2022-05-01 你害怕接受新事物吗?


Day 56 S解读论语之Day 40


5.14 子路有闻,未之能行,唯恐有闻。






2,《了不起的盖茨比》一书作者,说过一句话:The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and sitll retain the ability to function. 也就是说,具备一流智慧的人,往往都是脑瓜里同时持有两个截然相反的两种概念,还能正常吃吃喝喝干大事。

When Tsze-lu heard anything, if he had not yet succeeded in carrying it into  practice, he was only afraid lest he should hear something else.

lest: 唯恐,以免,担心

Mother hustled the children off to school lest they should be late.

We spoke in whispers lest we should be heard.

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