# cd到 logstash解压文件的bin目录下
PS C:\Users\hs> cd D:\lihua\ELK\logstash-7.15.1-windows-x86_64\logstash-7.15.1\bin
# logstash -f 指定配置文件的路径
PS D:\lihua\ELK\logstash-7.15.1-windows-x86_64\logstash-7.15.1\bin> .\logstash -f D:\lihua\iot\iot-engine\code\hx-iot-engine-starter\src\main\resources\logstash.conf
用于存储您不想包含在输出事件中的内容的特殊字段。例如,该@metadata 字段可用于创建用于条件语句的临时字段。
filter {
mutate { add_field => { "show" => "This data will be in the output" } }
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][test]" => "Hello" } }
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][no_show]" => "This data will not be in the output" } }
"@timestamp" => 2016-06-30T02:46:48.565Z,
# 被@metadata修饰的字段(field)是不会流入到output里面的。也就是这个字段是临时的字段,生命周期只存在filter 阶段
"@metadata" => {
"test" => "Hello",
"no_show" => "This data will not be in the output"
"@version" => "1",
"host" => "example.com",
"show" => "This data will be in the output",
"message" => "asdf"
注意:mutate { add_field => { “[@metadata][test]” => “Hello” } } 中 field的name为[@metadata][test],你引用的时候不能写[test],需要写成[@metadata][test]
一个事件属性。例如,apache 访问日志中的每个事件都有属性,例如状态代码(200、404)、请求路径(“/”、“index.html”)、HTTP 动词(GET、POST)、客户端 IP 地址、等等。Logstash 使用术语“字段”来指代这些属性。
input {
file { add_field => { "show" => "This data will be in the output" } }
filter {
mutate { add_field => { "show" => "这个字段可以流入output" } }
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][test]" => "Hello" } }
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][no_show]" => "这个字段是临时的,不能流入output" } }
1、三种类型的插件【input、filter、output】都能创建field ,只要具体插件中提供了add_field这个配置选项。
2、当创建的field 已经存在,那么会将这个field 转换成数组类型,并插入一个元素。如下:
字段引用通常用方 ( [] ) 括号括起来,例如[fieldname]。如果您指的是顶级字段,则可以省略[]并仅使用字段名称。要引用嵌套字段,请指定该字段的完整路径:[top-level field][nested field]
filter {
# 如果字段foo 在字段foobar中
if [foo] in [foobar] {
# 向tag数组添加"field in field"这个元素
mutate { add_tag => "field in field" }
if [foo] in "foo" {
mutate { add_tag => "field in string" }
if "hello" in [greeting] {
mutate { add_tag => "string in field" }
if [foo] in ["hello", "world", "foo"] {
mutate { add_tag => "field in list" }
if [missing] in [alsomissing] {
mutate { add_tag => "shouldnotexist" }
if !("foo" in ["hello", "world"]) {
mutate { add_tag => "shouldexist" }
注意:[foo] 本身可以判断是否存在foo 这个字段,例如:
output {
# 如果[loglevel]不为空,并且[loglevel]的值为 "ERROR"
if [loglevel] and [loglevel] == "ERROR" {
pagerduty {
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [""]
index => "jmqttlogs-%{type}-%{logger}-%{loglevel}-%{+YYYY.MM}"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
对事件字段的引用。此引用可能出现在 Logstash 配置文件的输出块或过滤器块中。字段引用通常用方 ( [] ) 括号括起来,例如[fieldname]。如果您指的是顶级字段,则可以省略[]并仅使用字段名称。要引用嵌套字段,请指定该字段的完整路径:[top-level field][nested field]
可以认为概念与field 一致
从特定来源读取事件数据的 Logstash插件。输入插件是 Logstash 事件处理管道的第一阶段。流行的输入插件包括 file、syslog、redis 和 beats。
input {
# file输入插件
# 插件提供的配置项 ,具体配置项可以查看官网
path => ["/jmqttlogs/*.log","/jmqttlogs/"]
type => "test"
exclude => ["brokerLog.log","remotingLog.log"]
#beats 输入插件
beats {
# 插件提供的配置项 ,具体配置项可以查看官网
port => 5044
# tcp输入插件
tcp {
# 插件提供的配置项 ,具体配置项可以查看官网
port => 12345
codec => json
logstash 为我们提供了以下输入插件:
Plugin |
Description |
Github repository |
azure_event_hubs |
Receives events from Azure Event Hubs |
azure_event_hubs |
beats |
Receives events from the Elastic Beats framework |
logstash-input-beats |
cloudwatch |
Pulls events from the Amazon Web Services CloudWatch API |
logstash-input-cloudwatch |
couchdb_changes |
Streams events from CouchDB’s |
logstash-input-couchdb_changes |
dead_letter_queue |
read events from Logstash’s dead letter queue |
logstash-input-dead_letter_queue |
elastic_agent |
Receives events from the Elastic Agent framework |
