XXX設備按照客人要求需要移除Settings中所有的suggestion項,比喻:Finish setting up your device,Customize your device等。
修改packages/apps/SettingsIntelligence/src/com/android/settings/intelligence/suggestions/ 文件中的getSuggestions方法:
public List getSuggestions() {
final SuggestionListBuilder suggestionBuilder = new SuggestionListBuilder();
for (SuggestionCategory category : CATEGORIES) {
if (category.isExclusive() && !isExclusiveCategoryExpired(category)) {
// If suggestions from an exclusive category are present, parsing is stopped
// and only suggestions from that category are displayed. Note that subsequent
// exclusive categories are also ignored.
// Read suggestion and force ignoreSuggestionDismissRule to be false so the rule
// defined from each suggestion itself is used.
final List exclusiveSuggestions =
readSuggestions(category, false /* ignoreDismissRule */);
exclusiveSuggestions.clear(); // remove all suggestion item
if (!exclusiveSuggestions.isEmpty()) {
suggestionBuilder.addSuggestions(category, exclusiveSuggestions);
} else {
// Either the category is not exclusive, or the exclusiveness expired so we should
// treat it as a normal category.
final List suggestions =
readSuggestions(category, true /* ignoreDismissRule */);
suggestions.clear(); //remove all suggestion item
suggestionBuilder.addSuggestions(category, suggestions);
使用settings中的 search功能時,在搜索的結果中最前面多一個null level。修改:packages/apps/SettingsIntelligence/src/com/android/settings/intelligence/search/sitemap/ 文件中的buildBreadCrumb 方法.
public synchronized List buildBreadCrumb(Context context, String clazz,
String screenTitle) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final List breadcrumbs = new ArrayList<>();
if (!mInitialized) {
Log.w(TAG, "SiteMap is not initialized yet, skipping");
return breadcrumbs;
String currentClass = clazz;
String currentTitle = screenTitle;
// Look up current page's parent, if found add it to breadcrumb string list, and repeat.
while (true) {
final SiteMapPair pair = lookUpParent(currentClass, currentTitle);
//檢測parent title是否爲空,爲空不添加
if (pair == null || pair.getParentTitle() == null) {
Log.d(TAG, "BreadCrumb timing: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
return breadcrumbs;
breadcrumbs.add(0, pair.getParentTitle());
currentClass = pair.getParentClass();
currentTitle = pair.getParentTitle();
设置里面的app信息里面存储里面的app Size对应stats.codeSize. 读取流程如下:
StorageStatsService.queryStatsForPackage-->StorageStatsService.queryStatsForUid -->Installer.getAppSize -→InstalldNativeService.cpp
如果想debug InstallNatvieService文件中读取大小的时候是否有错误,则需要enable MEASURE_DEBUG, 打开方式为设定“frameworks/native/cmds/installd/utils.h“文件中的MEASURE_DEBUG为1。
InstalldNativeService文件中的getAppSize方法里面“calculate_tree_size“这个是在” frameworks/native/cmds/installd/utils.cpp”文件中实现.