Brihat jataka章节五和章节六



1. If, at the time of birth of a child the rising sign be not aspected by the Moon, the father will not be near when the child is born—and if in such a case, the Sun should occupy the 9th or the 8th house, the father would be in a foreign country if the house be a movable sign, in his own country if the house be a fixed sign, and would be returning to his country if the house be a common sign.

1. 如果在孩子出生时,上升星座没有与月亮有相位,那么孩子出生时父亲就不会在附近--如果在这种情况下,太阳占据了第9或第8宫,如果该宫是变动星座,父亲就会在外国,如果该宫是固定星座,就会在自己的国家,而如果该宫是普通星座,就会返回自己国家。

2. If,at the time of birth, Saturn be in the rising sign or Mars in the setting sign, or the Moon between(a) Mercury and Venus, the father will not be near.

2. 如果在出生时,土星在上升星座或火星在下降星座,或者月亮在(a)水星和金星之间,父亲就不会在附近。

(a). 水星和金星是否占据了月亮两侧的星座,或占据了与月亮相同的星座。

3. If, at the time of birth, the Moon be in the Drekkana of Mars(a) and if benefic planets be in the 2nd and 11th houses from the rising sign, the issue will be a serpent. If the sign(b) of a malefic planet be the ascendant sign, and if the Drekkana of Mars should then be rising, the issue will be a child born with a serpent coiled round its body.

3. 如果在出生时,月亮在火星的Drekkana(a),并且如果吉星在上升星座开始的第2和第11宫,那么孩子将是一条蛇。如果凶星的星座(b)是上升星座,并且如果火星的Drekkana当时正在上升,那么出生的孩子将有一条蛇缠绕在身上。

(a). 火星的这些Drekkanas是:Drekkana白羊座de第一区间,巨蟹座的第二区间,狮子座的第三区间,天蝎座的第一区间,射手座的第二区间的,双鱼座的第三区间。(翻译注释:主星都为火星)

(b). 白羊座、巨蟹座(当它是亏月时)、狮子座和天蝎座。

4. If, at the time of birth the Sun be in a quadruped sign and the other planets be all powerful and in the common signs, the issue will be twins.

4. 如果在出生时,太阳在一个四足星座,而其他行星都是强大的,并且在普通的星座,那么问题将是双胞胎。

5. If, at the time of birth, Aries, Leo or Taurus be the rising sign, and if Saturn or Mars be in such sign, the issue will be a child born with the umbiligal cord twined round the part of body indicated by the rising Nayamsa(a).

5. 如果在出生时,白羊座、狮子座或金牛座是上升星座,并且如果土星或火星在该星座。这将是一个出生时脐带缠绕在上升星座所示身体部位的孩子(a)。

(a). 如果白羊座的Navamsa是当时上升的Navamsa,那么就绕过头部;如果是金牛座的Navamsa,那么就绕过脸部,以此类推,按照第一章第4节提到的身体的划分。

6. If Jupiter at the time of birth fail to aspect both the ascendant sign and the Moon(a) or the Moon when in conjunction with the Sun, or if the Moon be in conjunction with the Sun when he is accompanied by a malefic planet, the issue will be an illegitimate child.

6. 如果木星在出生时没能同时与上升星座和月亮成相位(a)或月亮与太阳合相,或者如果月亮与太阳合相时有一颗凶星伴随,那么这个孩子将是一个私生子。




7. If, at the time of birth, two malefic planefs(a) occupy one of the malefic sign(b) and if such sign be the 5th, 7th or 9th house from the Sun, the father of the child will be in custody at the time. If the Sun occupy a movable sign, the father will be so in foreign lands; if he occupy a fixed sign the father will be in custody in his own country, and if he occupy a common sign, the father will be so on his way to his native country.

7. 如果在出生时,两个凶星(a)占据了其中一个凶星星座(b),并且如果该星星座是距离太阳的第5、第7或第9宫,那么孩子的父亲当时将被拘留/监禁。如果太阳占据一个变动星座,孩子的父亲将在异国他乡;如果他占据一个固定星座,孩子的父亲将在自己的国家被拘留/监禁,如果他占据一个普通星座,孩子的父亲将在回他的祖国的路上。

(a). 火星和土星。

(b). 白羊座、狮子座、天蝎座、摩羯座、水瓶座、巨蟹座(当它是亏月的时候),以及双子座和处女座(当水星与凶星合相的时候)。

8. If the Moon be full and in Cancer; if Mercury be in the rising sign and Jupiter in the 4th House, the birth will occur ind boat. Again, if the watery signs begin to rise and if the Moon be in the 7th house, then too the birth will in a occur in a boat.