logstash-input-beats (shared) |
elasticsearch |
Reads query results from an Elasticsearch cluster |
logstash-input-elasticsearch |
exec |
Captures the output of a shell command as an event |
logstash-input-exec |
file |
Streams events from files |
logstash-input-file |
ganglia |
Reads Ganglia packets over UDP |
logstash-input-ganglia |
gelf |
Reads GELF-format messages from Graylog2 as events |
logstash-input-gelf |
generator |
Generates random log events for test purposes |
logstash-input-generator |
github |
Reads events from a GitHub webhook |
logstash-input-github |
google_cloud_storage |
Extract events from files in a Google Cloud Storage bucket |
logstash-input-google_cloud_storage |
google_pubsub |
Consume events from a Google Cloud PubSub service |
logstash-input-google_pubsub |
graphite |
Reads metrics from the |
logstash-input-graphite |
heartbeat |
Generates heartbeat events for testing |
logstash-input-heartbeat |
http |
Receives events over HTTP or HTTPS |
logstash-input-http |
http_poller |
Decodes the output of an HTTP API into events |
logstash-input-http_poller |
imap |
Reads mail from an IMAP server |
logstash-input-imap |
irc |
Reads events from an IRC server |
logstash-input-irc |
java_generator |
Generates synthetic log events |
core plugin |
java_stdin |
Reads events from standard input |
core plugin |
jdbc |
Creates events from JDBC data |
logstash-integration-jdbc |
jms |
Reads events from a Jms Broker |
logstash-input-jms |
jmx |
Retrieves metrics from remote Java applications over JMX |
logstash-input-jmx |
kafka |
Reads events from a Kafka topic |
logstash-integration-kafka |
kinesis |
Receives events through an AWS Kinesis stream |
logstash-input-kinesis |
log4j |
Reads events over a TCP socket from a Log4j |
logstash-input-log4j |
lumberjack |
Receives events using the Lumberjack protocl |
logstash-input-lumberjack |
meetup |
Captures the output of command line tools as an event |
logstash-input-meetup |
pipe |
Streams events from a long-running command pipe |
logstash-input-pipe |
puppet_facter |
Receives facts from a Puppet server |
logstash-input-puppet_facter |
rabbitmq |
Pulls events from a RabbitMQ exchange |
logstash-integration-rabbitmq |
redis |
Reads events from a Redis instance |
logstash-input-redis |
relp |
Receives RELP events over a TCP socket |
logstash-input-relp |
rss |
Captures the output of command line tools as an event |
logstash-input-rss |
s3 |
Streams events from files in a S3 bucket |
logstash-input-s3 |
s3-sns-sqs |
Reads logs from AWS S3 buckets using sqs |
logstash-input-s3-sns-sqs |
salesforce |
Creates events based on a Salesforce SOQL query |
logstash-input-salesforce |
snmp |
Polls network devices using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) |
logstash-input-snmp |
snmptrap |
Creates events based on SNMP trap messages |
logstash-input-snmptrap |
sqlite |
Creates events based on rows in an SQLite database |
logstash-input-sqlite |
sqs |
Pulls events from an Amazon Web Services Simple Queue Service queue |
logstash-input-sqs |
stdin |
Reads events from standard input |
logstash-input-stdin |
stomp |
Creates events received with the STOMP protocol |
logstash-input-stomp |
syslog |
Reads syslog messages as events |
logstash-input-syslog |
tcp |
Reads events from a TCP socket |
logstash-input-tcp |
Reads events from the Twitter Streaming API |
logstash-input-twitter |
udp |
Reads events over UDP |
logstash-input-udp |
unix |
Reads events over a UNIX socket |
logstash-input-unix |
varnishlog |
Reads from the |
logstash-input-varnishlog |
websocket |
