The 8th China Open Source Conference Successfully Concludes


开源社主办第八届中国开源年会(COSCon'23)于 2023年10月29日在成都圆满收官。本次大会,为期两天,线下参会报名逾千人次,在线直播观看人数总计 168610 人,直播观看次数达 248725 次,官网累计浏览量达 27,465 次。同时本次大会我们共有 18 家年度合作伙伴、10 家媒体合作伙伴、26 家直播合作平台、86 家社区合作伙伴以及 140+  线上和线下的志愿者参与支持!

The 8th China Open Source Conference (COSCon'23), organized by KAIYUANSHE, successfully concluded on October 29, 2023, in Chengdu. The two-day event attracted over a thousand offline participants, with a total of 168,610 online viewers and 248,725 views. The official website accumulated 27,465 visits, and the overall exposure of the conference reached 68,343 times (as of the press release). The conference featured 18 annual partners, 10 media partners, 26 live-streaming platforms, 86 community partners, and the support of 140+ online and offline volunteers.

本次大会众多开源大神云集,以“Mind Hackathon”为主题的创新主论坛形式让人耳目一新,同时分论坛延续往年传统将时下热点技术领域一网打尽,覆盖人工智能、开源商业、云计算、大数据、区块链、开源教育、开源文化、开源治理、开源硬件、开源操作系统、编程语言、女性论坛、Web应用开发、开源百宝箱以及闪电演讲等等。还有更多丰富的开源市集活动、KCC@Global 大聚会,请大家跟随着小编的步伐一起来看看吧~

The conference gathered numerous open source experts and innovators. The main forum, themed "Mind Hackathon," introduced a refreshing roundtable format with five consecutive discussions over two mornings. The sub-forums covered a wide range of trending technology areas, including artificial intelligence, open source business, cloud computing, big data, blockchain, open source education, open source culture, open source governance, open source hardware, open source operating systems, programming languages, women's forum, web application development, open source toolbox, and lightning talks. Additionally, various open source market activities and the KCC@Global Grand Gathering provided a diverse experience for the participants.

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COSCon'23 Website:



Main Forum

作为开源界的年度大戏,本次主论坛最大特色就是一种被称为 Mind Hackathon(头脑黑客马拉松)的圆桌形式,两天上午我们连续安排五个圆桌讨论,给大家带来一场思考与创意的盛宴。不同的主题,不同风格的主持人,不同背景与经验的嘉宾,全体“演职人员”,共同为大家呈现了一台好戏。

As the annual highlight of the open source community, the main forum of this conference featured a unique "Mind Hackathon" roundtable format. Over two days, five roundtable discussions with different themes, hosts' styles, and guests' backgrounds provided a feast of thinking and creativity for the audience.

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Another highlight was the "lightning talks," presenting concise and insightful topics that resonated with programmers.

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来自全国各地的开源爱好者、开发者和专家齐聚一堂,共同探讨开源技术的发展和应用。本次年会共设13个分会场和1个工作坊,涵盖了开源治理、开源文化、开源商业、云计算、大数据、开源操作系统、人工智能(AI)、开源硬件、区块链、女性论坛、青少年开源&开源教育、Web应用开发、开源百宝箱、BoF ( Birds of a Feather)和Web工作坊等多个领域。

Enthusiasts, developers, and experts from all over the country gathered to discuss the development and application of open source technology. The conference included 13 sub-forums and one workshop covering various areas such as Open Source Governance, Open Source Culture, Open Source Business, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Open Source Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Open Source Hardware, Blockchain, Women's Forum, Youth Open Source & Open Source Education, Web Application Development, Open Source Toolbox, BoF (Birds of a Feather), and the Web Workshop.


The Open Source Governance sub-forum explored better ways to manage and operate open source communities, aiming to improve community quality and sustainability.

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The Open Source Culture sub-forum emphasized the importance and value of open source culture and how to promote and uphold it.

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The Open Source Business sub-forum discussed applying open source technology to the business field, achieving a win-win situation for both business and the community. At the outdoor exhibition booth of the conference, the jointly released "China Open Source Annual Report - Commercialization Edition" by KAIYUANSHE and Yunqi Partners was also available. This publication brought multiple insights and benefits to the conference participants.

