任何方法、属性、字段或类)

  • Adding/editing/removing using directives. E.g. Using UnityEngine(添加/编辑/删除 using 指令(例如:using UnityEngine))

  • Adding/Editing variable initializers. E.g. private int x = 1 in a class
    E.g. int myField = 10. Do note that variables are only initialized when you create a new class instance. We don’t re-run variable initializers for already instantiated classes, as it could break existing code.(添加/编辑变量初始化程序。 例如,类中的私有整数 x = 1。
    例如,整数 myField = 10。请注意,变量仅在创建新类实例时进行初始化。不会为已经实例化的类重新运行变量初始化程序,因为这可能会破坏现有的代码。不可以在运行的时候创建变量)

  • Use of newer C# syntax. Switch expressions, using statements, pattern matching, null coalescing statements, etc. By default, we support all syntax supported by the C# compiler.(支持C#的所有语法)

  • Adding/removing attributes. Note that your code will compile, but System.Reflection won’t pick up on the attribute changes.(添加/移除属性。请注意,您的代码将会编译,但System.Reflection不会捕获属性的更改)

  • Use of nullable anywhere(在任何地方使用可为 null 类型)

  • Adding new methods (添加新方法)

  • Adding, editing, deleting parameters in methods (添加、编辑、删除方法中的参数)

  • Changing the return type of any method. Includes instance, static, properties, events, indexers, generics, etc. (更改任何方法的返回类型,包括实例方法、静态方法、属性、事件、索引器、泛型方法等)

  • Changing accessibility, E.g. changing a method from private to public (更改方法的可访问性,例如,将方法从私有改为公共)

  • Static keyword changes, eg making a method static (更改静态关键字,例如使方法成为静态方法)

  • Renaming methods (重命名方法)

  • Editing generic methods just like normal methods (编辑泛型方法,与普通方法一样)

  • Adding/editing/deleting generic parameters (添加/编辑/删除泛型参数)

  • Adding/editing/deleting the constraint clause of a generic method (E.g. where T : class, new()) (添加/编辑/删除泛型方法的约束子句(例如,where T:class, new()))

  • Adding/replacing/deleting ref, out, in modifiers on arguments (在参数上添加/替换/删除 ref、out、in 修饰符)

  • Editing code marked with [BurstCompile] (编辑带有 [BurstCompile] 标记的代码)

  • Attaching a debugger to modified code in the Unity Editor, including burst compiled code (在Unity编辑器中将调试器附加到已修改的代码,包括 Burst 编译的代码)

  • Attaching a debugger to a Unity Player (On-Device). Supports all code edits just like in the Unity Editor (在Unity Player(设备上)中将调试器附加到已修改的代码,支持与Unity编辑器中一样的代码编辑)

  • Partial coroutine support - changes do apply to newly created coroutines, but ongoing ones won’t update yet (部分协程支持 - 对新创建的协程应用更改,但正在运行的协程尚未更新)

Features on the Roadmap(计划实现)

If you’re using or considering a Business license, and one of these is very important to you, let us know and we’ll prioritize it.

  • Adding, editing, removing fields
  • Adding new classes/structs
  • Adding, editing, removing constructors of structs
  • Adding/editing enums
  • Editing generic class methods
  • Editing variable initializers in partial types
  • Editing a method with return type dynamic, or one of the arguments using dynamic
  • Editing a method body with anonymous types
  • Adding or removing one of the following method keywords: partial, abstract, virtual, override, extern
  • Deleting the constructor of a class doesn’t remove the constructor logic. As a workaround, consider leaving an empty constructor instead of deleting it, and maybe delete the constructor on the next full recompile.
  • Async method that are already executing are not patched - only new invocations will use the updated logic
  • Supporting editing code dynamically generated by libraries like Unity Multiplayer hl-api, Photon, Bolt, Mirror
  • Adding C# files
  • Applying changes to ongoing coroutines

Always Requires a Full Recompile(需要完全编译的东西)

  • Adding, modifying, deleting .asmdef files. Note that scripts inside assembly definitions are supported as you’d expect, only modifications to the .asmdef file itself require a full recompile
  • Modifying define symbols, or other things in .csproj or .sln files
