PMI-PMP模考二错题解析(2022-01-21 21:46:29)

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PMI-PMP模考二错题解析(2022-01-21 21:46:29)_第1张图片


1、 [单选] 收到新项目的客户请求之后,项目经理首先应该做什么?
What should a project manager do first after receiving a customer request for a new project?

 A :寻求项目发起人批准。 Seek project sponsor approval.

 B : 准备商业论证。 Prepare the business case.

 C :组织项目启动大会 。Organize a kick-off meeting.

 D :获得专家判断。 Obtain expert judgment.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P77 章节: 商业论证:经批准的商业论证或类似文件是最常用于制定项目章程的商业文件。商业论证从商业视角描述必要的信息,并且据此决定项目的期望结果是否值得所需投资。 商业论证包括:商业需求、成本效益分析。

4、 [单选] 项目负责人反复抱怨,称开发团队开发的功能似乎与原始设计不一致。什么做法有助于解决这个问题?
A project owner repeatedly complains, saying that a function developed by the development team does not seem to align with the original design. What will help to solve this issue?

 A :让产品负责人参加下一次迭代审查会议,以了解产品的开发状态。 Ask the product owner to sit in on the next iteration review meeting to learn more about the development status for the product.

 B :要求质量保证团队识别与初始设计相比较的任何功能不匹配。 Ask the quality assurance team to identify any mismatches in functionality compared to the initial design.

 C :要求开发团队重写功能,使其与项目范围相匹配。 Ask the development team to rewrite the function so that it matches with the project scope.

 D : 在下一次回顾会议中安排时间讨论所有的纠正措施,并要求项目负责人参加会议。 Schedule time during the next retrospective session to discuss all corrective actions and ask the project owner to participate in the session.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P50 章节:5.2.1 回顾总结会:回顾是最重要的一个实践,原因是它能让团队学习、改进和调整其过程。 回顾会用于识别改进。A,PO本来就全程参与B,功能问题非质量问题C,需要与整个团队确认

5、 [单选] 一个团队决定敏捷方法是否适合他们项目下一阶段的需求。不利的是,有些团队成员没有接受过适当的敏捷培训。项目经理应该如何应对敏捷培训的缺乏?
A team decides that an agile approach fits the needs of the next phase in their project. Unfortunately, there are team members who have not had the appropriate agile training. How should the project manager respond to the lack of agile training?

 A :在变更请求中包含对这些团队成员的敏捷培训。 Include agile training for these team members in a change request.

 B :确保项目应急储备可以覆盖所有团队成员的敏捷培训 Ensure the projects contingency reserve can cover agile training for all team members.

 C :为关键团队成员创建虚拟培训课程,涵盖主要敏捷课题。 Create virtual training sessions for key team members, covering the main agile topics.

 D : 为团队成员确定并实施最具成本效益的敏捷培训 Identify and implement the most cost-effective agile training for the team members.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P34 章节:4.2.1 仆人式领导的职责:对相关技能有更多接触、或者接受过相关培训的仆人式领导可以通过提供培训或开展这些活动来为团队提供支持。 AB为预测项目的方法C培训以当面形式更好一些

7、 [单选] 你被指派领导一个敏捷项目。然而,当你第一次与你的团队见面时,你意识到由于公司强加的各种各样的限制,大多数的团队成员不可能100%致力于项目。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
You have been assigned to lead an agile project. However, when you meet with your team for the first time, you realize that due to various company’s imposed constraints, most of the team members would not be able to be 100% dedicated to the project. What is your best course of action?

 A :将开发方法从敏捷切换到Scrum Switch the development approach from agile to scrum

 B :将迭代时间从两周增加到四周 Increase iteration length from two to four weeks

 C :向加班的团队成员提供奖励 Offer rewards to the team members to work overtime

 D : 根据个人能力调整任务 Adjust assignments based on individual capacity

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P44 章节:4.3.5 专职小组成员:任务切换时,人员工作效率的损失在 20% 到 40% 之间。随着任务数量的增加,效率损失会呈指数级增长。团队通过使用协作工具来跟踪和监督他们的工作进度,并根据个人的能力来调整工作分配。 敏捷倡导专职,若实在无法专职,则需要根据团队能力自行安排调整任务

10、 [单选] 你刚刚被分配到一个处于实施阶段中期的项目任项目经理,你正在确定你将如何控制这个项目,控制这个项目的最佳方法是:
You have just been assigned as project manager in execution phase and you have to determine how you should control the project,the best way is to:

 A : 使用综合的沟通方法 Use a combination of communication methods

 B :召开项目进度会议 Hold schedule meetings

 C :每周参照甘特图 Refer to Gantt chart weekly

 D :定期与管理层开会 Meet with management regularly

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P364 章节:10 制定项目相关方沟通策略时,通常应考虑所有可用技术,并从中作出选择;同时也应尊重因文化、实践和个人背景而产生的对沟通语言、媒介、内容和方式的偏好。可以根据需要采用社交媒体和其他先进的电脑技术。多面性方法能够提高与不同年代和文化背景的相关方沟通的效果。 多面性方法能提高与相关方的沟通效果。

11、 [单选] 由于员工缺乏培训和适当的生产控制,生产过程中发现了错误需要返工解决。返工成本为$250,000。其中员工负有责任的成本为
Due to a lack of an employee training and proper production control, defects in a production run caused rework which cost the company $250,000. How much of this cost is directly attributable to the employees on the production line?