8. 如果月亮是满月且在巨蟹座,如果水星在上升星座,木星在第四宫,那么生产将在船上进行。同样,如果水象星座开始升起,并且如果月亮在第七宫,那么出生也会发生在船上。

9. If a watery sign begin to rise, the birth will certainly occtur on the banks of waters, if (1) the Moon be also in a watery sign, or (2) if the Moon be full and aspect the rising sign; or (3) if the Moon be in the 10th or 4th house or in Lagna.

9. 如果一个水象星座开始升起,出生肯定会在水岸上,如果(1)月亮也在水象星座,或(2)如果月亮是满月并与上升星座有相位;或(3)如果月亮在第10或第4宫或在上升星座。

10. It the Moon occupy the rising sign and if Saturn occupy the 12th house and be aspected by a malefic planet, the birth will occur in a prison. Again, if either Scorpio or Cancer begin to rise and be occupied by Saturn and aspected by the Moon, the birth will occur in a ditch.

10. 如果月亮占据了上升星座,如果土星占据了第12宫,并且与一颗凶星相位,那么出生将发生在监狱中。同样,如果天蝎座或巨蟹座开始升起,并被土星占据并与月亮有相位,出生将发生在沟渠中。

11. If a watery sign begin to rise and if Saturn occupy it and be aspected by Mercury, the Sun, or the Moon, the birth will occur respectively in a pleasure house, a temple or sterile ground.

11. 如果一个水象星座开始升起,并且如果土星占据该星座并与水星、太阳或月亮有相位,那么出生将分别发生在娱乐场所、寺庙或贫瘠的地区。

12. If a biped sign be rising, and if Saturn occupy it and be aspected by Mars, the birth will be in cremation ground ; if aspected by Venus and the Moon, the birth will occur in some beautiful and agreeable spot ; if aspected by Jupiter, then in the Agnihotra Sala(a) ; if aspected by the Sun, then in the King’s palace or a temple or a cow shed and if aspected by Mercury the birth will occur in an artist’s working room.

12. 如果一个双元星座在升起,并且如果土星占据它并与火星有相位,出生将在火葬场;如果与金星和月亮有相位,出生将发生在一些美丽和令人愉快的地方;如果与木星有相位,则在Agnihotra Sala(a);如果与太阳有相位,则在国王的宫殿或寺庙或牛棚;如果与水星有相位,出生将发生在一个艺术家的工作间。

(a). 保存和崇拜圣火的地方

13. The birth will occur in places(a) represented by the rising sign or Navamsa, whichever is powerful. If such sigan or Navamsa be a movable one, the birth will occur in roads; if fixed, then, within a building(b). If the rising Navamsa be a Vargottama one, the house will be the mother’s own property

13. 出生将发生在上升星座或Navamsa所代表的地方(a),以有力者为准。如果这个星座或Navamsa是可变动的,那么出生将发生在道路上;如果是固定的,那么将发生在建筑物内(b)。如果上升星座的Navamsa是一个Vargottama one,那么房子将是母亲自己的财产。

(a). 这些地方就是第一章第5节中提到的那些地方。 我们将在此给出与黄道十二宫的几个星座相适应的几个地方。














14. It, at the time of birth, Mars and Saturn occupy single sign, and if the Sun or the Moon (a) occupy the 5th or the 9th house from them, the child will bedeserted by its mother; but if the Sun or the Moon be aspected by Jupiter, the child though abandoned by its mother will live long and in comfort.

