


包括影响因子高达7.31的Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity和很多科研硕博耳熟能详的Journal of Oncology,大家在之后的投稿中,需要注意:

1.Advances m Materials Science and Engineering 2.098

2. Annals of Palliative Medicine 1.925

3. Annals of Translational Medicine 3.616

4. Applied Nanoscience 3.869

5. Biomed Research inteimational 3.246

6. Computational and Mathematical Methods 2.809

7. Neuroscience Computational intelligence and 3.120

8.Concurrent Engineering-Research and 2.118

9. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 3.009

10. Disease Markers 3.464

11. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2.650

12. Food Science and Technology 2.602

13.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 0.618

14. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 4.614

15. Journal of Coastal Research 1.110

16. Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2.791

17. Ecology Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 0.507

18. Journal of Healthcare Engineering 3.822

19. Journal of Nanomaterials 3.791

20. Journal of Oncology 4.501

21. Journal of Renewable Materials 2.115

22. Agronomy Journal of The American Society of AGRONOMY

23. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1.430

24. Mobile information Systems 1.863

25. Netherlands Journal of Medicine 1.105

26. Ochrona Srodowiska

27. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 7.310

28. Progress in Nutrition 0.567

29. Psychiatria Danubina 2.696

30. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte 0.652

31. Scanning 1.750

32. Scientific Programming 1.672

33. Security and Communication Networks 1.968

34. Waves in Random and Complex Media 4.051

35. Wireless Communications &Mobile 2.146

以上剔除名单中,Hindawi有多达18本,很多期刊都是之前被科睿唯安设定为关注期刊(On hold),而如今最终被剔除。和Hindawi同为知名OA出版社的Frontiers可能也要密切关注,因为其旗下的Frontiers in psychology目前也已经处于On hold状态!