 A :$75,000 $75,000

 B : $37,500 $37,500

 C :$212,500 $212,500

 D :$145,000 $145,000

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P275 章节:8 项目质量管理的新兴实践:管理者的责任,项目的成功需要项目团队全体成员的参与。管理层在其质量职责内,肩负着为项目提供具有足够能力的资源的相应责任。 质量常识管理层对85%的质量费用负责任

13、 [单选] 为了确定最长的工期路径,项目团队同时考虑了任务的依赖关系和资源制约条件. 项目经理使用的是下列哪一项进度安排方法?
To determine the longest duration path,the project team considers both task dependencies and resource constraints. The project team uses which of the following scheduling methodologies ?

 A : 关键链法 Critical chain method

 B :关键路径法 Critical path method

 C :关键评审技术 Critical evaluation and review technique

 D :图形路径法 Graphical path method

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P210 章节: 关键路径法用于在进度模型中估算项目最短工期,确定逻辑网络路径的进度灵活性大小。关键链法就是考虑了资源约束的关键路径法。

15、 [单选] 项目完成后,项目经理发现一些团队成员仍在从事项目活动。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该先做什么?

After the project is completed, the project manager finds that some team members are still engaged in project activities. To avoid this problem, what should the project manager do first?

 A :制定有效的经验教训收集步骤 To develop effective steps of collecting lessons learned

 B : 对项目进行收尾 To close the project

 C :结束采购 To finish the procurement process

 D :制定有效的风险应对策略 To develop an effective risk response strategy

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P127 章节: 项目交付的产品、服务或成果可转交给另一团队或组织,并由其在整个生命周期中进行运营、维护和支持。本输出所指的正是把项目交付的最终产品、服务或成果(对于阶段收尾,则是所在阶段的中间产品、服务或成果)从一个团队转交到另一个团队。 完成项目,要把项目移交出去。

17、 [单选] 在项目启动大会期间,人力资源经理沟通说,在提供详细的项目进度计划之前将不会提供资源。若要获得资源,项目经理应该怎么做?
During a project kick-off meeting, the human resource manager communicates that resources will not be provided until a detailed project schedule is available. What should the project manager do to obtain resources?

 A : 将该问题上报给项目发起人。 Escalate the issue to the sponsor.

 B :提交工作说明书(SOW)。 Present the statement of work (SOW).

 C :创建一份详细的活动清单。 Create a detailed activity list.

 D :参见责任分配矩阵(RAM)。 Refer to the responsibility assignment matrix (RAM).

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P329 章节:9.3 不能获得项目所需的资源时,可能会影响项目进度、预算、客户满意度、质量和风险;资源或人员能力不足会降低项目成功的概率,最坏的情况可能导致项目取消。 资源经理明显对项目渐进明细的特点不了解,需要发起人介入处理

18、 [单选] 在与项目团队成员的非正式谈话中,项目经理发现某个关键部分的供应商在执行一个已获批准的产品变更时有问题。项目经理接下来应执行下列哪一项?
In informal conversations with project team members, the project manager found that a key part of the vendor was having problems executing an approved product change. Which of the following should the project manager do next?

 A :实施对供应商的质量审计 Implement quality audits for suppliers

 B :安排一次变更控制会议 Schedule a Change Control meeting

 C : 审查供应商的工作绩效 Review suppliers work performance

 D :与供应商的高级经理谈话 Talk to the senior manager of the Supplier

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P498 章节: 绩效审查对照协议,对质量、资源、进度和成本绩效进行测量、比较和分析,以审查合同工作的绩效。其中包括确定工作包提前或落后于进度计划、超出或低于预算,以及是否存在资源或质量问题。 项目经理的采购绩效审查是对供应商的合同绩效进行管理的重要工具。

20、 [单选] 在项目评审会上,项目经理发现一个项目团队不能解决的问题。项目经理应该怎么做?
During a project review meeting, the project finds an issue that cannot resolved by the project team. What should the project manager do?

 A : 更新问题日志。 Update the problem log.

 B :提交变更请求。 Submit a change request.

 C :更新相关方管理计划。 Update related party management plan.

 D :请求额外的资源。 Request additional resources.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P96 章节: 问题日志可以帮助项目经理有效跟进和管理问题,确保它们得到调查和解决。作为本过程的输出,问题日志被首次创建,尽管在项目期间任何时候都可能发生问题。在整个项目生命周期应该随同监控活动更新问题日志 开会发现问题,先记录下来,下面再解决。

24、 [单选] 客户和供应商已经签署了一份合同,合同中约定了项目需求。由于对此类项目具有非常丰富的经验,项目经理指示计划编制团队绕过制订工作分解结构(WBS)这一过程,直接开始安排资源和任务。项目经理从计划中删掉了客户的其中一项需求,因为根据项目经理的经验认定这项需求是没有必要的。但是在项目进行到一半的时候,人工成本就已经超出预算 30%了。 下列哪个原因最有可能造成这种情况?
The customer and supplier have signed a contract stipulating the project requirements. Due to extensive experience on this type of project, the project manager instructs the planning team to bypass the development of a work breakdown structure (WBS) and begin scheduling resources and tasks. The project manager has dropped one of the customer’s requirements from the plan because the project manager’s experience has shown that it is NOT needed. Midway through the project, the labor costs exceed the budget by 30 percent. To what reason would this MOST likely be attributed?