14. 如果在出生时,火星和土星占据一个独身星座,并且如果太阳或月亮(a)占据距离它们的第5或第9宫,孩子将被其母亲抛弃;但如果太阳或月亮与木星有相位,孩子虽然被其母亲抛弃,但会活得长久而舒适

(a). 如果根据其他一些说法,月亮占据了下降的星座。

15. If a malefic planet (a) aspect the Moon in the rising sign, Mars occupying the 7th house, or if Mars and Saturn occupy the 11th house from the Moon when in the rising sign, the child deserted by its mother will die. If the Moon be also aspected by a powerful benefic planet(d), the deserted child will fall into the bands of the class of men represented by the aspecting benefic planet and will live. If the aspecting malefic planet be powerful, the deserted child will fall into the hands of others and will perish.

15. 如果一颗凶星(a)与上升星座的月亮有相位,火星占据第七宫,或者如果火星和土星在上升星座时占据月亮的第11宫,被母亲遗弃的孩子将会死亡。如果月亮也与一颗强大的吉星(b)有相位,被遗弃的孩子将落入由相位吉星所代表的那类人的队伍中,并将活下去。如果成相位的凶星很强大,被遗弃的孩子将落入他人之手,并将灭亡。

(a). 土星或火星。

(b). 如果木星与月亮有相位,这些恶行之一将降临在孩子身上。

16. If a paternal planet be powerful, the birth will occur in the father’s house ; if a maternal planet be powerful, the birth will occur in the mother’s house ; if three benefic planets be powerful; the birth will occur at the foot of walls or trees ; and if three planets occupying a single sign fail to aspect the Lagna and the Moon, the birth will occur in a forest.


17. If the Moon occupy the Navamsa of Saturn or the 4th house (a) from Lagna, or if she be aspected by Saturn, or if she occupy a watery Navamsa(b) or the same house as Saturn, the birth will occur in a dark spot(c). If three or more planets be in their Neecha signs(d) , the birth will occur on the bare ground(e). The birth will follow the manner in which the rising sign reaches the horizon (f). If malefic planets occupy the 4th or 7th house, the mother will suffer mach from travail(g).

17. 如果月亮占据土星的Navamsa或从Lagna开始的第4宫(a),或如果月与土星有相位,或如果月占据水相的Navamsa(b)或与土星同宫,出生将发生在一个黑暗的地方(c)。如果有三颗或更多的行星在其Neecha星座(d),出生将发生在光秃秃的地面上(e)。出生将遵循上升星座到达地平线的方式(f)。如果凶星占据第4或第7宫,母亲将因分娩而遭受痛苦(g)。

(a). Yavanachariar使用Kendra这个词,意思是第1、4、7和10宫。

(b). 水相Navamsas是指那些巨蟹座和双鱼座。

(c). 如果太阳强大并与火星有相位,就不会有黑暗。

(d). Saravali有一个词,"Neecha Samsthe",也就是说,如果月亮在她的Neecha星座,即天蝎座。

(e). 在地上,根据评论家的说法,用稻草覆盖。

(f). 也就是说,如果该星座是一个以头部上升的星座,那么孩子的头部将首先出现;如果该星座是一个以尾部上升的星座,孩子的腿将首先出现:如果是一个以头部和腿部都上升的星座,如双鱼座,那么手将首先出现。


(g). 或者如果凶星占据了与月亮相同的星座,母亲将遭受分娩。

18. The oil shall be determined from the Moon(a),the wick from the rising sign(b) ; the fixed or other nature of the lamp shall be determined from the sign occupied by the Sun(c). The entrance to the room will be in the direction of the powerful planet occupying a Kendra(d) or in that of the most powerful planet.

(a). That is, if the,Moon occupy the beginning of a sign, the oil of the lamp in the delivery room will be fall; if the Moon occupy the middle sign, the oil will be one-half, and if the Moon occupy the end of a sign, there will be no oil in the lamp; in other words, the quantity of oil varies with the position of the Moon in the sign occupied by her.

According to Sarayali, if the Moon be full the oil will be full and the quantity of the oil varies with the illumined portion of the Moon's disc. Batta Utpala, the Commentator, objects to his view, for he says that if such were the case, children born on new-moon days should always be born in the dark—this cannot be.

(b). That is, if the beginning of a sign begin to rise,  the wick will be long and unburnt; if the middle of the sign begin to rise, the wick will be half burnt; and if the end of the sign begin to rise, the wick will be nearly wholly burnt.

In other words, the length of the wick varies with the position of the point of the rising sign in contact with the horizon.

The wick is of the color of the rising sign.

