
  ONE破解手机密码 ~图案锁

战略: 手机关机后,按住音量键+或者-不同的手机不同 但是也就是2种选择 1音量键-加开机键同时一直按住 直到出现英文界面或者中文界面  然后选择recovery date 这样就重置了 也就是破解了密码


战略:  ctrl alt delete together push then you

will into a system which is called  task system,

in this system,you will find many things,such as cpu of computer and also

can deal with many computer trouble

such as can,t close the date

THREE  BIOS  system

战略:win+r into  write regedit

then you will fell into bios system

it can deal with bule of computer,

F    SAFER system

colse the computer ,and then push the f8

until apearing  choose recovery date the lastly one

it can deal with lower bule of computer

FIVE  PEsystem

战略;downlord a system laomaotao system



可以破解电脑密码  解决蓝屏 黑屏

重置系统 and so on


bios 陷阱  ddos 分布拒绝攻击  sql注册攻击

  赤色洪流    域名劫持 流量劫持