 A :未能成功使用参数估算技术 Failure to use parametric estimating techniques

 B : 未识别的工作没有列入预算 Unidentified work not being budgeted

 C :未能成功使用非参数估算技术 Failure to use non-parametric estimating technique

 D :有缺陷的缩减 Flawed contracting

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P151 章节:5.3 定义范围:在收集需求过程中识别出的所有需求未必都包含在项目中,所以定义范围过程就要从需求文件(收集需求过程的输出)中选取最终的项目需求,然后制定出关于项目及其产品、服务或成果的详细描述。准备好详细的项目范围说明书,对项目成功至关重要。 定义范围的作用

29、 [单选] 项目经理完成了项目章程,并得知项目发起人没有空正式授权项目启动,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
The project manager has completed the project charter and learned that the project sponsor has no time to officially authorize the project to start, what should the project manager do next?

 A : 审查项目章程以查看是否有另一方可以对其进行授权 Review the project charter to see if another party can authorize it

 B :请求与相关方开会以确定后续步骤 Request a meeting with interested parties to determine next steps

 C :与职能经理开会,以讨论这种情况 Meet with the functional manager to discuss the situation

 D :停止该项目,直到项目发起人有空 Stop the project until the project sponsor goes back and forth

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P81 章节: 项目章程:12. 批准章程的签字人员和姓名。 项目章程最后一条记录着批准章程人员的姓名。

31、 [单选] 项目经理在演示和审查会议上收到进度报告。报告显示,敏捷项目并没有走上正轨。因为所有的工作都是为了达到更高层次的目标而特意选择和安排的,所以项目经理对报告感到惊讶。项目经理在未来如何在敏捷项目中防止这种类型的误解?
The project manager receives a progress report during a demo and review meeting. The report shows that the agile project is not on track. Since all work was purposely selected and sequenced to meet higher-level objectives, the project manager is surprised by the report. In the future, how can the project manager prevent this type of miscommunication in an agile project?

 A :支持项目团队的自组织,并帮助他们为项目提供支持。 Support self organization for the project team and help them provide buy-in for the project.

 B :确保有应急储备来应付这些问题。 Ensure that there is a contingency reserve to cover these issues.

 C :确保团队接受过使用敏捷过程报告系统的培训。 Ensure that the team is trained to use the agile process reporting system.

 D : 为项目团队提供关于敏捷方法的早期培训和持续指导。 Provide early training and ongoing mentoring about the agile approach for the project team.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P342 章节: 培训如果项目团队成员缺乏必要的管理或技术技能,可以把对这种技能的培养作为项目工作的一部分。 项目经理按敏捷方式来,团队没有,说明团队没有掌握敏捷方法的技能。

37、 [单选] 你正在使用敏捷方法领导一个软件开发项目。如果该项目成功,它将为未来的收入和增长打开巨大的机会。该项目有很高的失败风险,但是潜在的利益大于风险。在选择每次迭代的内容时,必须考虑这些风险和回报。在这个场景中,应该优先开发哪些功能?
You are leading a software development project using agile methodologies. If the project is successful, it will open up vast opportunities for future revenue and growth. The project has a high risk of failure, but the potential benefits outweigh the risks. These risks and rewards must be considered when selecting the content of each iteration. Which features should be prioritized and developed first in this scenario?

 A :高价值和低风险功能 High-value and low-risk features

 B :低价值和低风险功能 Low-value and low-risk features

 C : 高价值和高风险功能 High-value and high-risk features

 D :低价值和高风险功能 Low-value and high-risk features

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P42 章节:4.3.3 产品负责人的工作是确保团队从事最高价值的工作。 首先要做高风险高价值的事情。

43、 [单选] 你领导着两个独立的团队在同一个项目上工作。可交付成果的性质要求一个团队采用预测法,而另一个团队使用Scrum。由于团队之间的依赖性和Scrum团队输出的可变性质,预测性团队需要用尽可能短的反馈循环来确认他们对Scrum团队活动的理解。你的最佳行动方案是什么?
You are leading two independent teams working on the same project. The nature of the deliverables requires that one team takes a predictive approach, while the other uses Scrum. Due to dependencies between the teams and the variable nature of the outputs from the Scrum team, the predictive team needs to confirm their understanding of the Scrum team’s activities with the shortest feedback loop possible. What is your best course of action?

 A :将项目回顾纳入项目进度计划 Include a project retrospective into the project schedule

 B :要求Scrum团队使用信息发射源 Request that the Scrum team use information radiators

 C :结合定期的客户反馈循环的使用 Incorporate the use of periodic customer feedback loops

 D : 让预测团队参加每日Scrum会议 Have the predictive team attend the daily scrum meetings

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P54 章节:5.2.4 为每日站会规定时间盒,不超出 15 分钟。团队以某种方式“过一下”看板或任务板,而团队中的任何人都可以主持站会。 每天15分钟的站会能以最短的时间获得一手信息,比信息发射源更及时

45、 [单选] 一位项目经理正在领导一个项目,该项目最近从预测阶段过渡到敏捷阶段,并将使用Scrumban。当开发团队审查看板面板时,他们开始争论谁将完成所需的用户描述。在僵局中,项目经理开始将用户描述分配给特定的团队成员。项目经理本可以有什么不同做法?
A project manager is leading a project that recently transitioned from a predictive phase to an agile phase that will utilize Scrumban. As the development team reviews the Kanban board, they begin arguing over who will complete the required user stories. At an impasse, the project manager begins assigning the user stories to specific team members. What might the project manager have done differently?