(c). That is, if the sign occupied by the Sun be a fixed one, the lamp will be fixed in some place; if movable, the lamp will be carried by some body in the hand; and if both fixed and movable the lamp will be a swinging lamp. The Commentator adds that the lamp will be in the direction assigned to the signs occupied by the Sun. According to some the lamp will be in the direction of the sign (out of 12 equal parts into which the room may be divided) occuied by the Sun. This latter division evidently refers to the division referred to in the Introduction in connection with Horary Astrology

According to others again dividing the 24 hours of day and night into 8 equal parts of 3 hours each, beginning from sun-rise, the lamp will be in the East, S. East, South, &c, according as the time of birth falls in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, &c., parts of the division.

(d) If there are no planets in the Kendras, the entrance will be in the direction of the Lagna according to Swalpa Jataka.

19. If Saturn be powerful, the birth will occur in a house which, having become old, has been rebuilt. If Mars be powertul, the birth will occur in a house partly burnt; if the Moon be powerful, then, in a newly built house; if the Sun be powerful, the birth will occur in a house built of wood but weak: if Mercury be powerful then in a house built by several builders; if Venus be powerful, then in a beautiful new house adorned with pictures; and if Jupiter be powerful, the birth will occur in a strong house.

19. 如果土星是强大的,出生将发生在一个已经变得老旧的房子里,并且已经被重建了。如果火星强大,出生将发生在一个部分被烧毁的房子里;如果月亮强大,那么将发生在一个新建的房子里;如果太阳强大,出生将发生在一个用木头建造的房子里,但很薄弱:如果水星是强大的,那么就在几个建筑商建造的房子里;如果金星是强大的,那么就在一个美丽的新房子里,用图画装饰;如果木星是强大的,出生将发生在一个强大的房子里。

根据Saravali的说法,如果太阳占据了文中所述的最强大的行星所占据的星座,那么分娩将发生在专门用于崇拜神的房间里;如果月亮占据了最强大的行星所占据的星座,那么分娩将发生在浴室或水房。如果是火星,则在厨房或Agnihotra Sala;如果是水星,则在寝室;如果是木星,则在藏宝室;如果是金星,则在游戏场;如果是土星,则将在存放扫帚的地方出生。


同样,根据Laghu Jataka,如果木星同时位于从上升星座开始的第10宫和他的擢升星座——已经超过了擢升度,出生将发生在一个两层的房子里;如果他在上擢升度之下,出生将发生在一个三层的房子里,如果在擢升度,则是一个四层的房子。


20. if either the ascendant sign, or the ascendant Navamsa, (whichever is powerful) be that of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, or Aquarius, the delivery room will be in the eastern portion of the house ; if it be that of Sagittari, Pisces, Gemini or Virgo, then in the northern portion of the house ; if it be that of Taurus, then in the western portion ; and if it be that of Capricorn or Leo, the delivery room will be in the southern portion of the house.


21. If the rising sign be Aries or Taurus, the bed of the woman in labor will be in the eastern portion of the room ; if the rising sign be Gemini, it will be in the southeastern portion ;if Cancer or Leo, then in the southen portion ; and if Virgo, then in the south-western portion. if Libra or Scorpio, then in the western portion ; and if Sagittari, then in the north-western portion: if Capricorn or Aquarius be the rising sign, the bed will be in the northern portion of the room, and if Pisces be the rising sign, it will be in the north-eastern portion of the room. The same rule applies as regards the place in the bed or cot where the woman might lie. As regards the cot, again, its two front legs occupy the quarters assigned to the 12th and 3rd houses from the ascendant and its two hind legs occupy the quarters assigned to the 6th and 9th houses.(a).