Reads events from a websocket |
logstash-input-websocket |
wmi |
Creates events based on the results of a WMI query |
logstash-input-wmi |
xmpp |
Receives events over the XMPP/Jabber protocol |
logstash-input-xmpp |
注意:这里的input plugin、filter plugin、output plugin 虽然叫做插件,但是他们并不需要我们额外安装,logstash已经集成了他们。
对事件执行中间处理的 Logstash插件。通常,过滤器在通过输入摄取事件数据后,通过根据配置规则对数据进行变异、丰富和/或修改来对事件数据进行处理。过滤器通常根据事件的特征有条件地应用。流行的过滤器插件包括 grok、mutate、drop、clone 和 geoip。过滤阶段是可选的。
logstash 为我们提供了以下过滤插件:
Plugin |
Description |
Github repository |
age |
Calculates the age of an event by subtracting the event timestamp from the current timestamp |
logstash-filter-age |
aggregate |
Aggregates information from several events originating with a single task |
logstash-filter-aggregate |
alter |
Performs general alterations to fields that the |
logstash-filter-alter |
bytes |
Parses string representations of computer storage sizes, such as "123 MB" or "5.6gb", into their numeric value in bytes |
logstash-filter-bytes |
cidr |
Checks IP addresses against a list of network blocks |
logstash-filter-cidr |
cipher |
Applies or removes a cipher to an event |
logstash-filter-cipher |
clone |
Duplicates events |
logstash-filter-clone |
csv |
Parses comma-separated value data into individual fields |
logstash-filter-csv |
date |
Parses dates from fields to use as the Logstash timestamp for an event |
logstash-filter-date |
de_dot |
Computationally expensive filter that removes dots from a field name |
logstash-filter-de_dot |
dissect |
Extracts unstructured event data into fields using delimiters |
logstash-filter-dissect |
dns |
Performs a standard or reverse DNS lookup |
logstash-filter-dns |
drop |
Drops all events |
logstash-filter-drop |
elapsed |
Calculates the elapsed time between a pair of events |
logstash-filter-elapsed |
elasticsearch |
Copies fields from previous log events in Elasticsearch to current events |
logstash-filter-elasticsearch |
environment |
Stores environment variables as metadata sub-fields |
logstash-filter-environment |
extractnumbers |
Extracts numbers from a string |
logstash-filter-extractnumbers |
fingerprint |
Fingerprints fields by replacing values with a consistent hash |
logstash-filter-fingerprint |
geoip |
Adds geographical information about an IP address |
logstash-filter-geoip |
grok |
Parses unstructured event data into fields |
logstash-filter-grok |
http |
Provides integration with external web services/REST APIs |
logstash-filter-http |
i18n |
Removes special characters from a field |
logstash-filter-i18n |
java_uuid |
Generates a UUID and adds it to each processed event |
core plugin |
jdbc_static |
Enriches events with data pre-loaded from a remote database |
logstash-integration-jdbc |
jdbc_streaming |
Enrich events with your database data |
logstash-integration-jdbc |
json |
Parses JSON events |
logstash-filter-json |
json_encode |
Serializes a field to JSON |
logstash-filter-json_encode |
kv |
Parses key-value pairs |
logstash-filter-kv |
memcached |
Provides integration with external data in Memcached |
logstash-filter-memcached |
metricize |
Takes complex events containing a number of metrics and splits these up into multiple events, each holding a single metric |
logstash-filter-metricize |
metrics |
Aggregates metrics |
logstash-filter-metrics |
mutate |
Performs mutations on fields |
logstash-filter-mutate |
prune |
Prunes event data based on a list of fields to blacklist or whitelist |
logstash-filter-prune |
range |
Checks that specified fields stay within given size or length limits |
logstash-filter-range |
ruby |
Executes arbitrary Ruby code |