 A : 为项目的敏捷阶段更新了团队章程 Facilitated an update to the team charter for the agile phase of the project

 B :为不同阶段设计不同的项目管理方法 Avoided different project management approaches for different phases

 C :使用极限编程框架,而不是Scrumban方法 Used eXtreme Programming framework instead of the Scrumban method

 D :不可能采取不同的行动,因为冲突是不可避免的 Nothing could have been done differently since conflict is unavoidable.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:《敏捷实践指南》 页码:P50 章节:5.1 团队价值观,例如可持续开发速度和核心工作时间;工作协议,例如“就绪”如何定义 “完成”如何定义;考虑时间盒;或使用工作过程限制;基本规则,例如有关一个人在会议上发言的规定;团队规范,例如团队如何对待会议时间。 团队章程,即团队的社会契约,规定团队成员间彼此互动的方式

48、 [单选] 为了满足正在制定的政府税收新法规,一家组织启动了一个项目,来修改其企业资源规划(ERP)系统。在管理这个项目时,项目经理应该做什么?
To meet new government tax regulations under development,an organization initiates a project to revise its enterprise resource planning(ERP)system.What should the project manager do when managing this project?

 A :将其搁置,直到新法规得到明确规定 Place it on hold until the new regulations have been clearly define

 B : 创建一份工料合同(T&M) Create a time and material(T&M)contract

 C :使用总价加经济价格调整合同(FPEPA) Use a fixed price with economic price adjustment(FPEPA)

 D :制定一份灵活的工作说明书(SOW),规定明确退出条款 Develop a flexible statement of work(SOW)that has a clear exit clause

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P471 章节: 工料合同是兼具成本补偿合同和总价合同特点的混合型合同。这种合同往往适用于:在无法快速编制出准确的工作说明书的情况下扩充人员、聘用专家或寻求外部支持。 这题无法准确定义工作说明书

53、 [单选] 两阶段项目的项目管理计划表明,市场研究将采用预测法,而产品开发将遵循敏捷模型。项目团队刚刚完成市场调研阶段,即将过渡到产品开发阶段,产品开发阶段的特点是预算和进度严格。在产品开发阶段,项目经理最好采用什么样的领导风格?
The project management plan for a two-phase project indicates that market research will employ a predictive approach, and product development will follow an agile model. The project team has just completed the market research phase and is about to transition to the product development phase, which is characterized by a strict budget and schedule. What leadership style is best for the project manager to adopt for the product development phase?

 A :指导性 Directive

 B :自由放任性 Laissez-faire

 C : 仆人性 Servant

 D :平滑性 Smoothing

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P38 章节:4.2.3 仆人式领导:在敏捷环境中,项目经理充当仆人式领导,其工作重点转变为引导需要帮助的人,促进团队的合作,保持与相关方的需要一致。 敏捷环境中,项目经理充当仆人式领导

55、 [单选] 一位项目经理正在组织一次冲刺回顾会议,团队成员在会上讨论客户对他们在冲刺期间交付的产品增量的不满。讨论揭示了主要使用电子邮件与团队其他成员沟通的远程团队成员的一些问题。什么是最有可能导致产品增量没有满足客户期望的原因?

A project manager is facilitating a sprint retrospective meeting where the team members discuss customer dissatisfaction from the product increment they delivered during the sprint. The discussion reveals some issues with the remote team members who were primarily using email to communicate with the rest of the team. What was the most likely cause the product increment did not meet customer expectations?

 A :未能应对范围变更 Failure to respond to changes in scope

 B : 不在同一地点的团队成员 Non colocated team members

 C :在每次冲刺中交付工作软件 Delivering working software in each sprint

 D :士气低落的团队成员 Demotivated team members

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P46 章节:4.3.6 团队工作场所团队需要一个工作场所,他们可以一起工作,了解他们作为团队的状态,并进行协作。在不同地点工作的团队成员需要虚拟的工作空间。另外,要考虑让团队成员定期聚集一堂,以便建立信任,学习怎样开展合作。 敏捷团队如果能集中办公是最好的。若分布式办公会存在协作滞后的问题

Which three documents should the project manager use to ensure that a recently commissioned project component was signed off on and ownership transferred? (Choose 3)

 A : 最终报告 Final report

 B : 项目文件更新 Project document updates

 C :采购协议 Procurement agreements

 D :相关方参与计划 Stakeholder engagement plan

 E : 组织过程资产更新 Organizational process assets updates

正确答案:A,B,E 你的答案:B,D,E

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P127 章节:4.7.3 结束项目或阶段-输出最终报告(A)项目文件更新(B)组织过程资产更新(E) 收尾的三个输出文件。

65、 Engulf Enterprises的项目经理Mark正在验证相关方参与计划,以改善相关方的参与。以下哪个项目文件将对正在执行的项目管理过程产生最大的影响?(选择三项)
Mark, Project Manager of Engulf Enterprises is verifying Stakeholder engagement plan for making improvements in stakeholder engagement. Which of the below Project documents will have most impact on Project Management Process being performed (Choose Three)

 A : 风险登记册 Risk Register

 B :资源跟踪矩阵 Resource Traceability Matrix

 C : 相关方登记册 Stakeholder Register

 D :相关方参与度评估矩阵 Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix

 E : 问题日志 Issue Log

正确答案:A,C,E 你的答案:A,B,D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P518 章节: 项目文件:问题日志(E)风险登记册(A)相关方登记册(C) ITTO题

67、 [单选] 有一种激励理论认为,真正能激励人的是工作本身。包括工作中的责任感、职业发展和自我实现等,而不是工作所带来的经济收入。这种激励理论是?
A motivation theory argues that what really motivates is the work itself, including the sense of responsibility at work, career development and self-actualization, rather than the economic income from work. What is this incentive theory?