21. 如果上升星座是白羊座或金牛座,产妇的床将在房间的东部;如果上升星座是双子座,将在东南部;如果是巨蟹座或狮子座,则在东南部;如果是处女座,则在西南部。如果是天秤座或天蝎座,则在西部;如果是射手座,则在西北部:如果是摩羯座或水瓶座,床将在房间的北部,如果是双鱼座,则在房间的东北部。同样的规则适用于床或小床中女性可能躺着的地方。至于小床,同样,它的两条前腿占据了从上升星座算起的第12和第3宫的位置,它的两条后腿占据了第6和第9宫的位置。

(a) 换句话说,第12和第3宫代表前腿;第9和第6宫代表后腿;第3和第6宫代表两条右腿,第12和第9宫代表两条左腿。

另外,上升星座和第2宫代表小床的头部,第4和第5宫代表右侧。第7和第8宫代表两条后腿之间的部分,第10和第11宫代表左侧。现在,无论小床的哪一部分被普通的星座所代表,小床都会有一点弯曲,而如果这些星座被其主星或吉星所占据或有相位,就不会出现这种情况了。同样地,在那些被凶星占据的星座所代表的小床部分会有缺陷,如果这些凶星在它们的上升星座、在它们的Moola Trikona星座、在友好星座或在它们自己的宫位,就不会出现这种情况。

22. The number of midwives will be the number of the planets between the rising sign and the Moon. Of these planets the number of those in the visible hemisphere will be the number of midwives outside the room, and the number of planets in the invisible hemisphere will be the number of midwives inside the room. According to some this order is reversed.(a).

22. 助产士的数量将是上升星座和月亮之间的行星数量。在这些行星中,位于可见半球的行星数量将是房间外的助产士数量,而位于不可见半球的行星数量将是房间内的助产士数量。根据一些人的说法,这个顺序是相反的(a)。

(a) 也就是说,在Lagna和月亮之间的行星中,可见半球的数量是房间内助产士的数量,而不可见半球的行星数量将是房间外助产士的数量。对于这种观点,Varaha Mihira并不赞同,因为这与他的《Swarpa Jataka》相悖。


同样,如果在Lagna和月亮之间的任何行星处于它们的擢升星座或逆行运动中,给出的数字应是三倍,但如果它们处于它们自己的星座、 Navamsas或Drekkans等,几颗行星给出的数字应是两倍。

23. The structure and other peaceliarities(a) of the body shall be determined from the lord of the rising Navamsa or from the most powerful planet; and the color(b) of the body shall be determined from the (Lord of the) Navamsa occupied by the Moon ; and the size of the several parts of the body will follow the signs representing them, begining from the rising sign which represents the head(c).

23. 身体的结构和其他特征(a)应根据上升星座的主星或最强大的行星来确定;身体的颜色(b)应根据月亮所占的星座(主星)来确定;身体的几个部分的大小将遵循代表它们的星座,从代表头部的上升星座开始(c)。

(a) 这些在第二章的第8至11节中给出。


(b) 这在第二章第4节中给出。根据一些人的说法,颜色必须根据月亮所占的星座来确定,见第一章第20节。因为他说,没有像鹦鹉一样颜色的人。在确定颜色时,应考虑到国家、气候、职业等因素。

(c) 这里提到的身体划分与第一章第4节提到的划分相同,不同的是后者从白羊座开始,而前者从上升星座开始。划分如下:

上升星座代表头部;第2宫代表面部;第3宫代表乳房;第4宫代表心脏;第5宫代表腹部;第6宫代表臀部;第7宫代表下腹部;第8宫代表生殖器官;第9宫代表两条大腿;第10宫代表两个膝盖;第11宫代表两个小腿 ;和第12宫代表两只脚。









24. The three-fold divisions of the body beginning from the head, from the neck and from the lower abdomen, according as the rising Drekkana is the first, the second or the third, are as follows:

24. 从头部、颈部和下腹部开始,根据上升的Drekkana是第一、第二或第三,身体的三方面划分如下:

12宫          当上升的Drekkana是代表身体的一部分

                第一区        第二区      第三区

上升星座    头部          颈部        下腹部

第2宫        右眼          右臂        生殖器官

第12宫      左眼          左臂        肛门 

第3宫        右耳          右手        右睾丸

第11宫      左耳            左手        左睾丸

第4宫      右边的鼻孔  右侧        右侧大腿

第10宫      左边的鼻孔  左侧        左侧大腿

第5宫      右太阳穴      右乳房      右膝盖

第9宫      左太阳穴      左乳房      左膝盖

第6宫      右脸颊        右腹部      右脚踝

第8宫      左脸颊        左腹部      左脚踝

第7宫      嘴              肚脐        脚

25. Wounds will occur in those parts of body the signs representing which are occupied by malefic planets ; but if such signs be occupied or aspected by benetic planets, moles will appear in those parts ; 1f such malefic or benefic planets be in their own signs or Navamsas or in fixed signs or fixed Navamsas, the wound or the mole will exist from birth ; otherwise they will appear at a future time(a). As regards wounds, if the planet causing it be Saturn, the wound will be caused by a stone or by the wind ; if Mars, then by fire or weapon or by poison; if (malefic) Mercury, it will be caused by earth; if the Sun,then by wood or by quadrupeds ; if the (waning) Moon, then by horned animals or by water animals. There will be no wound in those parts of the body which are represented by signs occupied by the benefic planets(b).