logstash-filter-ruby |
sleep |
Sleeps for a specified time span |
logstash-filter-sleep |
split |
Splits multi-line messages, strings, or arrays into distinct events |
logstash-filter-split |
syslog_pri |
Parses the |
logstash-filter-syslog_pri |
threats_classifier |
Enriches security logs with information about the attacker’s intent |
logstash-filter-threats_classifier |
throttle |
Throttles the number of events |
logstash-filter-throttle |
tld |
Replaces the contents of the default message field with whatever you specify in the configuration |
logstash-filter-tld |
translate |
Replaces field contents based on a hash or YAML file |
logstash-filter-translate |
truncate |
Truncates fields longer than a given length |
logstash-filter-truncate |
urldecode |
Decodes URL-encoded fields |
logstash-filter-urldecode |
useragent |
Parses user agent strings into fields |
logstash-filter-useragent |
uuid |
Adds a UUID to events |
logstash-filter-uuid |
wurfl_device_detection |
Enriches logs with device information such as brand, model, OS |
logstash-filter-wurfl_device_detection |
xml |
Parses XML into fields |
logstash-filter-xml |
将事件数据写入特定目的地的 Logstash插件。输出是事件管道的最后阶段。流行的输出插件包括 elasticsearch、file、graphite 和 statsd。
logstash 为我们提供了以下输出插件:
Plugin |
Description |
Github repository |
app_search |
Sends events to the Elastic App Search solution |
logstash-integration-elastic_enterprise_search |
boundary |
Sends annotations to Boundary based on Logstash events |
logstash-output-boundary |
circonus |
Sends annotations to Circonus based on Logstash events |
logstash-output-circonus |
cloudwatch |
Aggregates and sends metric data to AWS CloudWatch |
logstash-output-cloudwatch |
csv |
Writes events to disk in a delimited format |
logstash-output-csv |
datadog |
Sends events to DataDogHQ based on Logstash events |
logstash-output-datadog |
datadog_metrics |
Sends metrics to DataDogHQ based on Logstash events |
logstash-output-datadog_metrics |
dynatrace |
Sends events to Dynatrace based on Logstash events |
logstash-output-dynatrace |
elastic_app_search |
Sends events to the Elastic App Search solution |
logstash-integration-elastic_enterprise_search |
elastic_workplace_search |
Sends events to the Elastic Workplace Search solution |
logstash-integration-elastic_enterprise_search |
elasticsearch |
Stores logs in Elasticsearch |
logstash-output-elasticsearch |
Sends email to a specified address when output is received |
logstash-output-email |
exec |
Runs a command for a matching event |
logstash-output-exec |
file |
Writes events to files on disk |
logstash-output-file |
ganglia |
Writes metrics to Ganglia’s |
logstash-output-ganglia |
gelf |
Generates GELF formatted output for Graylog2 |
logstash-output-gelf |
google_bigquery |
Writes events to Google BigQuery |
logstash-output-google_bigquery |
google_cloud_storage |
Uploads log events to Google Cloud Storage |
logstash-output-google_cloud_storage |
google_pubsub |
Uploads log events to Google Cloud Pubsub |
logstash-output-google_pubsub |
graphite |
Writes metrics to Graphite |
logstash-output-graphite |
graphtastic |
Sends metric data on Windows |
logstash-output-graphtastic |
http |
Sends events to a generic HTTP or HTTPS endpoint |
logstash-output-http |
influxdb |
Writes metrics to InfluxDB |
logstash-output-influxdb |
irc |
Writes events to IRC |
logstash-output-irc |
java_stdout |
Prints events to the STDOUT of the shell |
core plugin |
juggernaut |
Pushes messages to the Juggernaut websockets server |
logstash-output-juggernaut |
kafka |
Writes events to a Kafka topic |
logstash-integration-kafka |
