

The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar.


Fried garlic slices with octopus (蒜爆八带)

1】main ingredient(主料):

octopus (八带/章鱼)

2】Charge mixture(配料):

garlic 100g(蒜100g)


salt(盐)、aginomoto(味精)、sugar (糖)、soy sauce(酱油:味达美)、cooking wine (料酒)

4】Cooking process(烹饪流程):

✔Wash the fresh octopus ,then cut them into slices, each about 5cm long.(把新鲜的八带洗净,切成5厘米长的段。)

✔Cut the garlic into slices and soak them in water for a while.(将大蒜切成片,然后放在清水中浸泡一会。)

✔Put  the garlic slices in oil pan and fry them until the surface turns to golden yellow.  (将大蒜片放入油锅中浸炸至金黄色。)

✔Put the octopus in boiling water for about 1 minute.(将八带段放在沸水中焯大约一分钟。)

✔Stir the garlic slices  and octopus, add cooking wine, soy sauce,  salt and sugar, then stir fry all the ingredients evenly. (在锅中爆炒大蒜片和八带,然后加入料酒,酱油,再加入盐和味精,翻炒均匀即可。)
