Unity 5.0入门

Now that Unity 5.0 is here, many of you have been asking what is actually in Unity 5.0 and how best to learn it. We have a few ways of getting up to speed with our new features, and some sample and demo content that will get you 5’ing in no time. Let’s dive in!

现在已经有了Unity 5.0 ,很多人都在问Unity 5.0到底是什么,以及如何最好地学习它。 我们有几种方法来加快我们的新功能的速度,还有一些示例和演示内容将使您立即获得5分。 让我们潜入吧!

Unity 5.0教程 (Unity 5.0 Tutorials)

Our Online Content Team has been busy creating a series of tutorials to get you up to speed with the headline features of Unity 5, so over in the Learn area, you’ll find a new series of videos for everyone to learn about Graphics, Audio and Animation, with more to follow in our scheduled Live Training sessions, where our twitch heroes Adam and Matt will be spending time with you to let you know about other features and answer your burning questions!

我们的在线内容团队一直在忙于创建一系列教程,以使您掌握Unity 5的标题功能,因此在“ 学习”区域中 ,您将找到一系列新的视频,供大家学习有关图形,音频的信息。动画和动画,还有更多活动将在我们安排的现场培训课程中进行,在这些活动中,我们的抽搐英雄Adam和Matt将与您共度时光,让您了解其他功能并回答您的紧迫问题!

Unity 5.0教程 (Tutorials for Unity 5.0)



现场培训课程 (Live Training Sessions)



We are also working to recreate our classic Roll-a-Ball tutorial series for total beginners to be aligned with Unity 5 so beginners get a good introduction.

我们还致力于重新创建经典的Roll-a-Ball教程系列,以使所有初学者都可以与Unity 5保持一致,以便初学者获得很好的介绍。

Unity实验室 (Unity Labs)

Unity 5.0入门_第1张图片

Those of you lucky enough to attend this year’s GDC will have witnessed our new interactive demo project Unity Labs. Home to the illustrious Dr Charles Francis (pictured above), Unity labs is our latest large project to help you understand the usage of many of Unity 5’s new features. It makes use of –

那些幸运地参加了今年的GDC的人将见证我们新的交互式演示项目Unity Labs。 Unity实验室是杰出的Charles Francis博士的故乡(如上图所示),是我们最新的大型项目,可帮助您了解Unity 5的许多新功能的用法。 它利用–

    We aim to ship this to you by the end of March to the asset store for you all to enjoy, and will keep you posted on when it’s live to download. This demo was shown at GDC on PC, Mac, Xbox One and Playstation 4. For more information on Unity labs and some of the other 5.0 features, see our Talking Tech video below.

    我们的目标是在3月底之前将其运送到资产商店供大家使用,并在发布实时下载时通知您。 该演示已在PC,Mac,Xbox One和Playstation 4上的GDC上进行了演示。有关Unity实验室和其他5.0功能的更多信息,请参见下面的Talking Tech视频。


    学习基于物理的阴影 (Learning Physically-based Shading)

    For those interested in the art side of Unity development, you’ll likely know that Unity 5.0 ships with what we call the Standard Shader. The Standard Shader is a physically based shader designed to equip you with a single shader for 95% of the use cases in your games. To help you learn this there’s 3 main things you should do first –

    对于那些对Unity开发的美术方面感兴趣的人,您可能会知道Unity 5.0附带了我们所谓的Standard Shader。 标准着色器是基于物理的着色器,旨在为您的游戏中95%的用例配备一个着色器。 为了帮助您了解这一点,您首先应该做的三件事是-

    1. Watch the tutorial! Read the docs! Check out the blog!

    1.观看教程! 阅读文档! 查看博客!


    Docs page about the standard shader.

    关于标准着色器的文档页面 。

    Blog post about physically based shading and how it works.

    有关基于物理的阴影及其工作原理的博客文章 。

    2. Download the Viking Village


    Want to see how our internal teams are using the Standard Shader? grab the Viking Village now from the asset store.

    想看看我们的内部团队如何使用Standard Shader? 现在从资产商店抢海盗村 。

    3. Download the Shader Calibration Scene


    Unity 5.0入门_第2张图片

    This small test scene is setup for you to import your assets and try out the standard shader. It comes complete with an array of pre-built configurations of the shader, as well as a test scene with a variety of options for testing. Download it now!

