Attibute Set
* Defines the set of all GameplayAttributes for your game
* Games should subclass this and add FGameplayAttributeData properties to represent attributes like health, damage, etc
* AttributeSets are added to the actors as subobjects, and then registered with the AbilitySystemComponent
* It often desired to have several sets per project that inherit from each other
* You could make a base health set, then have a player set that inherits from it and adds more attributes
Attribute Set
GAS - Gameplay Attributes
void URPGAttributeSet::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray& OutLifetimeProps) const
RPGAction添加了函数 AdjustAttributeForMaxChange
, 其作用是,当属性最大值发生改变时,按比例改变当前值。
void URPGAttributeSet::AdjustAttributeForMaxChange(FGameplayAttributeData& AffectedAttribute, const FGameplayAttributeData& MaxAttribute, float NewMaxValue, const FGameplayAttribute& AffectedAttributeProperty)
UAbilitySystemComponent* AbilityComp = GetOwningAbilitySystemComponent();、
//Getter方法获取的都是current value而不是base value
const float CurrentMaxValue = MaxAttribute.GetCurrentValue();
if (!FMath::IsNearlyEqual(CurrentMaxValue, NewMaxValue) && AbilityComp)
// Change current value to maintain the current Val / Max percent
const float CurrentValue = AffectedAttribute.GetCurrentValue();
float NewDelta = (CurrentMaxValue > 0.f) ? (CurrentValue * NewMaxValue / CurrentMaxValue) - CurrentValue : NewMaxValue;
// 通过UAbilitySystemComponent实例
AbilityComp->ApplyModToAttributeUnsafe(AffectedAttributeProperty, EGameplayModOp::Additive, NewDelta);
- PreAttributeChange : 任意属性发生变化前都会调用,通常用于强加规则给数值
void URPGAttributeSet::PreAttributeChange(const FGameplayAttribute& Attribute, float& NewValue)
// This is called whenever attributes change, so for max health/mana we want to scale the current totals to match
Super::PreAttributeChange(Attribute, NewValue);
if (Attribute == GetMaxHealthAttribute())
AdjustAttributeForMaxChange(Health, MaxHealth, NewValue, GetHealthAttribute());
else if (Attribute == GetMaxManaAttribute())
AdjustAttributeForMaxChange(Mana, MaxMana, NewValue, GetManaAttribute());
- PostGameplayEffectExecute: 任意影响Attribute的GameplayEffect执行之后都会调用,通常用于clamp数值,触发游戏中的事件
void URPGAttributeSet::PostGameplayEffectExecute(const FGameplayEffectModCallbackData& Data)
// Context !!! 还记得讲GameplayAbility时提到的RPGAbilityType么?
// 我们可以通过引擎提供的FGameplayEffectContextHandle得到许多关联的信息
FGameplayEffectContextHandle Context = Data.EffectSpec.GetContext();
UAbilitySystemComponent* Source = Context.GetOriginalInstigatorAbilitySystemComponent();
const FGameplayTagContainer& SourceTags = *Data.EffectSpec.CapturedSourceTags.GetAggregatedTags();
// Compute the delta between old and new, if it is available
float DeltaValue = 0;
if (Data.EvaluatedData.ModifierOp == EGameplayModOp::Type::Additive)
// If this was additive, store the raw delta value to be passed along later
DeltaValue = Data.EvaluatedData.Magnitude;
// Get the Target actor, which should be our owner
AActor* TargetActor = nullptr;
AController* TargetController = nullptr;
ARPGCharacterBase* TargetCharacter = nullptr;
if (Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo.IsValid() && Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo->AvatarActor.IsValid())
TargetActor = Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo->AvatarActor.Get();
TargetController = Data.Target.AbilityActorInfo->PlayerController.Get();
TargetCharacter = Cast(TargetActor);
if (Data.EvaluatedData.Attribute == GetDamageAttribute())
// Get the Source actor
AActor* SourceActor = nullptr;
AController* SourceController = nullptr;
ARPGCharacterBase* SourceCharacter = nullptr;
if (Source && Source->AbilityActorInfo.IsValid() && Source->AbilityActorInfo->AvatarActor.IsValid())
SourceActor = Source->AbilityActorInfo->AvatarActor.Get();
SourceController = Source->AbilityActorInfo->PlayerController.Get();
if (SourceController == nullptr && SourceActor != nullptr)
if (APawn* Pawn = Cast(SourceActor))
SourceController = Pawn->GetController();
// Use the controller to find the source pawn
if (SourceController)
SourceCharacter = Cast(SourceController->GetPawn());
SourceCharacter = Cast(SourceActor);
// Set the causer actor based on context if it's set
if (Context.GetEffectCauser())
SourceActor = Context.GetEffectCauser();
// Try to extract a hit result
FHitResult HitResult;
if (Context.GetHitResult())
HitResult = *Context.GetHitResult();
// Store a local copy of the amount of damage done and clear the damage attribute
const float LocalDamageDone = GetDamage();
if (LocalDamageDone > 0)
// Apply the health change and then clamp it
const float OldHealth = GetHealth();
SetHealth(FMath::Clamp(OldHealth - LocalDamageDone, 0.0f, GetMaxHealth()));
if (TargetCharacter)
// This is proper damage
TargetCharacter->HandleDamage(LocalDamageDone, HitResult, SourceTags, SourceCharacter, SourceActor);
// Call for all health changes
TargetCharacter->HandleHealthChanged(-LocalDamageDone, SourceTags);
else if (Data.EvaluatedData.Attribute == GetHealthAttribute())
// Handle other health changes such as from healing or direct modifiers
// First clamp it
SetHealth(FMath::Clamp(GetHealth(), 0.0f, GetMaxHealth()));
if (TargetCharacter)
// Call for all health changes
TargetCharacter->HandleHealthChanged(DeltaValue, SourceTags);
else if (Data.EvaluatedData.Attribute == GetManaAttribute())
// Clamp mana
SetMana(FMath::Clamp(GetMana(), 0.0f, GetMaxMana()));
if (TargetCharacter)
// Call for all mana changes
TargetCharacter->HandleManaChanged(DeltaValue, SourceTags);
else if (Data.EvaluatedData.Attribute == GetMoveSpeedAttribute())
if (TargetCharacter)
// Call for all movespeed changes
TargetCharacter->HandleMoveSpeedChanged(DeltaValue, SourceTags);