

1 The specially developed skin paint will wear off in 2-4 days, but can be removed instantly with alcohol.

A remain  B dry   C work  D disappear

2 She was tired of his constant complaining and didn’t want to tolerate him anymore.

A catch up to    B put up with  C come up with  D live up to

3 The supporters of either party have rationalized their own opinion in terms of argument.

A with regard to B in contrast to  C in addition to  D as opposed to

4 How is it possible that such widespread deception has come to take place right under our noses?

A delay    B damage    C fraud    D shock

15 It is not yet clear whether the deletion of data at the troubled bank was accidental or deliberate.

A obvious    B intentional      C surprising    D foolish

16 When required to eat vegetables, many children only to so reluctantly.

A automatically    B anxiously   C obediently    D unwillingly

17 Recently, the Internet has given rise to a new type of marketplace.

A created     B conceived    C increased    D improved

18 Another 1,000 workers were dismissed when the machinery plant was in difficulties.

A taken off     B driven off   C put off   D laid off

19 Credit creates the false idea that you can own things without paying for them.

A image    B illusion     C imagination   D impression

20 For the audience to better understand the new concept, the professor elaborated it with many example.

A summarized   B concluded     C classified   D explained


1-5 DBACB     6-10 DADBD


1 wear off:消除,减少; disappear:消失

2 tolerate:容忍; put up with 忍受

3 in terms of :依照,按照,在...方面;with regard to :关于,至于

4 deception:欺骗,其动词形式为deceive;fraud:诈骗

5 deliberate:故意地; intentional:有意的,故意的

6 reluctantly :不情愿地; unwillingly:不情愿地

7 give rise to :产生;create:创造

8 dismiss:开除,消除; lay off:解雇

9 false idea:假的观点,错误的想法;illusion:幻觉

10 elaborate :详细阐述; explain:解释