 A :戴明的PDCA循环理论 Demings PDCA Cycle Theory

 B :麦克利兰的成就动机理论 McClellands Achievement Motivation Theory

 C :马斯洛的需求层次理论 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

 D : 赫兹伯格的双因素理论 Herzbergs Two-factor Theory

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:补充知识点 赫兹伯格的激励理论:保健因素:恶劣的卫生因素可能破坏激励。包括:工作环境、薪金、职业保障、个人生活、工作关系、安全;激励因素:能够激励人们的是工作本身,责任、自我实现、晋升、专业发展。保健因素:没有什么好满意的激励因素:没有什么不满意的 能够激励人们的是工作本身

74、 [单选] 在管理项目时,你发现团队中的一些成员相处得不好。你还认识到三个团队成员不确定如何完成他们的可交付成果。你所有的团队成员都在同一栋楼里一起工作。你还可以在一个单独的会议室里与所有团队成员定期举行每周会议。在这种情况下,哪种方法没有帮助?
While managing a project, you discovered that a few of your team members are not getting along. You also realized that three team members are not sure how to complete their deliverables. All of your team members are working together in the same building. You also have regular weekly meeting with all the team members in a single meeting room. Which technique will NOT be helpful in this situation?

 A : 作战室 War room

 B :训练 Training

 C :奖励和表扬 Reward and recognition

 D :谈判 Negotiation

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P340-342 章节:9.4.2 建设团队的工具团队建设、认可与奖励、培训、沟通技术、集中办公、虚拟团队、谈判、激励 已经在一起了,集中办公作用不大。

82、 [单选] 在项目执行过程中,项目经理评估客户添加的更多质量检查的请求,由于在初步测试中发现一些缺陷,产品经理对此表示赞同,然而,项目团队却不认为这将有助于实现项目目标,为确保质量,项目经理应该怎么做?
In the execution of the project, the project manager assessed the customer to add more quality inspection requests. The product manager agreed with the defects found in the preliminary tests. However, the project team did not believe that this would help achieve the project objectives. What should the project manager do to ensure quality?

 A :修订过程改进计划 Revise the process improvement plan

 B :分析工作绩效信息 Analyze the work performance information

 C :使用七种基本质量工具 Use seven basic quality tools

 D : 更新质量管理计划 Update the quality management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P286 章节: 质量管理计划包括(但不限于)以下组成部分:项目采用的质量标准;项目的质量目标;质量角色与职责;需要质量审查的项目可交付成果和过程; 质量检查请求的活动在质量管理计划里。

84、 [单选] 项目团队成员在地理位置、文化以及工作实践方面存在多样化,若要确保团队遵从标准方法,项目经理可以怎么做?
When project team members are diverse regarding their locations, cultures, and work practice, what can a project manager do to ensure that the team adheres to a common standard approach?

 A : 采用由所有团队成员都同意的最佳实践。 Adopt best practices agreed to by all team members.

 B :在风险登记册中记录并接受相关风险,但允许有充足的项目应急。 Note and accept the associated risks in the risk register, but allow for sufficient project contingency.

 C :使用帕累托图确定在哪里可以实现共性。 Use a Pareto diagram to determine where commonality can be achieved.

 D :在制定项目管理计划之前要求团队输入。 Ask for team input prior to developing the project management plan.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P319 章节: 团队章程:团队价值观;沟通指南;决策标准和过程;冲突处理过程;会议指南;团队共识。 所有成员都同意的最佳实践,属于团队章程

85、 [单选] 在项目收尾期间,负责批准最终交付成果的相关方辞职,剩余的相关方无法就接受可交付成果达成共识。项目经理应该做什么?
During the project closing period, the parties responsible for approving the final deliverable resign, and the remaining parties cannot reach a consensus on accepting the deliverable. What should the project manager do?

 A : 确认可交付成果满足原始需求 Confirm that deliverable meet original needs

 B :指定另一个相关方来处理该批准 Designate another interested party to handle the approval

 C :为负责可交付成果的相关方投票 Vote for those responsible for deliverable

 D :结束该项目,并记录经验教训 End the project and record lessons learned

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P124 章节: 需求文件需求文件用于证明符合项目范围。 批准方离职,就在收尾阶段将范围与需求文件对比,得出结论。

88、 [单选] 项目经理正在创建一份文件,正式授权建筑改造项目。装修要求拆除石棉绝缘材料,因为它是一种已知致癌物。这种情况会如何影响目前正在进行的过程?
A project manager is in the process of creating a document that formally authorizes a building renovation project. The renovation requires the removal of asbestos insulation, which is a known carcinogen. How might this situation influence the process currently underway?

 A :应急储备需要分配并记录在文件中 A contingency reserve needs to be assigned and recorded in the document

 B :该文件需要包括对已识别的风险的详细的风险应对计划 The document needs to include a detailed risk response plan for this identified risk

 C : 该文件需要符合任何适用的政府和行业标准 The document needs to incorporate compliance with any applicable government and industry standards

 D :移除石棉的详细时间表应包含在文件中 A detailed timeline for the removal of the asbestos should be included in the document

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P78 章节: 事业环境因素政府或行业标准法律法规要求和制约因素 授权项目的文件指得是项目章程,ABD都不属于启动阶段。

90、 [单选] 一个关键项目落后于进度,并超出预算。项目管理办公室(PMO)的详细分析表明并非所有关键人员都被识别,并且没有积极的过程来接洽和管理这些人员。项目经理应该采取什么纠正措施?
A critical project is behind schedule and over budget. Detailed analysis by the project management office (PMO) revealed that not all key people were identified, and no active process for engaging and managing them. What corrective action should the project manager take?

 A : 改进相关方参与计划。 Improve the stakeholder management plan.

 B :查看权力/利益方格。 Review the power/interest grid.

