

英文 中文
Tavi Gevinson. 泰薇 盖文森
Malala Yousafzai. 马拉拉 优素福 扎伊
those people. 去他x的
Okay, fine. They're amazing. 好吧 他们很优秀
But that's the problem. 但问题就在这里
These guys set the bar so high, 这些人把标准抬得太高了
they put a ridiculous amount of pressure 他们给我们这代人
on the rest of my generation 带来了巨大的压力
to figure it all out before we hit 25, 我们要在25岁以前就要把未来规划明白
the pressure to graduate summa cum laude 要以最优等成绩毕业
or to have a million Instagram followers... 或者Instagram要有一百万粉丝
12 粉丝
1256 关注
13 粉丝
or to become the next Soundcloud superstar... 或者要成为下一个声云之星
...or the pressure to find the perfect internship 或者要找一份好实习
that will one day lead to the perfect job. 以便未来某天找到一份好工作
But as much pressure as we think we're under, 尽管我们觉得自己压力很大
it's nothing compared to college basketball players. 和大学篮球选手比起来不值一提

I'm Cash Mooney from Oakland, California, 我是来自加州奥克兰的Cash Mooney
and I can't wait to bring my game to the college level. 我已经等不及在大学级别的比赛中大展身手
Oh, American Cash Mooney. 哦 美国人Cash Mooney
What a move! He's as good as cash money! 干得漂亮 他就和现金一样棒
The number-one high-school player in the country... 国内第一高中篮球选手
...coming to a Division-I college near you. 将会加入你身边的 甲组院校
Wait. So, he asked for me to be his tutor? 等一下 所以说 他让我当他的导师
I'm just as shocked as you. 我也和你一样吃惊
Well, why does it have to be me? 为什么要选我
Don't you... Don't you have people for this? 你们不是已经有人了吗
Uh, yeah. You. 呃 是的 你啊
You signed up for the tutoring program. 你报名了导师项目
You must "Toot." 那你就要"导"啊
And remember Cal U's motto... 还记得宾州加大校训吗
"You do me a favor, I do you a favor." "互帮互助"
I thought it was, "Per Studia Mens Nova." 我记得是"常学常新"
Well, I thought it was, 我觉得应该是
"You asked me to write you a recommendation "你让我帮你写一封推荐信
for a Teen Vogue fellowship." 给时尚手册"
Uh, yes. 呃 是的
I mean, you can say it to yourself in Latin if that helps. 如果你想的话 你可以用拉丁语再说一遍
I don't know how to. 我不会说
...coming to a Division-I college near you. 将会加入你身边的甲组院校
My new student. 我的新学生
I can't believe Dean Parker's making you do this. 真不敢相信Parker院长使唤你做这个
Making her? Dude's insane. 使唤她 这人可厉害了
I saw a video of him dunking at 9 years old. 我看过他9岁灌篮的视频
Yeah, even I know that. 是啊 连我都知道
He's on the short list of black guys 他可是我爸允许和我约会的人选中
that my dad would be cool with me dating. 为数不多的黑人之一
- Okay, pause. Your dad has a list? - Yeah. - 等一下 你爸还有人选啊- 是啊
Um, Cash and Odell Beckham. 比如Cash和Odell Beckham
Kevin Hart was on it, Kevin Hart曾经也在上面
but then he got scratched off. 但是后来被划掉了
- Yeah. - Yeah. - 对- 对
- That makes sense. - You know what? - 有道理- 你知道吗
Guys, I get who Cash is. 朋友们 我知道Cash是谁
I just don't care about a basketball player. 我只是不关心一个篮球运动员
Right now, all I'm about is getting this fellowship. 现在 我脑子里全都是如何拿到这个实习
He needs to pass a class. 他要通过一门课程

