老爸老妈浪漫史How I Met Your Mother第1季第12集台词

英文 中文
when you're single, 当你仍然单身
and your friends start to get married, 但你的朋友们却陆续结婚时
every wedding invitation presents a strange moment of self-evaluation: 每一个婚礼邀请都是一次自我挑战
"Will you be bringing a guest, "您将带嘉宾出席
or will you be attending alone?" 还是独自出席?"
What it's really asking is, 真正问的是
"where do you see yourself in three months "3个月内去找个
Sitting next to your girlfriend, 坐在旁边的女朋友
or hitting on a bridesmaid?" 还是去追伴娘?"
I always checked that I was bringing a guest. 我向来都是选择带嘉宾
I was an optimist. 我是个乐观主义者
two months and 26 days later. 两个月26天后
Who the hell am I gonna bring to this wedding? 我该带谁去这婚礼呢?
Ted,have you ignored all my teachings? Ted, 你忘了我教你的吗?
For the most part,yeah. 大部分是
No,you don't bring a date to a wedding. 不, 你不能带伴去婚礼
That's like bringing a deer carcass on a hunting trip. 这就象拖着只鹿的尸体去打猎
oh,Ted. oh,Ted. 噢 Ted 噢 Ted
No,no date. 别 别带伴
Deer carcass? Really? 鹿尸? 真的吗?
That's the metaphor you're going with here? 你在暗示你要带去吗?
Ted,it's a simile. Ted, 这只是个比喻
it's too late now. 已经太晚了
If I don't bring a date, 如果我不带个伴
a $200 piece of chicken/salmon will go uneaten. 一份200块的鸡肉或鲑肉就没人吃了
I got to bring someone,but who? 我得带个人去, 但带谁呢?
Of course,I knew who I wanted to bring. 当然, 我知道我想带谁去
Robin Robin
the big unanswered question in my life. 不用想也知道的答案
Problem was, 问题是
she was dating this really rich guy named Derek. 她在和那个叫Derek的有钱家伙约会
Derek. Derek.
Well,Derek and I just broke up. 嗯, 我和Derek刚分手了
no,that's terrible! 噢, 太糟糕了!
are you okay? 你还好吧?
do you need a drink or something? 你要喝点酒或者什么吗?
we never really clicked. 我们不怎么合拍
I felt bad,though. 但我还是满难过的
He was pretty bummed. 他非常沮丧
don't beat yourself up. 别责怪自己
He'll be fine. 他会好起来的
I mean,the guy's,like,a billionaire. 我说, 那家伙, 是个亿万富翁
He can put his platinum card on a fishing line 他可以把他的白金卡放到钓线上
and reel in ten chicks hotter than you. 钓10条比你性感的美女
Thanks. I feel a lot better. 谢谢 我感觉好多了
I think I'll get that drink now. 我想我要去喝点酒了
Okay,guys,I got to say something. 好了, 伙计们, 我有话要说
I think my feelings for Robin may be resurfacing. 我觉得我对Robin的感觉又回来了
please,they were buried in a shallow grave. 拜托 难道你还想死灰复燃
Not again. 别又来
Come on. 拜托
Dude? 伙计?
We all know how this movie ends. 我们都知道电影的结果会怎样
Ted falls in love, Ted坠入爱河
love kicks Ted in the sprouts,roll credits. Ted在萌芽期就被打击,然后就是滚动演员表
No,you guys just have to look at the whole picture. 不对, 你们看看这些画面就知道了
fact:Robin was into me when we first met. 场景: Robin对我一见钟情
fact:Even though she didn't want a relationship, 场景: 尽管她不想交男朋友
we had an amazing kiss on the roof. 我们还是在屋顶来了个热吻
fact:On New Year's Eve, 场景: 新年夜
we kissed again. 我们又接吻了
fact:I need a date to this wedding. 场景: 我需要一个伴陪我去这个婚礼
Wish me luck. 祝我好运吧
What I don't get is why is Claudia marrying Stuart? 我不明白的是为什么Claudia要嫁给Stuart?
She's way hotter than him. 她比他漂亮多了
How way? 多多少?
Way way. 多多了
This wedding does sound pretty amazing,though. 但这个婚礼还是让人那么向往
Fancy hotel ballroom, 高级酒店舞厅
everybody all dressed up... 每个人都盛装打扮...
here we go. 来吧
What? 什么?
We can't get anywhere with our wedding plans 我们找不到满意的婚礼举行地
because I want it to be fun and Marshall wants it to be lame. 因为我想找有趣的的地方 而Marshall喜欢土气
Okay,that's a pretty fair assessment of our two arguments. 好吧, 这说法真公平
I thought so. 我也觉得
You know what? 知道吗?
