1,Life is a gift 生活就是一个礼物

The world keeps changing. There is so much uncertainty at the moment that people are having difficulty trying to make sense of it all. And yet, human beings have always been able to see the light which shines through the darkness. 世界在不停地变化。如今生活存在着许多不确定性,人们很难把它全搞清楚。然而人们始终能从黑暗中找到一丝光明。

I think that message of hope explains that success of the recent movie, A Little Red Flower. The movie tells the story of two young people who are being treated for brain cancer. Wei Yihang, the boy, has a dark view of the future. He thinks that life is meaningless. Ma Xiaoyun, the girl, is quite the opposite. She believes that everyone should enjoy the simple beauty of life. As the two become close, Wei opens up and begins to embrace life. To “mark”this change, Ma draws a little red flower on Wei’s hand. It is a symbol that life is beautiful. 我想最近有一部非常成功的电影,《送你一朵小红花》之所以能成功,是因为传递出希望。这部电影讲述的是两个得了癌症的年轻人。男孩,韦一航,对未来的想法晦涩。他觉得生活已经失去意义。而马晓云则恰恰完全相反。她相信每个人都应该去感受生活中最简单的美好。当两个人逐渐走进,韦一航开始敞开心扉拥抱生活。为了记录这一转变,马晓云在韦一航的手掌里画了一朵小红花。它象征着生活的美好。

The story looks into questions that all of us are likely to face at some point in our lives: Can I find love? Can I find a place in society? Is it worth the hard work when success is not guaranteed? All of these questions have the same answer: Yes!”


For you, these questions may seem new, but they are as old as time. Chinese philosophers, like Lao Tzu, said that happiness comes from living in harmony with nature and with one another. They suggest people accept the good as well as the bad things in life. Some philosophers in the West have offered similar suggestions. There are surely things you can’t change, but there are also things that you can change.


In A Little Red Flower, Wei once wants to give up on life. Ma, however, sees life as a gift, even if it may not last for long. She chooses to lead a meaningful life, passing her kindness and warmth on to others.


A little red flower does not last forever. However, while there is one, we should learn to enjoy its beauty.


你可能感兴趣的:(1,Life is a gift 生活就是一个礼物)