
Have you considered how the Hebrew letters reveal truths about God? For example, the Hebrew letter Aleph (א) is the "father" or "king" of the Aleph-Bet, whose original pictograph represents an ox, strength, and leader. Aleph is the first letter of the first word of the first commandment of God: anokhi (אָנכִי): "I AM" (Exod. 20:2), which also designates the Name ehyeh(אֶהְיֶה) first revealed to Moses (Exod. 3:14). The numerical value of Aleph is one, indicating its preeminence, and it is a silent letter, alluding to the ineffable mystery of God's sovereign will. Indeed, the related word aluph (אַלּוּף) means "Master" or "Champion." In the Hebrew script used for writing Torah scrolls (ketav Ashurit), Aleph is constructed from two Yods (that represent "hands") joined by a diagonal Vav (that represents man). One Yod (י) reaches upward while the other reaches downward, and both extend from the "fallen" Vav (ו), picturing a "wounded Man" or Mediator (1 Tim. 2:5). In the Hebrew numbering system, Yod = 10 and Vav = 6, so adding up the three parts of Aleph yields 26, the same value as the Name of the LORD: YHVH (יהוה). The very first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, then, pictures the three-in-one LORD who mediates all of life for our salvation. And just as there are three parts to Aleph, but Aleph is One (echad), so there are three Persons to the Godhead, yet God is absolutely One. Indeed, the gematria of the word Aleph (אָלֶף) is 111 (Aleph=1, Lamed=30, and Pey=80). Every "jot and tittle" is significant...

      你有没有想过希伯来字母是如何揭示上帝的真理的?例如,希伯来语字母Aleph(א)是字母表的“父亲”或“国王”,其原始象形文字代表公牛、力量和领袖。Aleph是上帝诫命第一条的第一个字母:anokhi:“我是”(出埃及记20:2)。同时,他也是了上主说摩西说自有永有的第一个字母(אֶהְיֶ)(出埃及记3: 14)。Aleph的数值是1,表明它的卓越性,它是一个“静音字母”,暗指上帝主权意志的不可言喻的奥秘。事实上,相关的单词aluph的意思是“主”或“冠军”。在希伯来语中用来写托拉经卷的(ketav Ashurit),Aleph是由两个Yods(代表“手”)和一个对角线的Vav(代表人)构成的。一个Yod(י)向上伸展,另一个向下伸展,两个都从“向下”的Vav(ו)延伸,描绘出一个“受伤的人”或中保(提摩太前书2: 5)。在希伯来语的数值系统中,Yod=10,Vav=6,所以把Aleph的三个部分加起来得到26,与上主的名字YHVH(יההה)相同。希伯来字母表的第一个字母,描绘了三合一的主,他为我们所有的生命做了中保。正如Aleph有三个部分,但Aleph是一(合一),所以上主有三个位格,但上主是绝对一个。实际上,Aleph(אָלֶף )一词的希伯来发音是111(Aleph=1,Lamed=30,Pey=80)。每一个“一点一划”都是有意义的。。。


indicate 表明 ; 显示 ; 象征 ; 暗示 ; 间接提及 ; 示意 ;

allude 间接提到 ; 暗指 ; 影射 ;

ineffable 难以形容的,不可言喻的

sovereign 君主 ; 元首 ; 金镑 ; 有主权的 ; 完全独立的 ; 掌握全部权力的 ; 有至高无上的权力的

Champion 冠军 ; 第一名 ; 优胜者 ; 斗争者 ; 捍卫者 ; 声援者 ; 拥护者 ; 为…而斗争 ; 捍卫 ; 声援
