c++ Streams


Advantages of streams

  1. better type safety
  2. Extensible
  3. More object-oriented


  1. More verbose
  2. Often slower
  3. C标准的输入输出和C++的不能混用。

Stream naming conventions

Input Output Header
Generic istream ostream
File ifstream ofstream
C string(legacy) istrstream ostrstream
C string istringstream ostringstream

Stream operations

  • Extractors: Read a value from stream, overload the >> operator
  • Inserters: Insert a value into a stream, overload the << operator
  • Manipulators: Change the stream state

Kinds of streams

  • Text streams

    Deal in ASCII text, perform some character translation, include files and character buffers

  • Binary streams

    Binary data, no translations

Predefined streams

  • cin: standard input
  • cout: standard output
  • cerr: unbuffered error(debugging) output
  • clog: buffered error(debugging) output
int i;float f;char c;
char buffer[80];
//Read the next character
cin >> c;
//Read an integer
cin >> i;
//Read a float and a string separater by whitespace
cin >> f >> buffer;

More input operators

// read up to limit characters, or to delim
// Appends a null character to buf
// Does not consume the delimiter
get(char *buf, int limit, char delim = '\n')
// read up to limit characters, or to delim
// Appends a null character to buf
// Does consume the delimiter
getline(char *buf, int limit, char delim = '\n')
//Skip over limit characters or to delimiter
//Skip over delimiter if found
ignore(int limit = 1, int delim = EOF)
// return number of characters just read
int gcount()
cout <<"read "<

output operators

//print a single character
//force output of stream contents
cout << "Enter a number"

formatting using manipulators


manipulator effect type
dec, hex, oct set numeric conversion I,O
endl insert newline and flush O
flush flush stream O
setw(int) set field width I, O
setfill(ch) change fill character I, O
setbase(int) set number base O
ws skip whitespace I
setprecision(int) set floating point precision O
setiosflags(long) turn on specified flags I, O
resetiosflags(long) turn off specified flags I, O
//Working with flags
void main(){
    cout<<123<<" "<<456.78<

File streams

ifstream, ofstream connect files to streams

mode purpose
ios::app append
ios::ate position at end of file
ios::binary do binary I/O
ios::in open for input
ios::out open for output
ios::nocreate don’t create file if not there
ios::noreplace don’t replace file if present
ios::trunc truncate file if present
# include
# include
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    if(argc!= 3){
        cerr<<"Usage: copy file1 file2"<< end;
    ifstream in(argv[1]);
        cerr<< "Unable to open file"<< argv[1];

stream operations

  • open(const char *, int flags, int)

    open a specified file:

    ifstream inputS;
    inputS.open("somefile", ios::in);
        cerr<< "Unable to open somefile";
  • close()

    Close stream