(a) 也就是在几个行星的dasa或行星期。

(b) 由木星、金星、(吉)水星和盈月组成。


26. If three planets, whether malefic or benefic occupy a single sign, a wound or a mole will appear without fail in the parts of body represented by the sign.(a) Again in the vision(b) of the body into twelve parts beginning from the head (which the Lagna represents) if a malefic planet occupy the sixth house a wound will appear(c) (in the hip) ; but if the malefic planet be aspected by a benefic planet, both a dark and a white mole will appear ; but if beuefic planets occupy the sixth house, there will only appear a cowded growth of hair.

26. 如果有三颗行星,无论是凶星还是吉星占据了一个单独星座,那么在该星座所代表的身体部位就会出现伤口或痣。 (a)同样,在将身体分成十二个部分,从头部开始(Lagna代表),如果一颗凶星占据第6宫,就会出现伤口(c)(在臀部);但如果凶星与一颗吉星有相位,就会出现黑痣和白痣;但如果是凶星占据第6宫,就只会出现长满牛毛的头发。

(a) 所指的身体划分是在第24节给出的。

(b) 所指的划分是第23节注释(c)中给出的。

(c) 在最强大的行星的dasa期间。因此,如果占据第6宫的行星是在自己的星座或Navamsa ,或在一个固定的星座或Navamsa ,那么伤口或痣将从出生就存在。



1. If the birth should occur in the Sandhyakala(a) (the twilight hours) when the lunar Hora (b)should be rising and when malefic planets ocoupy the last Navamsas of signs, the child would die after birth. Again, if at the time of birth, the Moon and three malefic planets occuy the four Kendras, one in each, then also the child would die.

1. 如果出生在Sandhyakala(a)(黄昏时分),当lunar Hora(b)应该上升时,当凶星占据了最后一个Navamsas的星座时,孩子会在出生后死亡。同样,如果在孩子出生时,月亮和三颗凶星占据了四个Kendras,各占一个,那么孩子也会死亡。

(a) Sandbyakala;作者在《Brihat Samhita》第30章第1节中对此作了定义:"在太阳刚刚升起一半的时刻之前和太阳刚刚落下一半的时刻之后的那段时间,在这段时间里,星星是看不见的,被称为Sandhyakala或黄昏期。"

(b) 在奇数星座中,后半段。而在偶数星座中,前半段被称为lunar Horas。

2. If ejther sign Cancer or sign Scorpio should rise at the time of birth and if malefic planets occupy the eastern half of the Zodiac while the benefic planets occupy the western half(a), the child would die immediately after birth. Again, if malefic planets occupy the 12th and 2nd houses or 6th and 8th houses from the rising sign, the child would die.

2. 如果巨蟹座或天蝎座在出生时上升,并且如果凶星占据了黄道十二宫的东半部,而吉星占据了西半部(a),孩子出生后会立即死亡。同样,如果凶星占据了上升星座的第12和第2宫或第6和第8宫,孩子就会死亡。

(a). 子午线平面将黄道带分为两个相等的部分,称为东半部和西半部;因此,如果巨蟹座10°在当时上升,东半部将大致包括从白羊座10°到天秤座10 "的黄道带部分;而西半部将包括从天秤座10°到白羊座10°的黄道带。

(b). 根据某些评论家的说法,这两个yogas被合在一起,形成一个单一的yogas,换句话说,只有当凶星占据第2、12、6和8宫时,孩子才会在第一个yogas中死亡。根据Garga的说法,在以下四个yogas中的每一个都会有死亡。(1)凶星占据第6和第12宫;(2)第8和第2宫;(3)第12和第2宫;(4)第8和第6宫。

3. If the rising sign, the setting sign and the sign occupied by the Moon be each occupied by a malefic planet and if the Moon be not aspected by benefic planets, the child will die immodiately after birth.