Excuse me, if I don't want to get married barefoot 抱歉 如果我不想赤脚在
in the woods next to lake no-one's- going- to-drive-that-far. 在车都开不进去的河边森林结婚
Yes. 是的
I want a ballroom, 我想要在舞厅
and I want a band,and I want shoes. 想要支乐队, 还想要有鞋穿
I've been dreaming about this day since I was,like... 我一直梦想着这天自从我还是个...
a little girl? 小女孩?
what up! 厉害!
Okay.I'm just saying that it's my wedding,too, 好吧 我只是想说这也是我的婚礼
and I should have a say in it. 我得发表点意见
Yes,but I'm the bride,so I win. 对啊, 但我才是新娘, 所以我说的算
I thought marriage was about two equal partners sharing a life together. 我认为婚姻是两个平等的伴侣一起共渡余生
Right,but I'm the bride,so I win. 对啊, 但我才是新娘, 所以我说的算
I mean,seriously,Claudia and Stuart? 我说, 真的是Claudia和Stuart?
I mean,I've hooked up with the odd lass 我是说, 我也交往过
who was beneath my level of attractiveness, 低于我魅力等级的女工
but,you know,I was drunk. 但, 我当时喝醉了
There's no way Claudia has been drunk for three years. 没道理Claudia醉酒了3年吧
You know,I've always found that the best way 你知道, 我一直认为忘记失恋痛苦
to get over a failed relationship is 的最好方法是去
to celebrate someone else's successful one. 庆祝他人的美满生活
it makes sense. 有道理
So,with that in mind, 那么, 你也这样想
our friends Claudia and Stuart are having this crazy black-tie wedding on Saturday. 我们的朋友Claudia和Stuart周六举行个挺正式的婚礼
You want to be my plus one? 你想当我的嘉宾吗?
"plus one." You make it sound so romantic. "嘉宾" 你说的真浪漫
Fine. 好了
You want to be my date? 那你愿意当我的伴吗?
Your date? 你的伴?
I'd love to. 我很乐意
How fancy are we talking about here? 这个婚礼到底多隆重?
you're going to want to bring your "A" game. 你可能要带上你最好的行头
Oh,I'll bring it. 噢 我会的
I'll bring it so hard, 我会穿得很抢眼
the bride's going to look like a big white bag of crap. 让新娘看起来象个白色袋子装起来的螃蟹
Lily? Lily?
I need a dress. 我需要件礼服
you're going? 你要去吗?
That's awesome! 太棒了!
my god 我的天
four days to find a dress? 四天内找到礼服?
I know,it's a suicide mission. 我知道, 这会让人想自杀
if we leave now... 如果我们现在就开始...
we can still have a fighting chance. 我们还有机会胜利
Let's do it! 来吧!
Bye,babe. 拜, 宝贝
Did you see how fired up she was? 你们看她多有激情?
I don't know,there's something there. 我不知道, 已经有点什么了
And,come Saturday, 等到周六
a little music,a little dancing, a lot of champagne... 来点音乐, 舞蹈,几杯香槟...
who knows? 谁知道会怎样?
Ted,you're going to have to find another gender for yourself, Ted, 你得再去认识个绅士了
cause I'm revoking your "dude" membership. 因为我要废了你的"兄弟"会员卡
Yeah,how was that manicure yesterday? 耶, 昨天你修甲修的怎么样?
Invigorating,thanks. 不错, 谢谢
Okay,I wasn't going to say it in front of the guys, 好吧, 我不会在他们面前说这些
but back then I really thought that's how it worked. 但我那时候真的认为事情会发展的很顺利
You put yourself and a girl you like in some romantic setting... 和你喜欢的女孩在浪漫的地方...
...the stars line up... ...灯光闪烁...
and shazam. 可惜眨眼就没
I know now that life is never that simple. 我知道现实从来不会这么简单达成
Hey,Claudia! 嘿, Claudia!
yes,I want tahitian vanilla! 对, 我要塔希提香草!
You wrote it down wrong? 你写错了吗?
No,no,no,no,listen to me 不对, 不对, 听我说
if I go to my wedding and the cake is not tahitian vanilla, 如果我发现婚礼上蛋糕不是塔希提香草味的
I will come down there and burn your little shop to the ground! 我会去你那把店给拆了!
Do you want to find out if I'm kidding? 你想试下我是不是开玩笑吗?
good-bye. 再见
How's it going? 怎么样了?
My wedding is in two days, 我的婚礼就在两天后了
that's how it's going. 就这样
don't worry,it's going to be great. 别担心, 会很棒的
I'm so excited. 我很期待
you should be 你当然会
lots of single girls. 大把的单身女孩
I'm... 我会...
bringing a date, 带个伴去
so I'll be off the market. 所以那些与我无关了
What? 什么?
I'm bringing a date. 我要带着伴去
You're not bringing a date. 你不会带
yes,I am. 不, 我会
no,you're not. 不, 你不会
I checked "plus one." 我填了"带嘉宾"
No,you didn't. 没, 你没有
Claudia,I'm pretty sure I checked... Claudia, 我很确定我有填...