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The Cloud Computing sub-forum featured participants sharing the latest technology practices and achievements in the cloud computing field.

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大数据分会场,讲师们把大数据及大数据与 AI 结合的前沿技术实践和原理带给听众,让大家不仅知其然,而且知其所以然,更好地利用大数据和 AI 来推动创新和业务增长。

The Big Data sub-forum provided insights into the forefront of technology practices and principles combining big data and AI. This aimed to give the audience a comprehensive understanding, enabling them to grasp the essence and the underlying reasons. The goal is to facilitate the utilization of big data and AI effectively for driving innovation and business growth.

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The Open Source Operating Systems sub-forum shared the technical features and future plans of several top open source operating systems in China.

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人工智能分论坛分享了 AI 工具,如何提高AI计算性能,大模型等话题。开源技术的不断创新推动着AI技术的发展。

The Artificial Intelligence sub-forum covered topics such as AI tools, improving AI computing performance, and large models, showcasing the continuous innovation in AI technology driven by open source.


The Open Source Hardware sub-forum discussed various dimensions of open source hardware, including specific projects, commercial development, platform community organization, history, and future. The Sichuan University Open Source Hardware Association participated as a group, and the venue was packed with enthusiastic attendees.

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区块链分论坛,来自海内外的嘉宾们分享了区块链在AI, 数据可信,去中心化身份,开源基础设施等领域的最新探索和实践,也讨论了区块链加开源带来的开放式网络的历史与发展趋势。

The Blockchain sub-forum featured guests from home and abroad sharing the latest exploration and practices of blockchain in AI, data trust, decentralized identity, and open source infrastructure. It also discussed the historical development trends brought about by combining blockchain and open source.


The Women's Forum aimed to record and share outstanding work and insights of women in the open source community, encouraging and promoting a more diverse cultural atmosphere.

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The Youth Open Source & Open Source Education sub-forum aimed to encourage more young people to participate in the open source community and promote open source education and culture.

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COSCon not only provided an important platform for developing and applying open source technology but also offered valuable insights for the construction and operation of open source communities. It is believed that, with the joint efforts of open source enthusiasts and developers both domestically and internationally, open source technology will continue to develop and innovate, making greater contributions to China's open source ecosystem and social development.

High Peak Roundtable Forum

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自2015年以来,开源高峰论坛一直是中国开源年会中的传统亮点项目。我们邀请来20+ 多位来自企业,基金会和社区的专家和领袖参加讨论。本次高峰论坛出品人为王伟教授,围绕着预测2024年关键技术趋势,数据隐私与开源AI, 开源供应链和安全防范,开源的法律法规和政府合作。

Since 2015, the High Peak Forum has been a traditional highlight of COSCon. Over 20 experts and leaders from enterprises, foundations, and communities were invited to discuss key technology trends for 2024, data privacy and open source AI, open source supply chain and security precautions, as well as open source laws and regulations and government cooperation.


The discussion on recommendations for the future development of KAIYUANSHE in the next decade was particularly intense, marking the most sincere and enthusiastic High Peak Forum in the nine years since its inception.


Thanks to the advisors for their trust in and wholehearted sharing with KAIYUANSHE. The collision of various viewpoints, in-depth discussions, and exploration has advanced our understanding of China's open source ecology one small step further.

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Open Source Market

在众多伙伴的支持下,一群开放协作人从 2018 年开始在成都持续组织的“开源市集”,在 COSCon'23 一如既往精彩纷呈。

With the support of KAIYUANSHE partners, a group of open collaboration enthusiasts has been continuously organizing the "Open Source Market" in Chengdu since 2018, and it continued to shine at COSCon'23.

感谢 COSCon'23 组委会支持,特别是媒体组设计的精美周边为活动增色不少。

Thanks to the support of the COSCon'23 organizing committee, especially the beautifully designed peripherals by the KAIYUANSHE Media Team, the event was even more splendid.

