
人生的本质是大梦一场,如果你没有觉醒,如果你不能理解, 或许可以再听一听这个很有名的民间故事——黄粱一梦。

一个年轻人,在进京赶考求取功名利禄的途中,由于旅途劳累, 到一位正在煮小米粥的老人家里歇息。年轻人躺下后, 靠在老人给的枕头上沉沉睡去,并且做了一个一百年的梦。梦中,他考中状元, 和公主成亲,并成为朝廷的宰相,之后还纳受了许多妾室。他一百岁时,儿孙多得不可计数,虽然极其留恋这一切,但死亡时辰还是到来了。因为曾滥用职权、侵占公款,地府的判官对他处以极刑, 他无比的痛楚, 声嘶力竭地号哭着。就在此时, 老人叫醒了他, 原来小米粥已经煮好了。


这个世间,财富、名利人人趋之若鹜。很多人却不知为何而求、怎么去求、求到了要如何, 任由心中欲望横流, 然后不断升级, 最后置身于水深火热之中。甚或于无明中,种下种种因,后又因业力牵引,在轮回中偿还种种果,循环往复,苦不堪言。

所以,从梦中醒来吧。你醒的时候,会发现万事万物都是短暂、无常的梦幻泡影。处在梦幻之中的人才需要找寻人生的意义和目的, 而生命本身就是存在的意义,这与你是富翁还是乞丐没有任何关系。唯一要做的就是觉醒,然后放下种种贪欲,消除种种障碍,不断升级现有的意识和智慧水平,回到人的本性、爱、喜乐、平和。人类社会真正的转变来自所有人的内在。我们对人类社会最大的贡献就是从梦中醒来。这是第一步。只有醒来,才叫真正的觉醒。


Life is a dream—as long as you don’t wake up. The famous folktale GoldenMillet Dream describes how a young man journeyed to the capitalcity to take the Imperial examination. He was in pursuit of an important official position—and a life of relative ease. Along the way, he grew tiredand rested at the home of an old man who was cooking a pot of yellow rice congee. The old man gave the young scholar a pillow. The young man fell into a dream. In it, he achieved first place in the Imperial examination, married a princess, became prime minister, and enjoyed the company of concubines.

He lived an entire century and bore many descendants. Though he was reluctant to leave this Earth, his life finally came to an end. Because of his ethical breaches, including embezzlement, the Lord of Dark Justice in the netherworld made him suffer unimaginable pains. The young man uttered dreadful cries. Then the old man woke him up because the meal was ready. In a short dream, a person goes through an entire life, and an afterlife.

what we call life is a few moments needed to cook a bowl of rice. This is a folktale, but it relates a great truth. Life is like a dream, from which people are unwilling to wake when it is sweet; as soon as the dream turns sour, people will do anything they can to find a way out—just like the scholar in the story. People who blindly pursue fame and fortune often have absolutely no idea why, nor what they should do with the money once they have it. Without a purpose, they pursue even more possessions, trapped in an endless circle, suffering unspeakably.
