DRTT Forum & Global Summit on S&T and innovation was opened

2018年5月26日,由国务院发展研究中心指导,国研智库、高博智融集团承办的:“国研智库论坛·2018 全球科技创新发展与合作交流峰会”于北京友谊宾馆瑞宾楼盛大开幕!来自中央部委、地方政府、各级智库、金融投资机构、科技创新企业、媒体等共300 余人济济一堂,共襄行业盛事。

On May 26th, 2018, Development ResearchThink Tank Forum of China and Global Summit 2018 for Development andCooperation Exchanges on Science, Technology and Innovation, guided byDevelopment and Research Center of the State Council and organized by DRTT andChinagoub Intellectual Finance Group, was grandly opened at Ruibin Building ofBeijing Friendship Hotel. Altogether 300 people from central governmentalministries, local governments, think tanks of all levels, financial andinvestment institutions, science & technology innovation enterprises andmedia gathered together and witnessed the spectacular event.


GuoqiangLong, Deputy Director of DRC, Yueyang Bao, Chairman of DRTT, Kehong Xie,Chairman of Chinagoub Intellectual Finance Group, Ping Huang, Director of ChinaInternational Technology Transfer Center, Jingdun Jia, Director of China RuralTechnology Development Center, Huadong Tang, Deputy Director of the AdvisoryOffice of the State Council, Yida Wang, Inspector of Research Office ofMinistry of Finance, Wenqiang Liu, Vice President of CCID under Ministry ofIndustry and Information Technology, delivered speeches centering around thetheme of “Science & Technology + Finance Accelerating InternationalExchanges and Cooperation, Contributing to Modernized Economic System”.Approximately 40 authoritative media covering paper, TV and broadcasting mediaas well as network and mobile terminals, conducted comprehensive and follow-upreports.


GuoqiangLong, Deputy Director of DRC, delivered an important speech.


GuoqiangLong, Deputy Director of DRC, delivered an important speech from the followingsix aspects.

1.International cooperation and independent innovation;

2.Technology R&D and industry ecology;

3.Intellectualproperty protection and knowledge dissemination;

4.Different industrial parties equally participate in national innovationprogramme;

5.Data flow and information security;

6.Deal with the relationship between government and market in innovation.


GuoqiangLong stressed that the whole nation focused on science & technology innovation, industrial transformation and upgrading, and “Belt and Road Initiative”. Conversion to high-quality economic development needs to do a good job in the six points mentioned above, fully grasping the “degree” of innovation and taking down-to-earth attitude to implement every segment.


YueyangBao, Chairman of DRTT, delivered the opening and keynote speech.


YueyangBao, Chairman of DRTT, delivered an opening speech, making an interpretation onthe major national science & technology strategic decision that innovationdrives development and we shall promote independent innovation and develophigh-tech industries, especially focusing on setting up new domestic andoverseas cooperation platform in the field of forging “Belt and Road” urbanregional economy and science & technology, promoting deep communicationwith relative countries and regions on new technologies.


KehongXie, Chairman of Chinagoub Intellectual Finance Group, delivered a speech onsite.


KehongXie, Chairman of Chinagoub Intellectual Finance Group noted that we shallconform to the new situation in which the state makes the deployment of havingindustries lead forefront technologies as guidance, frequently establishesplatforms for international technology transfer, technological achievementtransformation and technological finance, introduces excellent technologicalinnovation projects in a wider range, providing omnipotent system incorporatingmany resources serving science & technology enterprises and theirtechnological achievement development and innovation. We shall depictinnovative and open development new vision together with all the othercountries in the world, jointly witnessing perfect integration of science &technology and finance.


Theforum is made up of opening speeches, blue paper launching ceremony,international high-tech innovation achievement release and closing conclusion.During the process, Yanqing Wang, Vice President of DRTT, chaired launchingceremony of China International S&T Cooperation and Innovation Index BluePaper 2018, Shiyu Zhang, President of DRTT, made a closing and summarizationremark.


Foreignproject representatives were listening attentively to the forum report.


ChinagoubIntellectual Finance Group, which provides one-stop whole industry chainservices composed of intellectual property + technological finance + Yucheng acceleration+ international technology transfer, collaborated with DRTT to host the forum.International science & technology Yucheng acceleration platform, jointlyforged by the two strong parties, provided the unprecedented opportunity forindustry professionals to access to the global forefront technologies,releasing 7 amazing innovative projects coming from UK, EU, Canada, Australiaand China.


The 7 projectsown leading technologies and industrialized development foundation with acertain scale, drawing extensive attention from the audience on site. Financialinstitutions such as Cybernaut, Lianxun Securities and Zhonghai RuanyinInvestment expressed great interest in the projects, asked related questions tothe speechmakers and reached initial cooperation intention on some of theprojects.


The photoof staff of Chinagoub Intellectual Finance Group which is organizer of the summit.


The participatingguests suggested that the Goub Group further play the advantages in experienceof being engaged in the industry for 20 years from now on, strengthen IPprotection, make better use of international innovation resources, attract moreinnovation projects like the scale of this forum, doing a good job in promotingnational science & technology innovation decisions and healthy developmentof economy and society.

你可能感兴趣的:(DRTT Forum & Global Summit on S&T and innovation was opened)