

英文 中文
Terrible Tudors, gorgeous Georgians 恐怖都铎华丽乔治
Slimy Stuarts, vile Victorians 卑劣斯图亚特邪恶维多利亚
Woeful wars, ferocious fights 悲惨战役凶残争斗
Dingy castles, daring knights 昏暗古堡英勇骑士
Horrors that defy description 恐怖难以言表
Cut-throat Celts, awful Egyptians 凶狠凯尔特可怕古埃及
Vicious Vikings, cruel crimes, punishment from ancient times 凶残维京冷血罪行远古的惩罚
Romans, rotten, rank, and ruthless 罗马人堕落恶心又冷血
Caveman, savage, fierce and toothless 穴居人野蛮残酷不长牙
Groovy Greeks, brainy sages 绝妙古希腊聪明大圣人
Mean and measly Middle Ages 卑鄙又卑微就是中世纪
Gory stories we do that 血腥故事无限多
And your host a talking rat 且听鼠君对你说
The past is no longer a mystery 历史不再是个谜
Welcome to 欢迎收看
In ancient Egypt, 在古埃及
we had some pretty funny ideas about what made you look good. 我们有些十分有趣的美容之道
Hey girls, do you want to keep up-to-date 姑娘们想要时刻掌握
with all the latest ancient Egyptian trends 古埃及最新的


in make-up, hair and fashion? 妆容发型和潮流趋势吗
Then you need to get new Pharaoh Phashion magazine! 你需要全新的《法老时尚》杂志
In this week's issue, we'll show you the hottest, 本期中我们将向你展示最潮
and we mean hottest, new hair accessories. 记住哦是最潮的发饰
I love my new wax cone. 我爱我的新蜡锥
It's so stylish, 它太有型了
埃及人 真的 佩戴蜡角
埃及人 真的 佩戴蜡角
I'm never taking it off, 我不会把它拿下来的
because I can't. 因为根本拿不下来
It's melted into my hair. 它和我的头发融在一起了
Really hot. 好烫
And bold new hair fashions! 以及前卫的潮流发型
Don't follow the flock, wear a sheep's wool wig. 别再随大流戴羊毛假发吧
埃及人 真的 戴这个
埃及人 真的 戴这个
I look baa-beautiful. 我看起来...咩...太美了
Plus this season's must have make-up. 还有这一季的必备化妆品
There's luscious lipstick, made from red powder. 这性感的唇膏由红色粉末制成
Mixed with fat. 再混以脂肪
And fabulous eyeliner made from black lead. 再加上绝妙的黑铅眼线
It also works as a sun block and fly deterrent. 它还可以防晒防苍蝇
And I thought I looked ridiculous, ha-ha! 我还以为我这样子就够滑稽了呢
Darling, you do. 是够滑稽的亲爱的
And we reveal the very latest fashion from ancient Egypt. 我们会向你展示古埃及最流行的时装
And you thought you had nothing to wear. 你还以为你没什么可穿的
Yes, you too can go naked like an ancient Egyptian peasant. 没错你也可以像古埃及农民般赤裸着出门
So for all the latest from the world of Egyptian fashion, 网罗埃及最新的潮流资讯
don't miss Pharaoh Phashion magazine. 精彩尽在《法老时尚》杂志
Yours to buy for only three radishes and two onions. 只需三根萝卜加两颗洋葱就能买到
So, what could be weirder than wearing a waxed cone on your head? 还有什么能比头戴蜡锥更怪异呢
Well, this could. Ha-Ha 这个就能
Say, "Goodbye, toothache." 向牙疼说再见
Say, "Hello, healthy teeth and gums," 迎接健康的牙齿和牙龈吧
with new Mouse Fresh Max. 请使用全新的大份新鲜鼠
A revolution in tooth care direct from ancient Egypt. 它是古埃及的牙齿护理革新技术
It's so easy to use. 使用起来很方便
Just take one live mouse, chop it in half 只需拿出一只活老鼠劈成两半
and pop it into your mouth while it's still lovely and warm. 趁热放入嘴中
埃及人 真的 这么干


