使用 sync.Cond 来协调并发 goroutine 的访问共享资源


使用 sync.Cond 解决并发访问共享资源问题

在并发编程中,当多个 goroutine 需要访问共享资源时,我们需要使用一些机制来协调它们的执行顺序,以避免竞态条件和数据不一致的问题。在 Go 语言中,sync.Cond 条件变量就是一种常用的机制,它可以用来等待和通知其他 goroutine

sync.Cond 和互斥锁的区别

互斥锁(sync.Mutex)用于保护临界区和共享资源,而 sync.Cond 则用于协调多个 goroutine 的执行顺序。互斥锁只能一个 goroutine 持有锁,其他 goroutine 必须等待锁被释放才能继续执行。而 sync.Cond 可以让等待的 goroutine 在条件满足时被唤醒,进而继续执行。

sync.Cond 的四个方法

sync.Cond 的定义如下:

// Each Cond has an associated Locker L (often a *Mutex or *RWMutex),
// which must be held when changing the condition and
// when calling the Wait method.
// A Cond must not be copied after first use.
type Cond struct {
        noCopy noCopy

        // L is held while observing or changing the condition
        L Locker

        notify  notifyList
        checker copyChecker

每个 Cond 实例都会关联一个锁 L(互斥锁 *Mutex,或读写锁 *RWMutex),当修改条件或者调用 Wait 方法时,必须加锁。

1. NewCond 创建实例

func NewCond(l Locker) *Cond

NewCond 方法用于创建一个 Cond 实例,并关联一个锁(互斥锁或读写锁)。

2. Broadcast 广播唤醒所有等待的 goroutine

// Broadcast wakes all goroutines waiting on c.
// It is allowed but not required for the caller to hold c.L
// during the call.
func (c *Cond) Broadcast()

Broadcast 方法用于唤醒所有等待条件变量 cgoroutine。它不需要持有锁来调用。

3. Signal 唤醒一个等待的 goroutine

// Signal wakes one goroutine waiting on c, if there is any.
// It is allowed but not required for the caller to hold c.L
// during the call.
func (c *Cond) Signal()

Signal 方法用于唤醒一个等待条件变量 cgoroutine。它不需要持有锁来调用。

4. Wait 等待条件变量满足

// Wait atomically unlocks c.L and suspends execution
// of the calling goroutine. After later resuming execution,
// Wait locks c.L before returning. Unlike in other systems,
// Wait cannot return unless awoken by Broadcast or Signal.
// Because c.L is not locked when Wait first resumes, the caller
// typically cannot assume that the condition is true when
// Wait returns. Instead, the caller should Wait in a loop:
//    c.L.Lock()
//    for !condition() {
//        c.Wait()
//    }
//    ... make use of condition ...
//    c.L.Unlock()
func (c *Cond) Wait()

Wait 方法会自动释放锁,并挂起当前的 goroutine,直到条件变量 cBroadcastSignal 唤醒。被唤醒后,Wait 方法会重新获得锁,并继续执行后续的代码。


下面是一个使用 sync.Cond 的示例,实现了一个简单的读写同步机制:

package main

import (

var done = false

func read(str string, c *sync.Cond) {
    for !done {
    fmt.Println(str, "start reading")

func write(str string, c *sync.Cond) {
    fmt.Println(str, "start writing")
    time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
    done = true
    fmt.Println(str, "wake up all")

func main() {
    m := &sync.Mutex{}
    c := sync.NewCond(m)

    go read("reader1", c)
    go read("reader2", c)
    write("writer", c)

    time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)



writer start writing
writer wake up all
reader2 start reading
reader1 start reading

通过使用 sync.Cond,我们可以很方便地实现多个 goroutine 之间的等待和通知机制,从而更好地协调并发访问共享资源的执行顺序。
