
Be a hard worker

Once, at a party I was watching, the host asked a little boy, what kind of person are you going to be when you grow up?  The boy looked at us entrepreneurs and said, "be an entrepreneur." The people present burst into applause with sudden laughter.

I thought, how much does this kid know about business? Is he influenced by adults, think that the entrepreneurial scene, are all rich people, to be an entrepreneur? All of this is, of course, a mystery. But anyway, as a person's life aspirations, I think what is not important; No matter who, the most important thing is to be determined to do a hard man from childhood.

I was asked the same question when I was a kid, and my answer was nothing more than being a teacher, a PLA man and a scientist. More than twenty years have passed by in a flash. But if you think about it, none of the aspirations I expressed in front of the adults in those days actually came to fruition.

Some people say that "effort" and "possession" are two views of life. But I think that the most beautiful scenery in life should be hard work. Effort is a mental state of life, is a bare feeling of life. Effort is the mother of possession, and possession is the child of effort. It is a great way to get to Rome with all one's efforts. Therefore, rather than stipulating what kind of person you must become and what you will gain, it is better to train yourself to be a hard worker. No matter how high one's ambition is, he will never stick to his ambition without efforts. There is no great goal, because hard work will find the direction of struggle. To be a person of effort, can be said to be the most practical goal of life, is the greatest state of life.

Many people become disheartened and eventually frustrated because they set themselves goals that are too high and too utilitarian, and they fail to succeed. The reason for this is often that too much attention is paid to own, and neglect to do a hard-working  man. For today's children, if we focus only on what they should be in the future, and do not put forward the character of will as a person's goal, we can only cultivate narrow, selfish, vulnerable and not high state people. Unfortunately, we haven't done that well.