 C :控制相关方参与程度。 Control stakeholder engagement.

 D :更新沟通管理计划。 Update the communications management plan.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P535 章节: 变更请求可能包括用于改善相关方当前参与水平的纠正及预防措施。应该通过实施整体变更控制过程(见 4.6 节)对变更请求进行审查和处理。 通过变更请求执行的对相关方管理的纠正措施,纳入到相关方参与计划中。

91、 [单选] 项目经理完成了一个新产品开发项目的规划过程。在继续进入执行过程组之前需要完成的最后一个重要里程碑是什么?
The project manager completes the planning process for a new product development project.What is the last important milestone that needs to be completed before proceeding with the execution process?

 A :最终确定项目章程 To finalize the Project Charter

 B :接收执行项目的项目资金 To receive project funds for the project implementation

 C : 获得发起人和相关方的批准 To seek approval from the sponsor and stakeholders

 D :执行相关方管理策略 To execute stakeholders' management strategies

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P86 章节: 项目管理计划项目管理计划是说明项目执行、监控和收尾方式的一份文件,它整合并综合了所有子管理计划和基准,以及管理项目所需的其他信息。 项目管理计划批准以后才能执行

92、 [单选] 你在管理一个项目,该项目开发一种以大豆为原料,不含乳糖,富含镁的高营养饮料。该产品针对的是 50 岁以上的用户。你最近听说你的客户将你们的项目进度报告称为 “汉莫拉比法典 ,因为它们看起来是用象形文字书写的,只有埃及人才能读懂。这种情况可以通过以下哪种方法避免:
You are managing a project to develop a soy-based, lactose-free, magnesium-rich nutritional drink for the “over 50 market. You have recently heard that the client calls your progress reports the “Code of Hammurabi because they seem to be written in hieroglyphics and are completely indecipherable to all but an Egyptologist. This situation could have been avoided by

 A :在项目开始的时候就通知客户报告将采用的形式 Informing the client at the start of the project of the types of reports they will receive

 B :运用风险管理技术识别来自客户方面的风险 Using risk management techniques to identify client issues

 C :雇佣一名专业报告撰写人员准备标准化的报告 Hiring an expert report writer to prepare standard reports

 D : 进行沟通计划 Engaging in communications planning

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P377 章节: 沟通管理计划是项目管理计划的组成部分,描述将如何规划,结构化、执行与监督项目沟通,以提高沟通的有效性。该计划包括如下信息:相关方的沟通需求 凡信息,找沟通

93、 [单选] 一个集成硬件和软件的项目正在执行中。硬件需求用详细的WBS定义。然而,软件需求是模糊的,并且经常变更,迫使团队在短反馈循环的情况下逐步开发产品。团队对频繁的变更和它所造成的混乱感到非常沮丧。项目经理应该如何应对?
A project to integrate hardware and software is in execution. The hardware requirements are well-defined with a detailed WBS. The software requirements, however, are vague and frequently change, forcing the team to develop the product incrementally with short feedback loops. The team is very frustrated by the frequency of changes and the chaos that it creates. How should the project manager respond?

 A :无视团队的挫折感,并专注于项目目标 Ignore the team's frustration and focus on the project goals

 B : 接受团队的挫折感并表现出积极 Absorb the team's frustrations and demonstrate positivity

 C :为软件开发建立严格的变更控制过程 Institute a strict change control process for software development

 D :消除短反馈循环,来提高灵活性 Eliminate the short feedback loops to allow more flexibility

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P35 章节: 仆人式领导的促进作用:促进者将帮助每个人各尽所能地思考和工作。促进者鼓励团队参与、理解,并对团队输出共同承担责任。促进者帮助团队创建可接受的解决方案。 在敏捷题目里,看到鼓励、促进、协作,一般都是正确的关键字。

97、 [单选] 项目经理与项目相关方开会,收集需求并制作项目需求文档。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
The project manager meets with the stakeholders, gathers requirements, and develop the project requirement documentation. What should the project manager do next?

 A :制定需求基准,并获得关键关系人的批准 Baseline the requirement and obtain key stakeholders approve

 B :与团队一起创建工作分解结构 Create the work breakdown structure with team

 C : 准备一份详细的项目范围说明 书Prepare a detailed project scope statement

 D :制定项目管理计划 Develop a project management plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P151 章节:5.3 定义范围:在收集需求过程中识别出的所有需求未必都包含在项目中,所以定义范围过程就要从需求文件中选取最终的项目需求,然后制定出关于产品的详细描述。准备好详细的项目范围说明书,对项目成功至关重要。 定义范围的作用。

98、 [单选] 在制定项目管理计划的过程中,项目经理了解到过去的项目遭受了范围蔓延、无效的变更控制过程和低相关方满意度的困扰。为了确保更好地管理当前的项目,项目经理决定在整个项目中定期与相关方社区进行互动。以下哪一项是项目经理决定的最不可能的结果?
During the development of the project management plan, the project manager learns that past projects suffered from scope creep, ineffective change control process, and low stakeholder satisfaction. To ensure the current project is managed better, the project manager decides to institute regular interactions with the stakeholder community throughout the project. Which of the following would be the least likely outcome of the project manager’s decision?

 A : 降低范围 Reduced scope

 B :减轻风险 Mitigated risk

 C :降低成本 Reduced cost

 D :更多信任 Greater trust

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P167 章节:5.6 控制范围未经控制的产品或项目范围的扩大(未对时间、成本和资源做相应调整)被称为范围蔓延。变更不可避免,因此在每个项目上,都必须强制实施某种形式的变更控制。 任何范围变更都要走正式的变更控制流程。

102、 [单选] 一名新项目经理必须了解项目相关方在项目中的利益、关系、期望和影响。项目经理需要根据这些关系建立联系。下列哪一项将帮助项目经理完成这项工作?
A new project manager must gain an understanding of stakeholders’ interests, relations, expectations, and influence on a project. The project manager must also leverage relation build coalitions. What will help the project manager accomplish this?

