(Java)基本与引用数据类型(Primitive vs. Reference Data Types)

(Java)基本与引用数据类型(Primitive vs. Reference Data Types)




Primitives vs. References(基本与引用

  • primitive types are the basic types of data(基本类型是基本的数据类型)
    • byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, char
    • primitive variables store primitive values(基本变量存储基本值)
  • reference types are any instantiable class as well as arrays(引用类型是任何可实例化的类以及数组)
    • String, Scanner, Random, Die, int[], String[], etc. (etc :等等)
    • reference variables store addresses(引用变量存储地址)


  • copies the contents of RHS variable into LHS variable(将RHS变量的内容复制到LHS变量)【注:RHS和LHS是常见的术语,分别代表“右手边”和“左手边”。在赋值语句中,如 x = y;,x是LHS(左手边的变量),y是RHS(右手边的变量或值)。也就是将y的值复制到x中。】
    • primitives: the primitive value is copied(基本类型:基本值被复制)
    • references: the address is copied(引用类型:地址被复制)
  • implications: for references the object is not copied, it is shared (reference variables are aliases) (含义/影响:对于引用,对象不是被复制,而是被共享(引用变量是别名))

Comparisons (e.g. ==) (比较(例如 ==))

  • compares the contents of the variables (比较变量的内容)
    • primitives: the primitive values are compared (基本类型:比较基本值)
    • references: the addresses are compared (引用类型:比较地址)
  • implications: for references the contents of the objects are not compared (含义/影响:对于引用,不比较对象的内容)

Passing Parameters(传递参数)

  • terminology:(术语:)
    • formal parameter: the parameter variable that is listed (along with its type) in the method declaration (形式参数:在方法声明中列出的参数变量(及其类型))
    • actual parameter: the parameter that is given when the method is called (实际参数:调用方法时给出的参数)
  • copies the contents of actual parameter into the formal parameter (i.e., pass-by-value) (将实际参数的内容复制到形式参数(即,按值传递))
    • primitives: the primitive value is copied (基本类型:基本值被复制)
    • references: the address is copied (引用类型:地址被复制)
  • implications: for references the object is not copied, it is shared (i.e., actual parameter and formal parameter are aliases) (含义/影响:对于引用,对象不是被复制,而是被共享(即,实际参数和形式参数是别名))
  • primitives: changing the formal parameter's value doesn't affect the actual parameter's value (基本类型:改变形式参数的值不会影响实际参数的值)
  • references: changing the formal parameter's address doesn't affect the actual parameter's address but changing the formal parameter's object does change the actual parameter's object since they refer to the same object (引用类型:改变形式参数的地址不会影响实际参数的地址,但改变形式参数的对象会改变实际参数的对象,因为它们指向同一个对象)

Returning Values(返回值)

  • returns a result to where the method was called (将结果返回到调用方法的地方)
    • primitives: the primitive value is returned (基本类型:返回基本值)
    • references: the address is returned (引用类型:返回地址)
  • recall: local variables and parameters are destroyed when the method finishes execution (请注意:当方法执行完毕时,局部变量和参数会被销毁)
  • implications: a locally created object can survive if it is returned or if it is stored in a data member (含义/影响:如果一个对象被返回或者被存储在一个数据成员中,那么这个局部创建的对象可以存活下来。)

附、Oracle官方文档中对于Java参数传递方式的介绍 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/arguments.html 节选如下:

Passing Primitive Data Type Arguments


Primitive arguments, such as an int or a double, are passed into methods by value. This means that any changes to the values of the parameters exist only within the scope of the method. When the method returns, the parameters are gone and any changes to them are lost. Here is an example:

基本数据类型的参数,如 int 或 double,是通过值传递到方法中的。这意味着参数值的任何更改只存在于方法的作用域内。当方法返回时,参数消失了,对它们的任何更改也随之丢失。这里有一个例子:

public class PassPrimitiveByValue {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 3;
        // invoke passMethod() with 
        // x as argument
        // print x to see if its 
        // value has changed
        System.out.println("After invoking passMethod, x = " + x);
    // change parameter in passMethod()
    public static void passMethod(int p) {
        p = 10;

When you run this program, the output is:


After invoking passMethod, x = 3

Passing Reference Data Type Arguments


Reference data type parameters, such as objects, are also passed into methods by value. This means that when the method returns, the passed-in reference still references the same object as before. However, the values of the object's fields can be changed in the method, if they have the proper access level.

For example, consider a method in an arbitrary class that moves Circle objects:



public void moveCircle(Circle circle, int deltaX, int deltaY) {
    // code to move origin of circle to x+deltaX, y+deltaY
    circle.setX(circle.getX() + deltaX);
    circle.setY(circle.getY() + deltaY);
    // code to assign a new reference to circle
    circle = new Circle(0, 0);

Let the method be invoked with these arguments:


moveCircle(myCircle, 23, 56)

Inside the method, circle initially refers to myCircle. The method changes the x and y coordinates of the object that circle references (that is, myCircle) by 23 and 56, respectively. These changes will persist when the method returns. Then circle is assigned a reference to a new Circle object with x = y = 0. This reassignment has no permanence, however, because the reference was passed in by value and cannot change. Within the method, the object pointed to by circle has changed, but, when the method returns, myCircle still references the same Circle object as before the method was called.

在方法内部,circle最初引用(指向)myCircle。该方法将circle引用的对象(即myCircle)的x坐标和y坐标分别更改23和56。当方法返回时,这些更改将持续存在。然后 circle 被赋予了一个新的 Circle 对象的引用,x = y = 0。但是,这个重赋值没有持久性,因为引用是按值传入的,不能更改。在方法中(内部),circle所指向的对象已经改变,但是,当方法返回时,myCircle仍然引用与调用该方法之前相同的circle对象。
