SELECT [新表字段1,2,3…] FROM [原表名]
AS [原表别名]
PIVOT( [聚合函数] ( [原表字段1] ) FOR [原表字段2] IN ( [原表2值1],[原表字段2值2]… ) ) AS [新表别名]
1、PIVOT必须列举[原表字段2的值],列举的值必须用中括号 [ ] 包含起来,就算是字符串类型也不需要单引号 ’ ’
3、为什么会有聚合函数?此处并没有GROUP BY 呀!偷偷告诉你,GROUP BY 是隐藏的,除了语句中出现的两个 [原表字段],其他[原表字段]将被GROUP BY,这样才使得上面的PIVOT结果出现多行
5、PIVOT 和 UNPIVOT 关系运算符将表值表达式更改为pivot后的新表
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StuInfo](
[studentname] [varchar](30) NULL,
[subject] [varchar](10) NULL,
[grade] [int] NULL
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StuInfo]([studentname], [subject], [grade]) VALUES ('刘备', '语文', 80);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StuInfo]([studentname], [subject], [grade]) VALUES ('刘备', '数学', 82);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StuInfo]([studentname], [subject], [grade]) VALUES ('刘备', '英语', 84);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StuInfo]([studentname], [subject], [grade]) VALUES ('赵云', '语文', 70);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StuInfo]([studentname], [subject], [grade]) VALUES ('赵云', '数学', 74);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StuInfo]([studentname], [subject], [grade]) VALUES ('赵云', '英语', 76);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StuInfo]([studentname], [subject], [grade]) VALUES ('关羽', '语文', 90);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StuInfo]([studentname], [subject], [grade]) VALUES ('关羽', '数学', 93);
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StuInfo]([studentname], [subject], [grade]) VALUES ('关羽', '英语', 94);
select * from StuInfo
静态case when 实现
select studentname,
sum(case when subject='语文' then grade else NULL end) as 语文,
sum(case when subject='数学' then grade else NULL end) as 数学,
sum(case when subject='英语' then grade else NULL end) as 英语
from stuinfo
group by studentname
select * from stuinfo pivot(sum(grade) for subject in ([语文],[数学],[英语]) ) as P
insert into StuInfo values('关羽','物理',100);
insert into StuInfo values('刘备','物理',90);
insert into StuInfo values('赵云','物理',80);
–动态case when
declare @SQL nvarchar(max)
declare @column nvarchar(max)
set @column=N'';
with sub as
select distinct subject from stuinfo
select @column+=N'sum(case when subject='''+ subject + N''' then grade else null end )as '+ subject + N','
from sub
select @column=SUBSTRING(@column,1,len(@column)-1)
select @SQL=N'select studentname,'+@column+N' from stuinfo
group by stuinfo.studentname'
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
declare @column nvarchar(max)
set @column=N'';
with sub AS
select distinct subject
from stuinfo
select @column+=N'[' + cast(subject as varchar(30)) + N'],'
from sub
select @column=SUBSTRING(@column,1,len(@column)-1)
select @sql=N'select pivot_stuinfo.studentname, ' + @column +
N' from stuinfo pivot(sum(grade) for subject in (' + @column + N')) as pivot_stuinfo'
exec (@sql)