
C++ 11 提供了若干 to_string(T value) 函数来将 T 类型的数字值转换为字符串形式。以下是几个 to_string() 函数的列表:
string to_string(int value)
string to_string(long value)
string to_string(double value)

int a = 5;
string str = to_string(a*a);
cout << " The square of 5 is " << str << endl;
The square of 5 is 25

to_string() 函数无法处理非十进制整数的转换。如果需要该功能,则应该使用 ostringsteam 对象来完成该转换。

字符串到数字的转换可以通过 stoX() 系列函数来执行。该系列函数的成员可以将字符串转换为 int、long、float 和 double 类型的数字。具体语法如下所示:
int stoi(const strings str, size_t* pos = 0, int base = 10)
long stol(const strings str, size_t* pos = 0, int base = 10)
float stof(const strings str, size_t* pos = 0)
double stod(const strings str, size_t* pos = 0)

第一个形参 str 是一个字符串(例如 “-342” 或 “3.48” 等),它将被转换为恰当的数字形式。这些函数可以将 str 可能的最长前缀转换为数字,并返回一个整数地址 pos,pos 中保存了 str 无法被转换的第一个字符的索引。类型 size_t 是在标准库中定义的,常用于表示无符号整数的大小或数组、矢量、字符串中的一个索引。

例如,如果试图转换字符串 “-34iseven”,则将成功返回整数 -34,而无法转换的第一个字符的位置 pos 则被设置为 3。base 形参仅适用于整数转换,指示用于转换的进制。pos 和 base 形参都是可选的,所以它们可以被忽略。如果 pos 被忽略,则不会存储停止字符的索引。如果 base 被忽略,则默认为十进制。如果字符串 str 包含一个无效值,例如 “is-34 even?”,则不会进行转换,函数将抛出一个 invalid_argument 异常。

// This program demonstrates the use of the stoXXX()
// numeric conversion functions.
using namespace std;
int main()
string str; // string to convert
size_t pos; // Hold position of stopping character
//Convert string to double
str = “-342.57is a number”;
cout << "The string is " << str << endl;
double d = stod(str, &pos);
cout << "The converted double is " << d << endl;
cout << "The stopping character is " << str[pos] << " at position " << pos << endl;
// Convert string to int (default to decimal)
str = “-342.57is a number”;
cout << "\nThe string is " << str << endl;
int i = stoi(str, &pos);
cout << "The converted integer is " << i << endl;
cout << “The stopping character is " << str[pos] <<” at position " << pos << endl;
// Convert string to int (base is binary)
str = “01110binary number”;
cout << "\nThe string is " << str << endl;
i = stoi (str, &pos, 2);
cout << "The converted binary integer is " << i << endl;
cout << "The stopping character is " << str[pos] << " at position " << pos << endl;
return 0;
The string is -342.57is a number
The converted double is -342.57
The stopping character is i at position 7

The string is -342.57is a number
The converted integer is -342
The stopping character is . at position 4

The string is 01110binary number
The converted binary integer is 14
The stopping character is b at position 5