Ted,you did not check "plus one"! Ted, 你没有填 "带嘉宾"!
You are not bringing a date to my wedding! 你不能带着伴来我婚礼!
But I already invited someone. 我已经邀请人了
you are not bringing a guest,Ted! 你不会带嘉宾来, Ted!
The guest list has been closed for months 嘉宾名单几个月前就确定了
months! 几个月!
But I checked "plus one"! 但我有填 "带嘉宾"!
I always check "plus one"! 我一直都是填"带嘉宾"!
You absolutely did not check "plus one"! 你绝对没有填 "带嘉宾"!
If you had checked "plus one," 如果你填的是"带嘉宾"
I would have called you to get the name of your guest, 我会致电给你索要嘉宾姓名
so I could have the place cards prind up. 以便座位上放置名牌
Did I call you to get the name of your guest? 我有找你要你的嘉宾姓名吗?
Is there a place card with her name printed on it? 有印着她名字的名牌吗?
She doesn't need a place card. 她不需要名牌
She knows her name. 她知道自己叫什么
What's she eating?! 那她吃什么?!
You ordered the chicken. 你定了鸡肉
What did she order? 她有什么?
Do you see how your story is full of holes? 你知道你的故事有多少漏洞吗?
Come on,Claudia,we go way back. 拜托, Claudia, 我们回到正事吧
Isn't there room for just one more person? 就没有一个多出来的位置吗?
Don't make me hurt you,Ted. 别逼我出手, Ted
I don't believ this! 我不敢相信!
Claudia's crazy! Claudia疯了!
But,to be fair, 但, 公平来说
she's also hotI totally checked "plus one." 她也很性感 我明明填了"带嘉宾"
I'm sure I did. 我确定
right. I did! 是啊 我有填!
Yeah,I don't think you did. 耶,我不觉得你有
You know why? 知道为什么吗?
Because deep down, 因为你内心深处
you didn't want to show up at this thing with a date. 不想带着嘉宾参加婚礼
See,for all your big talk about being ready for a relationship, 你说了那么多关于准备好交女朋友的谎话
deep down,you're single. 归根结底你还是单身
It's your "default setting". 这是你的"默认设置"
Ted,you know what's in the back of your brain? Ted, 你知道你脑袋深处?
great,here comes the little Barney speech. 噢天, "小Barney"演说又来了
Behind a curtain, 秘密的
in a dark little room secretly controlling your every move? 有一小处地方偷偷控制着你的行动?
A Little Barney... 小Barney...
a little Barney. 小Barney
And you know what he said? 知道他说什么吗?
"Ted... " "Ted... "
you will bring no dates to this wedding. "你不会带着伴参加这个婚礼"
"You... " "你... "
will hit on drunk bridesmaids with actual-size Barney." "你将和正常大小的Barney一起泡醉酒的伴娘"
Please stop. 别说了
I got to call Claudia. 我要去给Claudia打电话
-If I just explain to her... -Ted,no! - 如果我对她解释... - Ted, 别!
Let it go. 算了吧
She's about to get married, 她要结婚了
she's got enough to worry about. 有够多的事情得操心了
Then what am I going to do? 那我该怎么办?
The only thing you can do 你能做的只有
tell Robin she can't come. 告诉Robin她不能去了
Just a second! 等一下!
- Listen... - wait,two things. - 听着... - 等等, 两件事
First of all... 首先...
I have been laying groundwork all afternoon. 我整个下午都在为你"打基础"
Totally subtle,totally cool,not pushing,not even nudging, 非常微妙地, 沉着地不催, 也不明显暗示
just: The theme of today is,"Ted rocks." 都是为了今天的主题,"Ted最棒"
And she's picking up what I'm laying down. 她正慢慢中我的计
- Lily,there's a problem... ! - Wait,no. - Lily,现在有问题是... ! - 等等, 别
Thing number two: The dress. 第二件事: 礼服
We got a dress. 我们找到了礼服
Go. 去吧
Did I bring it,or... 这样行了吧, 还是...
did I bring it? 这样行了吧?
I think I brought it. 我确实穿了最好的行头
That's what I was going for. 就是为了这个
I'm so excited about tomorrow. 我太期待明天了
We're going to have so much fun. 明天我们会很开心
about that... 关于这个...
I'll pick you up at 5:00. 我五点来接你
so? The dress? 嗯? 礼服怎么样?
I don't have a plus one for the wedding. 我不能带嘉宾去婚礼
What? 什么?
I ran into Claudia, 我碰见Claudia
and she told me I didn't check "plus one" on the reply card. 她告诉我我没有在回复卡上填"带嘉宾"
Why didn't you check "plus..."? 为什么你没填 "带..."?
I did check "plus one." 我有填 "带嘉宾"
But Robin is so excited. Robin这么期待
I know. 我知道
And the dress! 还有礼服!
I know. 我知道

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你可能感兴趣的:(老爸老妈浪漫史How I Met Your Mother第1季第12集台词)