感谢开源市集社群伙伴们:唐云峰、薛云鹤、诗杰、阿林、果汁、冰雪、闯闯、邝曾珍、水歌、Miya 倾力协作。

Thanks to the open source market community partners: Tang Yunfeng, Xue Yunhe, Shijie, Alin, Guozhi, Bingxue, Chuangchuang, Kuang Cengzhen, Shuige, and Miya for their collaborative efforts.


Of course, thanks to the volunteers for their dedicated support in various aspects such as registration, transportation, and assembly of materials. Thank you, the most lovely ones.

感谢来自众多社区的摊位主们精心准备互动活动,带给参会者丰富有趣的体验:DFRobot、立创开源硬件平台项目展、西华大学学生硬件作品、渠成开源社区、开源社、COSCUP、开源之夏、赛昉科技、Pipy、NGINX、Walrus、Xtreme1 开源多模态训练数据平台、Dromara开源社区、开源咖啡、PolarDB开源社区、 傲空间、OpenSCA、PyChina(Python中国社区)、CovScript 编程语言、OpenBuild、飞桨AI Studio大模型社区应用市集、KusionStack、KCL、CAICT可信开源 、浪潮 KaiwuDB、KCC 开源社城市社区。

Thanks to the booth owners from many communities who carefully prepared interactive activities, bringing rich and interesting experiences to the participants. DFRobot, Lichuang Open Source Hardware Platform Project Exhibition, Xihua University student hardware works, Qucheng Open Source Community, Open Source Society, COSCUP, Open Source Summer, Saichang Technology, Pipy, NGINX, Walrus, Xtreme1 Open Source Multimodal Training Data Platform, Dromara Open Source Community, Open Source Coffee, PolarDB Open Source Community, Proud Space, OpenSCA, PyChina (Python China Community), CovScript Programming Language, OpenBuild, PaddlePaddle AI Studio Large Model Community Application Market, KusionStack, KCL, CAICT Trusted Open Source, Langchao KaiwuDB, and KCC (KAIYUANSHE City Community).


Also, thanks to the participants for expressing their love for the event. This motivates us to continue practicing the philosophy of the open-source market community—to bring the joy of "open source" and "open collaboration" to more people, lighten up more interesting souls, and positively impact society.

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The first promotion of KAIYUANSHE gift brand

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Reunion of KAIYUANSHE official members

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2023 真·黑客马拉松 成都站开跑
2023 Real Hackathon Marathon Chengdu Station


KAIYUANSHE actively promotes open source as a new way of life. According to the annual tradition, wherever there is the COSCon, there will be a real hackathon marathon.


Enthusiastic runners who love open source gathered in the beautiful Jincheng Lake Park, combining the spirit of open source with healthy exercise, letting both code and bodies "run," and warming up for the Chengdu Marathon the next day.  

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COSCon大会组委会也贴心地为大家奉上 T-shirt 和证书,特别感谢本次马拉松活动的赞助商华为,为参赛选手提供了跑步必备礼品 - 华为和开源社联名款腰包。

The COSCon organizing committee also thoughtfully provided T-shirts and certificates for everyone. Special thanks to Huawei, the sponsor of this marathon event, for providing essential gifts for the participants: a Huawei and KAIYUANSHE co-branded waist bag.

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Carnival Night

大会第一天(10月28日)晚上,COSCon'23 大会在港汇天地屋顶草坪举办了“开源之夜晚宴”,所有中外大咖讲师、年度合作伙伴、KCC各地负责人、开源市集合作伙伴等嘉宾齐聚一堂。晚宴上我们发布了由林旅强.Richard 谱曲演唱、庄表伟填词的《开源人之歌》,颁发了各地开源城市社区(KCC) 的负责人的任命证书,颁布了2023年度“开源之星”、“COSCon 之星”和“社区合作之星”的获奖人,邀请了本次参加开源市集的摊位主与大家进行交流和分享。另有众多精彩有趣的互动活动,让人不禁流连忘返。

On the first day of the conference (October 28), COSCon'23 held the "Open Source Night Banquet" on the rooftop lawn of the Grand Gateway, where all the speakers, annual partners, KCC leaders from various cities, open source market partners, and other guests gathered. At the banquet, we unveiled the "Song of Open-Sourcers," composed and sung by Richard Lin, with lyrics from Zhuang Biaowei. Additionally, we presented the appointment certificates to the leaders of KAIYUANSHE city communities (KCC) from various regions, announced the winners of the "Open Source Star," "COSCon Star," and "Community Cooperation Star" for the year 202, and invitedbBooth owners participating in the open source market  to engage in discussions and share their precious experiences with everyone.