3. 如果上升星座、下降星座和月亮所占的星座各被一颗凶星所占据,并且如果月亮没有与吉星有相位,孩子将在出生后立即死亡。

4. If the waning Moon occupy the 12th house from the ascendant, if the malefic planets occupy the rising sign and the 8th house, and if benefic planets do not occupy the Kendras, the child will die immediately after birth.

4. 如果亏月占据了从上升星座开始的第12宫,如果凶星占据了上升星座和第8宫,并且如果吉星没有占据Kendras,孩子将在出生后立即死亡。

5. If the Moon attended by a malefic planet occupy the rising sign or the 7th, 8th or 12th house, and if benefic planets do not occupy the Kendras, the child will die soon after birth.

5. 如果月亮伴随着一颗凶星占据了上升星座或第7、第8或第12宫,并且如果吉星没有占据Kendras,孩子将在出生后不久死亡。

6. If, when the Moon occupies the 6th or the 8th house from the ascendant, a malefic planet aspect the same the child will die soon after birth ; if a benefic planet alone aspect it, the child will die after 8 years ; and if both a benefic and a malefie planet aspect the Moon, the child will die 4 years after birth(a); but if a benefic planet (occupying the 6th or the 8th house) be aspected by powerful malefic planets(b), or if the lord of the rising sign occupy the 7th house and be defeated in planetary fight (conjunction) by a malefic planet(c), the clild will die a month after birth.

6. 当月亮占据从上升星座开始的第6宫或第8宫时,如果有一颗凶星与之有相位,孩子将在出生后不久死亡;如果只有一颗吉星与有相位,孩子将在8年后死亡;如果吉星和凶星都与月亮有相位,孩子将在出生4年后死亡(a)。但如果一颗吉星(位于第6或第8宫)与强大的凶星有相位(b),或者如果上升星座的主星位于第7宫并在行星斗争中被凶星击败(c),孩子将在出生一个月后死亡。

(a). 关于这一点,Yavaneswara说:如果月亮占据的第6或第8宫是一个吉星的宫位,或者如果月亮伴随着一个吉星,即使他可能在一个凶性的星座,孩子也不会死亡。Muandavya说:如果出生是在半个黑月的白天或在半个白月的晚上,即使月亮在第6或第8宫,并且同时被凶星和吉星有相位,也不会有死亡。

(b). 在没有吉星与月亮成相位的情况下,评论员补充道。Swalpa Jataka有以下内容:"由凶星或逆行的行星在其运动中造成。"

(c). 一般来说,在合相中遭受失败的行星是南方的行星,外观令人生厌的,光线闪烁的,运动中逆行的行星或体积小的行星,或与太阳相合,或外观不寻常,或没有光或颜色。 

7. If the waning Moon occupy the rising sign and if malefic planets occupy the 8th house and the Kendras, or if the Moon occupy the 4th, 7th or 8th house and be between malefic planets, the child will die. Again, if the Moon occupy the rising sign and be between malefic planets and if malefic planets occupy the 7th and 8th houses and powerful benefic planets fail to aspect the Moon(a), both the mother and the child will die.

7. 如果亏月占据了上升星座,并且如果凶星占据了第8宫和Kendra,或者如果月亮占据了第4、第7或第8宫并在凶星之间,孩子会死亡。同样,如果月亮占据了上升星座,并且在凶星之间,如果凶星占据了第7和第8宫,而强大的吉星没有与月亮(a)成相位,那么母亲和孩子都会死亡。

(a). 如果他们真的与月亮有相位,母亲会逃跑,孩子会死亡。

8. If at the time of birth the Moon occupy the last Navamsa of a sign and not be aspected by benefic planets, or if malefic planets occupy the 5th and the 9th houses or if the Moon occupy the rising sign and malefic planets occupy the 7th houses, tho child will die soon after birth.

