
奥斯卡·辛德勒(Oskar Schindler)(1908-1974)

奥斯卡·辛德勒(Oskar Schindler)1939年加入纳粹党时是一位居住在捷克斯洛伐克的德国人。当年晚些时候德国入侵波兰时,他移居克拉科夫,接管了两家制造公司,并且像那里的许多其他商人一样,靠廉价劳动力 —来自克拉科夫贫民窟的犹太人—发了大财。 辛德勒开始目睹德国人在犹太人区杀害并驱逐犹太人后,便将他们从工厂转移到安全地区。后来,他获得了德国人的许可,不仅将他的工人,而且将其他犹太人也迁到他的祖国捷克斯洛伐克。 随着时间的流逝,辛德勒的职业发生了变化,直到最终拯救犹太人成为他的头等大事。 他以工厂为掩护,拯救了越来越多的犹太人,并使自己的生命处于危险之中,以确保受保护者的安全。 有一次,当一列载有一千多名犹太人的火车驶往捷克斯洛伐克的新工厂时,它被意外转移到奥斯威辛集中营。 辛德勒通过向纳粹提供了钻石和黄金,以确保他所照顾的人安全。 最终,辛德勒拯救了1200名犹太人免于灭绝,如今,全世界有超过七千名辛德勒所救的犹太人的后裔活着,通过他的举动,辛德勒在面对无法形容的恐怖时成为了人类正直,爱心,善良和同情心的生动榜样。他之所以被称为“不可能的英雄”,不仅是因为前半生没有任何东西可以说明他的英勇事迹,而且还因为他是一个平凡的人,却作出不凡的事情。 他的一生证明了我们都被呼召将我们的信仰付诸实践的事实,有时甚至以最出乎意料,大胆和勇敢的方式付诸行动。

Oskar Schindler (1908 - 1974)

Oskar Schindler was a German living in Czechoslovakia when he joined the Nazi party in 1939. When Germany invaded Poland later that same year, he moved to Krakow and took over two manufacturing companies and, like many other businessmen there, made his fortune using cheap labor — Jews from the Krakow ghetto. When he began to witness the Germans killing and deporting Jews in the ghetto, Oskar was moved to transfer the Jewish workers from his factory to a safe place. Later, he received permission from the Germans to move not only his workers but other Jews as well to his native land of Czechoslovakia. Over time, Schindler’s occupation changed, until ultimately the rescue of the Jews became his top priority. Using the factory as cover, he saved more and more Jews, putting his own life in danger to ensure the safety of those in his protection. At one point, when a train carrying more than one thousand Jews was on its way to a new factory site in Czechoslovakia, it was accidentally diverted to Auschwitz. Schindler offered the Nazis diamonds and gold to make sure those in his care reached safety. Ultimately, Schindler saved twelve hundred Jews from extermination, and today there are more than seven thousand descendants of the Schindler Jews living all over the world. Through his actions, Schindler was a living example of the reality of human decency, love, goodness, and compassion in the face of unspeakable horror. He has been called an unlikely hero, not only because nothing in his prior life suggested the extent of his heroic deeds but also because he was an ordinary man who did extraordinary things. His life is a testament to the fact that we are all called to put our faith into action, sometimes in the most unexpected, bold, and courageous ways.