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林旅强.Richard 演唱《开源人之歌》
Richard Lin sings the "Song of Open-Sourcers"

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由庄表伟向各地开源城市社区(KCC) 的负责人颁发任命证书
Zhuang Biaowei presents appointment certificates to the leaders of KCC)

由理事长陈阳.Emily 颁布2023年度“开源之星”、“COSCon 之星”和“社区合作之星”的获奖人。
Emily Chen, Chairman of the Board, announces the winners of the "Open Source Star," "COSCon Star," and "Community Cooperation Star" for 2023.

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More highlights from the Open Source Night.


KCC@Global 大聚会

KCC@Global Grand Gathering

当各地 KCC 的负责人和组织者们齐聚一堂,那浓厚的交流、合作与分享氛围展现了开源如何连接彼此、如何汇聚智慧。COSCon 不只是开源人的年度盛会,更是一个桥梁,让各地的开源爱好者在这里找到彼此,建立更深入的联系。KCC 的活动进一步为地方开源社区提供了共同成长、交流与合作的场所。它告诉我们,不论地域,只要有对技术的热忱,都可以在开源的大家庭中找到属于自己的位置。期待下一次的 KCC@Global 大聚会,让更多技术爱好者共聚,分享与进步。

As leaders and organizers from various KCCs gathered, the rich communication, collaboration, and sharing atmosphere showcased how open source connects individuals and aggregates wisdom. COSCon is not just an annual grand event for open-sourcers; it serves as a bridge, allowing open source enthusiasts from different regions to find each other here and establish deeper connections. The activities of KCC further provide a space for local open source communities to grow, communicate, and collaborate together. It tells us that, regardless of geographical boundaries, as long as there is enthusiasm for technology, one can find one's own place in the vast family of open source. We look forward to the next KCC@Global Grand Gathering, where more tech enthusiasts can collaborate, share, and progress.



Heartfelt Thanks to All Volunteers


On behalf of all the members of the COSCon organizing committee, Emily Chen, Chairman of the Board of KAIYUANSHE, expresses the most sincere thanks to every volunteer!

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Volunteers at the conference registration desk.



Let's Meet at COSCon'24


KAIYUANSHE was established on October 16, 2014, and has been run for nine years. Next year, as the 10th anniversary of the establishment of KAIYUANSHE, the location of our 9th China Open Source Conference will return to where our dream began: Beijing.

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最后再次感谢本次大会我们的 18 家年度合作伙伴、10 家媒体合作伙伴、26 家直播合作平台、86 家社区合作伙伴,感谢大家一路同行。

Once again, thanks to our 18 annual partners, 10 media partners, 26 live-streaming platform partners, and 86 community partners for accompanying us all the way.

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出品丨COSCon'23 组委会



相关阅读 | Related Reading

  • 评选2023年开源社最亮的星

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开源社(英文名称为“KAIYUANSHE”)成立于 2014 年,是由志愿贡献于开源事业的个人志愿者,依 “贡献、共识、共治” 原则所组成的开源社区。开源社始终维持 “厂商中立、公益、非营利” 的理念,以 “立足中国、贡献全球,推动开源成为新时代的生活方式” 为愿景,以 “开源治理、国际接轨、社区发展、项目孵化” 为使命,旨在共创健康可持续发展的开源生态体系。

开源社积极与支持开源的社区、高校、企业以及政府相关单位紧密合作,同时也是全球开源协议认证组织 - OSI 在中国的首个成员。


