
       《围城》是钱钟书的著名长篇小说,出版于1947年,被翻译成多国文字。美籍学者夏志清曾经称赞《围城》是“中国近代文学史中最有趣和最用心经营的小说,可能亦是最伟大的一部。”《围城》中运用了大量的隐喻、典故及幽默手法,具有丰富的艺术效果。又由于钱钟书本人外文造诣颇高,且国学内涵有深厚,所以本文选取《围城》的英译本是由Jeanne Kelly 和Nathan K. Mao《Fortress Besieged》(珍妮凯莉和茅国权译)。

 Fortress Besieged is a classic(经典) of world literature(文学), a masterpiece(杰作) of parodic(讽刺:恶搞的) fiction(小说;科幻) that plays with Western literary traditions,philosophy and middle class(中产阶级) Chinese society in the Republican(共和的) era(时代;纪元). The title is taken from an old French proverb(法国谚语), "Marriage is like a fortress besieged:those who are outside want to get in, and those who are inside want to get out". Set on(故事设定) the eve(前夕) of the ferocious(残暴的;激烈的) Sino-Japanese War(中日战争/抗日战争), Fortress Besieged recounts(详细叙述) the exuberant(极度的) misadventures(不幸遭遇) of the hapless(不幸的) hero Fang Hung-chien(方鸿渐). This masterwork(杰作) of world literature plays with Western traditions, picaresque(无赖小说的) humour, tragic-comedy(悲喜剧), satire(讽刺), Eastern philosophy and the mores(风俗;道德观念) of middle-class Chinese society to create its own unique feast of delights.


 exuberant 和 invigorate 都表达 “生气勃勃的”,exuberant 主要是表达一种植被茂盛,繁盛的状态,华丽的外表(华丽的辞藻)。 invigorate 更倾向于形容体能、精力、体魄。



       Each time it refused to go, the driver letout a stream of foul abuse, and at this point he cursed it even more soundly. Howeverhe cursed, the meaning was always the same: the driver wished to enter intocarnal relations with the bus’s mother or grandmother. While the cursing lackedvariety, it’s force grew stronger and stronger.

21.(形容公交车异常拥挤)  真料不到小车厢会像有弹性,容得下这许多人。.这车厢仿佛沙丁鱼罐,里面的人紧紧的挤得身体都扁了。可是沙丁鱼的骨头,深藏在自己身体里,这些乘客的肘骨膝骨都向旁人的身体里硬钳。罐装的沙丁鱼条条挺直,这些乘客都蜷取波折,腰跟腿弯成几何学上有名目的角度。

        No one would have guessed that the small bus compartment(车厢;隔间) could have stretched like elastic(弹性的) to hold so many people. The bus was like a sardine(沙丁鱼) can(罐头), the people were packed inso tightly that their bodies were flattened (扁平;平坦)out. But sardines’ bones are set deep in their bodies, while these passengers’ knees(膝盖) and elbows(手肘) were all stuck stiffly(僵硬地;顽固地) into the bodies next to them. Moreover, sardines in a can are all laid out(摆开;铺设) perfectly straight, while these passengers were coiled(卷;使成螺旋状;混乱) and twisted(使弯曲;扭歪;旋转) and bent at the waist and knee into designated(指定的;特指的) geometric angles(角度).


     Westerners are ugly in a different wayfrom Chinese: Chinese ugliness seem to be the result of the Creator’s having skimped on time and materials. It is a slapdash(匆忙的;仓促的;草率的), perfunctorily(敷衍地;表面地;潦草地) put together ugliness. Westerners’ ugliness seems a mark of the Creator’s spite(恶意). He has purposely(故意地;存心) set out to play jokes with(开玩笑) the facial features(面部特征;五官), the ugliness thus has a plan and a motive(动机) behind it.

23. 形容西菜馆的食物)谁知道从冷盘到咖啡,没有一样东西可口:上来的汤是凉的,冰淇淋倒是热的;鱼像海军陆战队,已登陆了好几天;肉像潜水艇士兵,会长期潜伏下水里;除醋以外,面包、牛油、红酒无一不是酸的.

They found a Western-type restaurant that looked respectable(正派的) enough from the outside; but as it turned out, there wasn’t a single thing edible(可食用的;能吃的) from the cool dishes to the coffee. The soup was cold, and the ice cream was warm. The fish was like the Marine Corps(海军陆战队). It apparently had already been on land (登陆) for several days; the meat was like submarine(潜水艇) sailors(水手;海员), having been submerged(浸没;潜水) in water for a long time. The bread, the butter (黄油) and the red wine were all sour(酸的) except the vinegar(醋). 

   注:respected, respectful, respectable和respective 的区别


2) respectful表示主动含义,意思是“对……恭敬的,尊敬的”

    A be  respectful to B【A很尊敬B】



24. (形容战乱时期物价飞涨)物价像吹断了线的风筝,又像得道成仙,平地飞升。公用事业的工人一再罢工,电车和汽车只恨不能像戏院子和旅馆挂牌客满。铜币镍币全搜刮完了,否则挤车的困难可以避免。生存竞争渐渐脱去文饰和面具,露出原始的狠毒。廉耻并不廉,许多人维持它不起。发国难财和破国难产的人同时增加,各不相犯;因为穷人只在大街闹市行乞,不会到财主的幽静住宅区去,只会跟着步行的人要钱,财主坐的流线型汽车是赶不上的。贫民区逐渐蔓延,像市容上生的一块癣。

In Shanghai, commodity(商品) prices, like a kite with its string(线) broken in the wind, soared high above the ground(地面) as though they had achieved Nirvana and immortality. Public workers struck again and again. Trams and buses wished they could have hung out “Full House” signs like movie theaters and hotels. Copper and nickel were all confiscated. Stamps were temporarily put to a new use as supplementary currency. If only people could have been sent like mail, then the painfully crowded conditions on public buses could have been avoided. The struggle for survival was gradually stripped of mask and ornament to reveal a primitive brutality. A reasonable sense of shame was not cheap at all; many could not afford it. The number of people profiting and the number going bankrupt from the national crisis increased  simultaneously. Neither interfered with the other since the poor begged only in the major thoroughfares and bustling marketplaces and stayed away from the quiet residential areas of the rich. They asked for money only from those on foot, unable to catch up with the rich in their sleek cars. Slums gradually spread like ringworm over the face of the city.