 A : 相关方分析 Stakeholder analysis

 B :人际关系技巧 Interpersonal skills

 C :分析技术 Analytical techniques

 D :相关方参与度评估矩阵 Stakeholders engagement assessment matrix

正确答案:A 你的答案:A,D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P512 章节: 相关方分析会产生相关方清单和关于相关方的各种信息,例如,在组织内的位置、在项目中的角色、与项目的利害关系、期望、态度(对项目的支持程度),以及对项目信息的兴趣。 利益、关系、期望、影响

103、 [单选] 敏捷项目负责人希望确保产品愿景在整个项目过程中不会在团队成员的脑海中消失。对于敏捷领导者来说,实现这个目标的最佳方式是什么?
An agile project leader wants to ensure that the product vision does not fade away in the team members’ minds throughout the course of the project. Which of the following would be the best way for the agile leader to achieve that goal?

 A :在启动会议上提出产品愿景声明 Present the product vision statement at the kickoff meeting

 B :将产品愿景声明显示为信息发射源 Display the product vision statement as an information radiator

 C :将产品愿景声明邮件给所有项目相关方 Email the product vision statement to all project stakeholders

 D : 在每次迭代开始时传达产品愿景 Re-communicate the product vision at the beginning of each iteration

正确答案:D 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P216 章节: 敏捷发布规划基于项目路线图和产品发展愿景,提供了高度概括的发布进度时间轴(通常是 3 到 6个月)。同时,敏捷发布规划还确定了发布的迭代或冲刺次数,使产品负责人和团队能够决定需要开发的内容,并基于业务目标、依赖关系和障碍因素确定达到产品放行所需的时间。 产品愿景需要不断声明。

104、 [单选] 一个项目需要在技术部门之间进行详细信息交流,项目团队位于不同位置。一些团队成员对提议的沟通系统没有经验。项目经理应该使用什么来解决这个问题?
A project requiring detailed information exchanges among technical departments has teams situated in different locations. Some team members are inexperienced with the proposed communication system. What should the project manager use to address this?

 A :沟通管理计划 Communications management plan

 B :沟通技能 Communication skills

 C :项目沟通渠道 Project communication channels

 D : 沟通技术 Communication technology

正确答案:D 你的答案:A,D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P340 章节: 沟通技术:在解决集中办公或虚拟团队的团队建设问题方面,沟通技术至关重要。它有助于为集中办公团队营造一个融洽的环境,促进虚拟团队(尤其是团队成员分散在不同时区的团队)更好地相互理解。 注意区分沟通技术、沟通技能、沟通方法的区别

111、 [单选] 由于缺乏相关方的支持,虽然项目和预算均已获得批准,但项目经理无法获得资源。项目经理应该做什么?
Due to a lack of stakeholder support,a project manager with an approval project and budget is unable to certain resources.What should the project manager do?

 A :将问题升级上报给上级管理层 Escalate the issue to upper management

 B : 执行相关方分析,并举行开工会议,让相关方参与其中 Perform a stakeholder analysis,and hold a kick-off meeting to engage stakeholders

 C :在下一次项目状态会议上要求相关方提供更好的支持 Demand better stakeholder support at the next status meeting

 D :将问题和减轻计划添加到风险日志中,并通知发起人 Add the issue and the mitigation plan to the risk log,and notify the sponsor.Escalate the issue to upper management

正确答案:B 你的答案:B,D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P504 章节:13 引导相关方参与: 为提高成功的可能性,应该在项目章程被批准、项目经理被委任,以及团队 开始组建之后,尽早开始识别相关方并引导相关方参与。 尽早地识别,并引导相关方参与,可以提高项目成功的可能性

123、 [单选] 一家公司将更换使用了10年、不再符合市场需求基于旧平台的集成系统。在项目规划期间,管理人员将一个更灵活的价格结构作为关键需求。高级管理人员还未决定如何满足这项需求,但是同意该需求的战略正确性。在项目执行期间,价格结构的变更将要求频繁的返工和重新测试。下列哪项项目计划元素能够系统的解决这些问题?
A company will be replacing its integrated systems after 10 years of service from a legacy platform that on longer meets market needs. During project planning, managers identify a more flexible pricing structure as a key requirement. Senior managers have not yet decided how to meet this requirement but agree it is strategically correct. During project execution, changes in the pricing structure will require frequent rework and retesting. Which of the following is an element of the project plan that addresses this in a systemic way?

 A :项目变更需要获得高级管理人员批准的质量政策 A quality policy requiring project changes to be approved by senior managers

 B :能够从新需求中识别风险的风险应对计划 A risk response plan that would identify risks from new requirements

 C :实施价格结构变更的人员增加计划 A staff augmentation plan to implement pricing structure changes

 D : 具有详细实施需求的范围说明书 A scope statement with detailed requirements for implementation

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P151 章节:5.3 定义范围:在收集需求过程中识别出的所有需求未必都包含在项目中,定义范围过程就要从需求文件中选取最终的项目需求,然后制定出关于成果的详细描述。准备好详细的项目范围说明书,对项目成功至关重要。 定义范围的作用

128、 [单选] 相关方经常打电话和发邮件给开发团队以获取项目的状态,从而对团队的进展产生负面影响。敏捷教练应该如何处理这种情况?
A stakeholder frequently calls and emails the development team to get status on the project, thus negatively affecting the team progress. How should an agile coach handle this situation?

