Go-ethereum 源码解析之 go-ethereum/core/events.go

Go-ethereum 源码解析之 go-ethereum/core/events.go

// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see .

package core

import (

// NewTxsEvent is posted when a batch of transactions enter the transaction pool.
type NewTxsEvent struct{ Txs []*types.Transaction }

// PendingLogsEvent is posted pre mining and notifies of pending logs.
type PendingLogsEvent struct {
    Logs []*types.Log

// NewMinedBlockEvent is posted when a block has been imported.
type NewMinedBlockEvent struct{ Block *types.Block }

// RemovedLogsEvent is posted when a reorg happens
type RemovedLogsEvent struct{ Logs []*types.Log }

type ChainEvent struct {
    Block *types.Block
    Hash  common.Hash
    Logs  []*types.Log

type ChainSideEvent struct {
    Block *types.Block

type ChainHeadEvent struct{ Block *types.Block }

Appendix A. 总体批注

文件 core/events.go 定义了打包新区块时需要关注的各种事件。这些事件有些是由网络中其它节点向本地节点广播的,有些是由本地节点向网络中其它节点广播的。


  • NewTxsEvent


  • ChainHeadEvent
  • ChainSideEvent
  • NewMinedBlockEvent
  • NewTxsEvent

Appendix B. 详细批注

1. type NewTxsEvent struct

事件 NewTxsEvent 在一组交易进入交易池时被发布。

  • Txs []*types.Transaction: 交易列表

2. type PendingLogsEvent struct

事件 PendingLogsEvent 在挖矿前发布,并通知待处理日志。

3. type NewMinedBlockEvent struct

事件 NewMinedBlockEvent 在一个新区块被导入时发布。本地节点在接收到网络中其它节点打包出的新区块时,本地节点触发此事件。

4. type RemovedLogsEvent struct

事件 RemovedLogsEvent 在重新组织时被发布。

5. type ChainEvent struct

事件 ChainEvent 表示本地节点挖出了新区块。

  • Block *types.Block: 区块
  • Hash common.Hash: 区块哈希
  • Logs []*types.Log: 日志列表

6. type ChainSideEvent struct

事件 ChainSideEvent 表示本地节点挖出了叔区块。

  • Block *types.Block: 叔区块

7. type ChainHeadEvent struct

事件 ChainHeadEvent 表示本地节点挖出了新区块。

  • Block *types.Block: 区块


  1. https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/master/core/events.go


  1. Windstamp, https://github.com/windstamp

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