埃及人 真的 这么干
As recommended by leading ancient Egyptian dentists. 古埃及著名牙医推荐
I recommend Mouse Fresh Max for healthy teeth, every time. 想要牙齿健康我建议每次使用大份新鲜鼠
Mouse Fresh Max, packed to the max with dead mouse freshness. 大份新鲜鼠大份装的新鲜死老鼠
It's mouseerriffic! 有老鼠更自信
Egyptian Mouse Fresh Max gives a whole new max freshness 埃及新鲜大份鼠带你体验顶级的新鲜
for maximum fresh freshness, 用死老鼠的美妙风味
with the great taste of dead mouse. 为你带来最新鲜的享受
An Ancient Egyptian cure for blindness 请问古埃及人
involved mixing honey with mashed up what? 将什么捣烂再与蜂蜜混合来治疗失明
A, pig's eyes. A猪的眼睛
B, goat's stomachs. B山羊的胃
Or C, crocodile bottoms. C鳄鱼屁股
The answer is... 答案是...
A - mashed up pigs eyes. A捣烂的猪眼睛
You poured the mixture into the patient's ear. 要把混合物倒入病人的耳朵里
The Abbot of Pain, my lord. 佩恩修道院院长求见陛下
Oh, thank heavens you're here, my little Abbot! 你终于来了我亲爱的院长
I was so very bored, 我太无聊了
but now, you can amuse me. 你来了就有人逗我开心了
Yes, King Louis. 有何吩咐路易国王
You have a flare for making musical instruments. 你有制造乐器的天赋
Make me one that's totally preposterous and highly amusing. 为我造一个超级有趣而且与众不同的
The most incredible musical instrument there ever was! 有史以来最不可思议的乐器
路易国王 真的下了 这个旨意
Succeed, and you'll carry favour at court. 如果成功了你将成为宠臣
路易国王 真的下了 这个旨意
Fail, and you'll find yourself on a spike. 如果失败了你就会遭受钉刑
If I don't have an idea soon, my head will be on a spike! 如果再想不到法子我就要被钉死了
Sacre bleu! I have it! 慢着我想到了
This had better be good. 最好别让我失望
Voila! The pig piano. 您请看猪钢琴
Formidable! 太棒啦
I love pigs. 我爱猪猪
Each key on the keyboard is connected to a spike, 键盘上的每个琴键都与一个钉子相连
which jabs the rump of the appropriate pig, like so. 钉子会扎对应的猪的屁股就像这样
One is most definitely amused. 这确实很有意思
What do you think, Monsieur Simon Cowell? 你觉得怎么样西蒙·考威尔先生
Well, you... 你...
were OK. 还不错
You, were rubbish. 你...是个废物
And you, you, and you, were awful. 你你还有你很糟糕
But you, I like. 不过我喜欢你
You're through to the next round. 你晋级下一轮了
You wouldn't believe it, 你可能不相信
but the pig piano is a true story. 但猪钢琴的故事是真实发生过的
Though I wasn't alive then, 虽然当时我还没出生
obviously I'm not that old. 我还没老到那种程度
I'm not! 真没有
Hello, and welcome to the News at When. 大家好欢迎收看《那时新闻》
When? 1086. 那时是1086年
That's 20 years after the Norman King, William the Conqueror, 此时距诺曼国王征服者威廉从法国
invaded England from France. 入侵英格兰已有二十年的时间
Now he wants to know exactly what he's conquered, 如今他想知道自己究竟征服了什么
so he's ordered a survey of every single thing in the country. 于是他下令调查举国上下的每样东西
He's calling it, the Doomsday Book. 他称其为《末日审判书》
英国 诺曼征服英格兰后二十年
Hello. Can you open the door, please? 你好请开一下门好吗
Good morning, sir. My name's Matilda, 早上好先生我叫玛蒂尔达
and I'm calling today on behalf of William the Conqueror 我今天是以征服者威廉的名义来拜访
concerning the new Doomsday Book. 来做关于新版《末日审判书》的调查
Sorry, I don't buy things at the door. 抱歉我不买上门推销的东西
No selling, sir, just a straightforward survey. 不卖东西先生只是个简单的调查
Would you be willing to answer a few questions? 你愿意回答几个问题吗
Oh, I don't really like surveys. 我真的不喜欢调查
I should point out this morning, sir, 我应该跟你说清楚先生
that, as a conquered Saxon, 作为被统治的撒克逊人
you're obliged to answer the survey, 你必须回答问题
or a big Norman knight will come round and chop your head off. 否则诺曼骑士会过来砍掉你的头
All right then. 那好吧
Lovely. First of all, can I take your name? 很好首先如何称呼你
They call me Affelstan Redbeard. 他们叫我阿费尔斯坦·红胡子
Mr. Redbeard. 红胡子先生
And would you describe yourself as Saxon, 你认为你是撒克逊人呢
Celtic, Pictish or other? 还是凯尔特人皮克特人或者其它人呢
- Saxon. - And can I ask, -撒克逊人-我能问问
were you aware that you'd been conquered? 你意识到自己被统治了吗
I beg your pardon? 你说什么
Were you previously aware that your army 你之前意识到你们的军队
had been vanquished by William the Conqueror 已经被征服者威廉征服了
and that you're now ruled by the Normans of Normandy, France? 而且你们现在被法国诺曼底的诺曼人统治吗
No. 没有
I'm afraid from now on it'll be "Non." All right? 从现在起要用法语说好吧
- Yes. - From now on it'll be "Oui". Is that OK? -好的-这个也要换成法语词好吗
Oui. [法语]好的
Bon! So, how many pigs have you got? 很好那么你有几头猪
- Six. - "Six." -六只-[法语]六只
And how many goats do you have? 你有几只山羊呢
- 11. - "Onze." -11只-[法语]11只
And how many chickens do you have? 有多少只鸡呢
15. 15只
- 14. - Quatorze poulets. -14只-[法语]14只鸡
Combien de poulet avez-vous? [法语]你有多少只鸡
Quatorze poulets, madam. [法语]十四只鸡女士
Lovely! And can I ask, do you own your own home? 真好请问你拥有自己的家吗
No, I'm a serf. 没有我是个农奴
I'll put, "Common as muck." 就写"无名鼠辈"
And finally, 最后一个问题
do you swear allegiance to your new King William of Normandy? 你发誓效忠新国王诺曼底的威廉大帝吗
We'll give you a few seconds to make your mind up. 给你几秒钟考虑时间
- Yes, I do. - Excellent. -是的我发誓-很好