 A :将该问题升级上报给项目发起人 Escalate the issue the project sponsor

 B : 指导相关方进行适当的敏捷实践 Guide the stakeholder on proper agile practices

 C :将相关方引荐给产品负责人 Direct the stakeholder to the product owner

 D :让团队决定如何处理此问题 Let the team decide on how to handle this issue

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P73 章节:6.1.2 变革就绪情况:积极明确的管理层支持;变革管理实践,包括沟通和引导;逐个项目应用敏捷实践向团队增量地引入敏捷实践;以及通过采取适用的敏捷技术和实践示范引导。 组织的变革,需要管理层的支持以及敏捷教练的不断实践。D,团队不解决对外沟通的问题。

129、 [单选] 项目团队已经互相介绍并知晓知道项目的含义。团队接下来要经历哪两个阶段?(选择两项)
The project team has been introduce to each other and are aware of the what the project will be about. What 2 phases will the team go through next? (Choose 2)

 A : 规范阶段 Norming

 B :形成阶段 Forming

 C : 震荡阶段 Storming

 D :解散阶段 Adjourning

 E :成熟阶段 Performing

正确答案:A,C 你的答案:B,C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P338 章节:9.4 塔克曼阶梯理论:形成阶段、震荡阶段、规范阶段、成熟阶段、解散阶段。 互相介绍,属于形成阶段,接下来应该是震荡阶段和规范阶段。

130、 [单选] 一个成本控制敏感项目团队分布在三个位置——存在时区、语言、沟通问题。若要解决这些问题,项目经理应该怎么做?
A cost-control-sensitive project has teams in three locations-with time-zone, language and communication issues. What should the project manager do to manage these issues?

 A :召开定期的视频会议 Hold periodic video-conferencing meetings

 B : 使用电子邮件让沟通可跟踪 Make communications traceable using email

 C :使用拉式沟通方法 Use the pull communication method

 D :确保关键任务分配给处于单独位置的团队 Ensure that critical tasks are assigned to a single location

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P374 章节: 互动沟通,诸如会议、电话、即时信息、社交媒体 和视频会议等沟通工件。推式沟通,信件、备忘录、报告、电子邮件、传真、语音邮件、博客、新闻稿。拉式沟通,门户网站、企业内网、电子在线课程、经验教训数据库或知识库 时区、语言、沟通都存在问题,同时成本敏感,电子邮件会适合一些。

131、 [单选] 在每日站会上,开发团队的两名成员开始争论来自WBS的一个特定的工作包是否已经满足了被认为是完整的要求。项目团队的两名成员都将被闲置,直到达成解决方案。在会议结束之前,项目经理首先应该做什么?
During a daily standup meeting, two members of the development team begin arguing over whether or not a particular work package from the WBS has met requirements to be considered complete. Both project team members will be idled until a resolution can be reached. Before adjourning the meeting, what should the project manager do first?

 A :审查需求文件 Review the requirements documentation

 B :参阅需求跟踪矩阵 Refer to the requirements traceability matrix

 C :执行确认范围过程 Perform the Validate Scope process

 D : 在问题日志中记录障碍 Record the impediment in the issue log

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:敏捷实践指南 页码:P54 章节:5.2.4 为每日站会规定时间盒,不超出 15 分钟。站会是为了发现存在问题,而不是解决它们。将问题添加到停车场区,然后创建另一次会议,它可以在站会之后立即召开,并在会上解决问题。 每日站会不解决问题。

151、 [单选] 为了应对一些计划任务上的延误,项目经理重新安排了一些后续任务的优先级以解决这个问题。重新确定优先级并没有使项目回到正轨,现在项目经理需要将问题上报给项目相关方。为了上报问题,项目经理首先应该做什么?
In response to slippage on some scheduled tasks, the project manager reprioritized a number of subsequent tasks in order to fix the problem. The reprioritization did not put the project back on track, and now the project manager needs to escalate the issue to project stakeholders. To escalate the issue, what should the project manager do first?

 A : 查阅沟通管理计划。 Refer to the communications management plan.

 B :审查相关方参与计划。 Review the stakeholder engagement plan.

 C :查阅变更管理计划。 Refer to the change management plan.

 D :审查风险管理计划。 Review the risk management plan.

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P377 章节: 沟通管理计划:相关方的沟通需求;需沟通的信息,包括语言、形式、内容和详细程度;上报步骤;发布信息的原因;发布所需信息、确认已收到,或作出回应上报步骤在沟通管理计划里。

156、 [单选] 项目工期为五个月。项目最初费用拨款总额为30.000美元,目前项目处于第三个月。项目前两个月的总支出为12,500美元。项目完工部分超前于进度符合预算。项目的成本差异是多少?
The duration of a project is five months. The total cost initially allocated was US$30,000. The project is in the third month, The total expenditure in the project for the first two months is us$12,500. The project is ahead of schedule and on budget for work completed. What is the cost variance of the project?

 A :大于零 Greater than zero

 B :小于零 Less than zero

 C : 零 Zero

 D :一 One

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P263 章节: 挣值分析进度绩效指数(SPI)是测量进度效率的一种指标,表示为挣值与计划价值之比,反映了项目团队完成工作的效率。当 SPI 小于 1.0 时,说明已完成的工作量未达到计划要求;当 SPI 大于 1.0 时,则说明已完成的工作量超过计划。 符合预算,说明CV=0