I need a rec letter. 我需要一封推荐信
They're totally gonna bone. 他们肯定会上床
No, we're not. 不 不会的
I am off of guys for a minute, 我已经有一阵子对男人不感兴趣了
especially after the whole Aaron/Luca mess. 尤其是经历了Aaron和Luca的事之后
Hey, what the... 嘿 什么鬼
I know you ain't talking to this clown. 你不会在和这个小丑聊天吧
I'm the clown? Bro, you look like Willow Smith. 我是小丑 兄弟 你长得像Willow Smith
Guys. 两位
Yeah. You're wack. 你糟透了
Yeah, but Aaron and Luca are clowns compared to Cash Mooney. 没错 但Aaron和Luca与Cash Mooney相比就是小丑
Seriously. You don't see a 40-foot banner of Aaron's ducktail 说真的 要不怎么没见过40英尺印着Aaron小辫子造型的横幅
blocking the wheelchair ramp on the way into the library, 挡住进图书馆的轮椅通道呢
do you? 是吧
This is not about a guy. 这和谈恋爱无关
This is about getting a good rec from the Dean of Students 我只是为了从院长那里拿到一封推荐信
so I can lock down the flyest fellowship in town. 然后拿下城里最时髦的实习机会
You guys are ridiculous. 你们别搞笑了
You're ridiculous, bitch. 你才搞笑呢 臭婊子
My bad. I-I felt threatened. 我错了 我感觉被威胁了
I felt it too, girl. 我也觉得 姐妹
You have nothing to apologize for. 你不需要道歉
- Okay. - Yeah, just... - 行吧- 对 你就
My first study session with Cash 我和Cash的第一节课
wasn't off to a great start. 就进行得不太顺利
In fact, it never started. 事实上 他根本没来上
Yo, Zoey, where you going? 哟 Zoey 你要去哪儿
Where am I going? 我要去哪儿
Dude, you were an hour late. 大哥 你迟到了一个小时
I'm sorry. I had practice. 对不起 我有训练
Okay, look, I get that you're the king of Cal U 好的 听着 我知道你是宾州加大的明星
and I get that everyone loves you around here, 我也知道大家都喜欢你
but I don't need this. 但我不需要遭这个罪
You know, there's gotta be easier ways 肯定有更简单的方法
to get a recommendation letter, so I'm out. 拿到推荐信 所以我退出
Zoey, wait. Zoey 等一下
Oh, my God. 我的天
Seriously, stop. 说真的 停下
Dude, can you stop? Please! 朋友 你能停一下吗 拜托
This is not a good look. 这样可不好看
Campus security is gonna think I'm chasing you. 学校保安会以为我在追你
Because you are. 你确实在追我
Look, I-I'm sorry. 听着 我很抱歉
I had a rough night. 我度过了一个糟糕的晚上
Coach got in my ass about how I've been playing. 教练把我最近的表现骂的狗血淋头
I'm not sure if you heard, 我不知道你有没有听说
but my first couple of games didn't go so great. 但我前几场比赛打得不是很好
Probably because your cardio sucks. 可能是你的有氧运动太烂了
Zoey, I need you. Zoey 我需要你
I really need your help. 我真的需要你的帮助
You're probably just trying to run some stupid little game, 你可能想玩什么愚蠢的小把戏
and I'm not interested. 但我不感兴趣
There are a million other tutors. You don't need me. 学校里还有很多导师 你不需要我
Look, I'm gonna be honest with you. 听着 我跟你说实话
Did I ask for you because you're super cute? 我是因为你很可爱才选你的吗
Yes. 是的
But I knew if I had a pretty girl tutoring me, 但我知道如果我的导师是一位美女
I wouldn't want to look stupid. 我不想看上去很蠢
Look, I gotta pass this class, or I'm done. 听着 我必须通过这门课 不然我就完了
So, that's all it's about? 所以 你就是因为这个吗
You passing your class and me being stunning? 你想通过考试而我很迷人
Yes. 100%. 是的 百分之百
No creepy stuff. 没有奇怪的想法
Besides the fact that you just chased me right now. 除了你刚刚在追我
Besides chasing you. 除了追你
Okay. 好吧
We live in an almost world 我们活在几乎全部的世界
Where cellophane dreams disappear 玻璃纸的梦已经消失
Into the lost and found 在失物招领
Man, everything used to just click in high school. 天哪 高中的时候一切都很顺利
Then I get here, 然后我来到这里
and everybody's expecting me to be that dude. 所有人都希望我成为那个人
But I've been putting up bricks. 但我压力越来越大
Coach took away my spot, got all in my head. 教练把我的位置换了 我一直在想这件事
I can't find a rhythm anymore. 我找不到自己的节奏了
I get it. 我懂的
I mean, I ran my high school, 我是说 我高中的时候叱咤风云
and I thought I was gonna run this place, 我以为我在这里也会一样的
but it's... it's just so different, 但就是 差异太大了
trying to balance classes and friends and guys. 要平衡学业 交友和恋爱
Nothing comes easy. 没有简单二字
Oh, no, wait. 哦 不 等一下
There's one thing that's come easy... 有一件事倒是容易
my new nickname. 我的新外号
Can we get some cups? 我们能拿几个杯子吗
They're calling you the "Cup Bitch." 他们说你是"杯子婊"
- No. - Yes. - 不是吧- 是的
You're the Cup Bitch? 你就是那个杯子婊
- You've heard of me? - No way. - 你听说过我啊- 不是吧
Well, at least I have someone famous 至少有个名人
who's gonna help me ace this test. 来帮我考高分
Oh, slow down, cowboy. Ace it? 哦 等一下 兄弟 想考高分啊
Let's aim for a low "C" And just call it a win. 我们还是把目标定为C就可以了
Okay. I'm in. 行啊 我可以
What's, uh... What's... What's... What's up? 你 你 你 好吗
What's up, guys? 你们好吗
Yo. What's up, lil' man? 哟 你好吗 兄弟