    设置了这个小型测试场景,您可以导入资产并尝试使用标准着色器。 它附带了着色器的一系列预先配置,以及带有各种测试选项的测试场景。 立即下载!

    学到更多! (Learn more!)

    Unity 5.0入门_第3张图片

    Once you’ve done these, check out some of the content the community is building and sharing, such as this awesome guide to PBR from the guys at Allegorithmic.

    完成这些操作后,请查看社区正在构建和共享的一些内容,例如Allegorithmic的人员提供的有关PBR的出色指南 。

    使用全新的标准资产 (Use the all-new Standard Assets)

    Unity 5.0入门_第4张图片

    In Unity 5.0 we rebuilt Unity’s Standard Assets from scratch. For those unfamiliar, Standard Assets are our set of tools and prefabs for you to use as a building block in creating your game or even just to get you kickstarted in prototyping. So if you need an First or Third Person controller, a Car, a Plane or 2D character, look no further. We also include useful tools like Touch control setups.

    在Unity 5.0中,我们从头开始重建Unity的标准资产。 对于那些不熟悉的人,“标准资产”是我们提供的工具和预制件,可作为您创建游戏的基础,甚至只是让您开始制作原型。 因此,如果您需要第一或第三人称控制器,汽车,飞机或2D角色,就别无所求。 我们还包括有用的工具,如触摸控制设置。

    You can grab the new assets from the Unity 5 installer, but if you didn’t grab them then, or you want to make sure you have the latest version, grab the assets from the Asset store.

    您可以从Unity 5安装程序中获取新资产,但是如果没有获取它们,或者要确保您拥有最新版本,请从Asset store中获取资产 。

    Note: For anyone using this in beta, we referred to them as ‘Sample Assets’ – note this is simply a change of name – we returned to Standard Assets to ensure totally backwards compatibility. So if you’ve used these in beta when they were called Sample Assets, please update to the latest Standard assets and continue to use them. Thanks to Ray in the comments for raising this. At the time of writing there is no difference between the downloaded install version of SA and the version on the Asset store, but from time to time we may push fixes to the store outside of release / patch releases.

    注意:对于任何在Beta中使用此功能的人,我们将它们称为“样本资产”(请注意,这只是名称的更改),我们返回标准资产以确保完全向后兼容。 因此,如果您在测试版资产中将它们称为“样本资产”时已使用它们,请更新至最新的标准资产并继续使用它们。 感谢Ray提出的意见。 在撰写本文时,SA的下载安装版本与Asset商店中的版本之间没有区别,但是有时我们可能会在发行版/修补程序发行版之外将修补程序推送到商店。

    What else would you like to see from Standard Assets? we have more plans but would love to hear from you!

    您还想从标准资产中看到什么? 我们还有更多计划,但希望收到您的来信!

    脚本编写 (Scripting)

    As of Unity 5.0 we’ve made a few changes to the scripting API to tidy things up, add new features and encourage best practices. One important thing we’d like to highlight is deprecation of some of our previous ‘Shortcut’ aspects of the API. In the past, you’ve been able to use for example –

    从Unity 5.0开始,我们对脚本API进行了一些更改,以整理事物,添加新功能并鼓励最佳实践。 我们要强调的一件事是不赞成使用API​​的某些“快捷方式”。 过去,您可以使用-

    audio.Play(); audio.Play();




    audio . Play ( ) ;

    Referring to the Audio Source component directly by using the term ‘audio’. Behind the scenes this was simply utilising a GetComponent(); command, and this is what our auto updater will replace it with. However if you are using this more than once in a script, be sure to go through and cache a reference to the component, instead of leaving many GetComponent calls in your script. For more details on this change, see Lucas’ blog post.

    通过使用术语“音频”直接引用音频源组件。 在后台,这只是利用GetComponent(); 命令,这就是我们的自动更新程序将替换为它的命令。 但是,如果您在脚本中多次使用此功能,请确保遍历并缓存对组件的引用,而不要在脚本中留下许多GetComponent调用。 有关此更改的更多详细信息, 请参见Lucas的博客文章 。

    I hope this helps you get started with 5. We’ll have more tutorial and demo content coming soon, and please sound off in the comments below as to what you like and dislike, and if you have requests for future content, let us know about that too!


    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/03/16/getting-started-in-unity-5-0/