8. 如果在出生时,月亮占据了一个星座的最后一个Navamsa,并且没有与吉星有相位,或者如果凶星占据了第5和第9宫,或者如果月亮占据了上升星座,而凶星占据了第7宫,那么这个孩子在出生后不久就会死亡。

9. If at the time of birth the eclipsed Moon occupy the rising sign with a malefic planet(a) while Mars occupies the 8th house, both the mother and the infant will die. If instead of the Moon, the Sun(b) be in a similar position, such death will be caused by weapons. Again, if either the Sun or the Moon occupy the rising sign and if malefic planets occupy the 5th, 8th and 9th houses, the child will die, if either the Sun or the Moon be neither aspected nor accompanied by powerful benefic planets.

9. 如果在出生时,月食与一颗凶星(a)占据上升星座,而火星占据第8宫,母亲和婴儿都会死亡。如果不是月亮,而是太阳(b)处于类似的位置,这种死亡将是由武器造成的。同样,如果太阳或月亮占据了上升星座,如果凶星占据了第五、第八和第九宫,如果太阳或月亮既没有成相位也没有强大的吉星相伴,孩子就会死亡。

(a). 就是土星。

(b). 就是说,如果日食占据上升星座,伴随着一颗凶星(水星或土星),而火星占据第8宫。

10. If at the time of birth, Saturn, the Sun, the Moon and Mars occupy respectively the 12th, 9th, 1st and the 8th houses, the child will die soon after birth if the planets be not aspected by powerful Jupiter.

10. 如果在出生时,土星、太阳、月亮和火星分别占据第12、第9、第1和第8宫,如果这些行星没有与强大的木星成相位,孩子将在出生后不久死亡。


11. If, at the time of birth, the Moon (a) accompanied by a malefic planets occupy the 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 1st or 8th house, and if she be neither accompanied nor aspected by powerful Venus, Mercury or Jupiter, the child will die soon after birth.

11. 如果在出生时,月亮(a)伴随着一颗凶星占据了第5、第7、第9、第12、第1或第8宫,并且如果她既没有伴随也没有被强大的金星、水星或木星成相位,孩子将在出生后很快死亡。

(a). 根据Saravali的说法,月亮是亏月。

12. The death will occur when the Moon comes either to the sign occupied by the powerful planet causing such death, or to the sign occupied by herself at the time of birth or to the rising sign at the time, provided the Moon is both powerful and aspected by powerful malefic planets ; and the Munis say that the period for such death is a year. (a)

12. 当月亮来到导致这种死亡的强大行星所占据的星座,或来到她自己出生时占据的星座,或来到当时的上升星座时,死亡就会发生;只要月亮强大又被强大的凶星成相位;而Munis说,这种死亡的期限是一年。(a)

(a). 月亮在一年的时间里大约转了13圈。每当月亮在运动过程中变得强大,并在到达文本中提到的三个地方之一时与强大的凶星成相位,死亡就会发生。

评论员现在开始描述一些yogas,这些yogas与文本中给出的几个Balarishta yogas相抗衡。以下是这些yogas:

1. 如果强大的木星占据了上升星座,就不会有早逝的情况。

2. 如果上升星座的主星是强大的,没有与凶星成相位并,并且被占据Kendras的吉星成相位,那么孩子将长寿。

3. 即使月亮占据第8宫,如果月同时占据木星、水星或金星的Drekkana,将不会有早逝。

4. 如果月亮是满月,如果她占据了吉的星座,在吉星之间,并且与金星成相位,就不会有早死的情况。


6. 虽然月亮占据第6宫,但如果月占据木星、金星或水星的Drekkana,就不会有早逝。

7. 如果月亮是满月,并且在吉星之间,就不会有早逝。

8. 如果月亮是满月的,或者如果出生在白天,当它是亏月亮时。或者出生在晚上,当它是盈月时,即使月亮占据第6或第8宫,也不会有早死。

9. 如果月亮是满月的,并且与占据Kendra的木星成相位,就不会有早死的情况。

10. 如果木星、月亮、金星和水星占据了吉星的宫位、Navamsas或Drekkanas,就不会有早逝

11. 如果宫主星被月亮或吉星占领了Kendra,将不会有早死。


13. 如果罗侯占据第3、第6或第11宫,并与吉星有相位,就不会有早逝。

14. 如果所有的行星都占据了Sirodaya星座,就不会有早逝。


16. 如果满月与所有的行星成相位,就不会有早逝。

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