librato |
Sends metrics, annotations, and alerts to Librato based on Logstash events |
logstash-output-librato |
loggly |
Ships logs to Loggly |
logstash-output-loggly |
lumberjack |
Sends events using the |
logstash-output-lumberjack |
metriccatcher |
Writes metrics to MetricCatcher |
logstash-output-metriccatcher |
mongodb |
Writes events to MongoDB |
logstash-output-mongodb |
nagios |
Sends passive check results to Nagios |
logstash-output-nagios |
nagios_nsca |
Sends passive check results to Nagios using the NSCA protocol |
logstash-output-nagios_nsca |
opentsdb |
Writes metrics to OpenTSDB |
logstash-output-opentsdb |
pagerduty |
Sends notifications based on preconfigured services and escalation policies |
logstash-output-pagerduty |
pipe |
Pipes events to another program’s standard input |
logstash-output-pipe |
rabbitmq |
Pushes events to a RabbitMQ exchange |
logstash-integration-rabbitmq |
redis |
Sends events to a Redis queue using the |
logstash-output-redis |
redmine |
Creates tickets using the Redmine API |
logstash-output-redmine |
riak |
Writes events to the Riak distributed key/value store |
logstash-output-riak |
riemann |
Sends metrics to Riemann |
logstash-output-riemann |
s3 |
Sends Logstash events to the Amazon Simple Storage Service |
logstash-output-s3 |
sink |
Discards any events received |
core plugin |
sns |
Sends events to Amazon’s Simple Notification Service |
logstash-output-sns |
solr_http |
Stores and indexes logs in Solr |
logstash-output-solr_http |
sqs |
Pushes events to an Amazon Web Services Simple Queue Service queue |
logstash-output-sqs |
statsd |
Sends metrics using the |
logstash-output-statsd |
stdout |
Prints events to the standard output |
logstash-output-stdout |
stomp |
Writes events using the STOMP protocol |
logstash-output-stomp |
syslog |
Sends events to a |
logstash-output-syslog |
tcp |
Writes events over a TCP socket |
logstash-output-tcp |
timber |
Sends events to the Timber.io logging service |
logstash-output-timber |
udp |
Sends events over UDP |
logstash-output-udp |
webhdfs |
Sends Logstash events to HDFS using the |
logstash-output-webhdfs |
websocket |
Publishes messages to a websocket |
logstash-output-websocket |
workplace_search |
Sends events to the Elastic Workplace Search solution |
logstash-integration-elastic_enterprise_search |
xmpp |
Posts events over XMPP |
logstash-output-xmpp |
zabbix |
Sends events to a Zabbix server |
logstash-output-zabbix |
input {
# 指定文件路径,注意只能是绝对路径,不能是相对路径。这里有个细节,如果需要配置文件排除,那么必须给定一个文件夹路径。这个配置项是必须要写的
path => ["D:/lihua/javacode/jmqtt/iot-jmqtt/code/jmqttlogs/*.log","D:/lihua/javacode/jmqtt/iot-jmqtt/code/jmqttlogs/"]
# 这个是设置需要排除的文件,需要结合path使用。
exclude => ["brokerLog.log","remotingLog.log"]
# type这个配置是一个field,不是必须的,并且它的值没有具体要求,可以灵活设置
type => "test"
# 配置过滤器,可以过滤(处理、解析)input 输入的数据
filter {
# 解析日志的插件。具体使用后面介绍。
grok {
# 配置规则,这个规则可以通过官方提供的在线工具生成
match => { "message" => "(?%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601}) \[%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}\] (?[A-Za-z0-9$_.]+) – %{GREEDYDATA:messagebody}$" }
json {
# 指定需要解析哪个字段(field),解析后会将json里面的属性变成field
source => "messagebody"
# 数据转换插件,通常用来转换field的值,比如转换成小写
mutate {
# 将指定的字段转换成小写,注意:es的索引库的名字不能存在大写字母
lowercase => [ "logger","loglevel" ]
# 删除一些不需要的field和add_field配套,并且这两个配置项大多数插件都提供有。
remove_field => ["path","timestamp"]
# 配置输出
output {
# elasticsearch 输出插件,将日志输出到es中存储
elasticsearch {
# 配置es地址
hosts => [""]
# 配置索引库,如果这个索引库不存在那么会创建。注意索引库的名字不能存在大写字母
index => "jmqttlogs-%{type}-%{logger}-%{loglevel}-%{+YYYY.MM}"
# 控制台输出插件,配置了这个插件logstash的运行控制台才会输出调试日志
stdout { codec => rubydebug }