2010-07-14 08:11:22| 分类: Linux Openwrt |举报 |字号 订阅
openwrt 挂载 UVC摄像头
opkg update
opkg install kmod-usb-ohci #一般BCM用的是ohci USB控制器
#opkg install kmod-usb-uhci #UHCI USB控制器
opkg install kmod-usb-video
opkg install kmod-video-gspca-core
opkg install kmod-video-core
opkg install kmod-video-uvc #免驱摄像头
opkg install kmod-video-gspca-zc3xx #中微星摄像头 如zc301 zc303 zc305
opkg install kmod-i2c-core
opkg install kmod-input-core
opkg install motion
我在三个路由实现了该监控,分别是mi424wr,db120,7231-4p.其中7231-4p是使用dd-wrt 其余两个使用openwrt-backfire.
首先在http://downloads.openwrt.org/backfire/10.03 根据硬件平台下载安装motion及相关的ipk包,
然后编辑vi /overlay/etc/motion.conf, 我的编辑文件内容如下
# Rename this distribution example file to motion.conf
# This config file was generated by motion ""
# Daemon
# Start in daemon (background) mode and release terminal (default: off)
daemon off
# File to store the process ID, also called pid file. (default: not defined)
process_id_file /var/run/motion/motion.pid
# Basic Setup Mode
# Start in Setup-Mode, daemon disabled. (default: off)
setup_mode off
# Capture device options
# Videodevice to be used for capturing (default /dev/video0)
# for FreeBSD default is /dev/bktr0
videodevice /dev/video0
# Image width (pixels). Valid range: Camera dependent, default: 352
width 320
# Image height (pixels). Valid range: Camera dependent, default: 288
height 240
# Motion Detection Settings:
# Threshold for number of changed pixels in an image that
# triggers motion detection (default: 1500)
threshold 1500 这个是改变探测灵敏度,越小越灵敏
# Automatically tune the threshold down if possible (default: off)
threshold_tune off
# Noise threshold for the motion detection (default: 32)
noise_level 32
# Automatically tune the noise threshold (default: on)
noise_tune on
# Live Webcam Server
# The mini-http server listens to this port for requests (default: 0 = disabled)
webcam_port 8081 #远程端口
# Quality of the jpeg images produced (default: 50)
webcam_quality 50
# Output frames at 1 fps when no motion is detected and increase to the
# rate given by webcam_maxrate when motion is detected (default: off)
webcam_motion off
# Maximum framerate for webcam streams (default: 1)
webcam_maxrate 1
# Restrict webcam connections to localhost only (default: on)
webcam_localhost off #必须改成off才能通过pc访问
# Limits the number of images per connection (default: 0 = unlimited)
# Number can be defined by multiplying actual webcam rate by desired number of seconds
# Actual webcam rate is the smallest of the numbers framerate and webcam_maxrate
webcam_limit 0
target_dir /tmp/cam1 #保存目录
# HTTP Based Control
# TCP/IP port for the http server to listen on (default: 0 = disabled)
control_port 8080
# Restrict control connections to localhost only (default: on)
control_localhost on
# Output for http server, select off to choose raw text plain (default: on)
control_html_output on
# Authentication for the http based control. Syntax username:password
# Default: not defined (Disabled)
; control_authentication username:password
# Thread config files - One for each camera.
# Except if only one camera - You only need this config file.
# If you have more than one camera you MUST define one thread
# config file for each camera in addition to this config file.
# Remember: If you have more than one camera you must have one
# thread file for each camera. E.g. 2 cameras requires 3 files:
# This motion.conf file AND thread1.conf and thread2.conf.
# Only put the options that are unique to each camera in the
# thread config files.
thread /etc/thread1.conf
thread /etc/thread2.conf
# thread /etc/thread3.conf
# thread /etc/thread4.conf #如果有多个摄像头要把使用这部分,否则全部注释掉
修改好后,在/etc目录下 输入 motion -c motion.conf
在windows下也可以使用palantir (在这里下载http://www.fastpath.it/products/palantir/pub/pclient.exe) 的pc客户端 连接就可以看到图片了,这个完全是一张张图片播放的 所以不连贯.
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2006-2010 OpenWrt.org
# Copyright (C) 2006 Carlos Sobrinho
killall motion
/etc/init.d/motion start 启动
/etc/init.d/motion enabel 是自启动
dmesg | grep uvcvideo
opkg install usbutils
dmesg | grep usb
cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/1.jpg
Palantir 、motion、Mjpg-streamer
openwrt 挂载ZCXX摄像头
1、先修改opkg源为openwrt.cn, 安装openwrt.cn中文网提供的kmod-usb-video、kmod-video-gspca-core;
opkg update
opkg install http://www.openwrt.org.cn/downloads/backfire/10.03/brcm63xx/packages/kmod-usb-video_2.6.32.10-1_brcm63xx.ipk
opkg install kmod-video-core
opkg install http://www.openwrt.org.cn/downloads/backfire/10.03/brcm63xx/packages/kmod-video-gspca-core_2.6.32.10-1_brcm63xx.ipk
opkg install http://downloads.x-wrt.org/xwrt/backfire/10.03/brcm63xx/packages/kmod-video-gspca-zc3xx_2.6.32.10-1_brcm63xx.ipk