文献中详细介绍了处理H&E scripts的详细过程,计算H&E染色的全切片中的肿瘤基质百分比。
3.运行“Estimate _ background _ values . groovy”来自动确定适当的“白色”值,以改进光学计算 密度。这是可选的,但可能对较暗的扫描有帮助;它预先假定背景区域在图像中的某处是可用的。
5.使用“分类->创建检测分类器”以交互方式训练分类器,以区分 形象。完成后,将此分类器应用于所有图像。
6.运行' Export_H&E_tumor_areas.groovy '来导出结果
* Script to estimate the background value in a brightfield whole slide image.
* This effectively looks for the circle of a specified radius with the highest
* mean intensity (summed across all 3 RGB channels), and takes the mean red,
* green and blue within this circle as the background values.
* The background values are then set in the ColorDeconvolutionStains object
* for the ImageData, so that they are used for any optical density calculations.
* This is implemented with the help of ImageJ (www.imagej.net).
* @author Pete Bankhead
import ij.plugin.filter.RankFilters
import ij.process.ColorProcessor
import qupath.imagej.images.servers.ImagePlusServerBuilder
import qupath.lib.common.ColorTools
import qupath.lib.regions.RegionRequest
import qupath.lib.scripting.QP
// Radius used for background search, in microns (will be used approximately)
double radiusMicrons = 1000
// Calculate a suitable 'preferred' pixel size
// Keep in mind that downsampling involves a form of smoothing, so we just choose
// a reasonable filter size and then adapt the image resolution accordingly
double radiusPixels = 10
double requestedPixelSizeMicrons = radiusMicrons / radiusPixels
// Get the ImageData & ImageServer
def imageData = QP.getCurrentImageData()
def server = imageData.getServer()
// Check we have the right kind of data
if (!imageData.isBrightfield() || !server.isRGB()) {
print("ERROR: Only brightfield RGB images can be processed with this script, sorry")
// Extract pixel size
double pixelSize = server.getAveragedPixelSizeMicrons()
// Choose a default if we need one (i.e. if the pixel size is missing from the image metadata)
if (Double.isNaN(pixelSize))
pixelSize = 0.5
// Figure out suitable downsampling value
double downsample = Math.round(requestedPixelSizeMicrons / pixelSize)
// Get a downsampled version of the image as an ImagePlus (for ImageJ)
def request = RegionRequest.createInstance(server.getPath(), downsample, 0, 0, server.getWidth(), server.getHeight())
def serverIJ = ImagePlusServerBuilder.ensureImagePlusWholeSlideServer(server)
def pathImage = serverIJ.readImagePlusRegion(request)
// Check we have an RGB image (we should at this point)
def imp = pathImage.getImage(false)
def ip = imp.getProcessor()
if (!(ip instanceof ColorProcessor)) {
print("Sorry, the background can only be set for a ColorProcessor, but the current ImageProcessor is " + ip)
// Apply filter
if (ip.getWidth() <= radiusPixels*2 || ip.getHeight() <= radiusPixels*2) {
print("The image is too small for the requested radius!")
new RankFilters().rank(ip, radiusPixels, RankFilters.MEAN)
// Find the location of the maximum across all 3 channels
double maxValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
double maxRed = 0
double maxGreen = 0
double maxBlue = 0
for (int y = radiusPixels; y < ip.getHeight()-radiusPixels; y++) {
for (int x = radiusPixels; x < ip.getWidth()-radiusPixels; x++) {
int rgb = ip.getPixel(x, y)
int r = ColorTools.red(rgb)
int g = ColorTools.green(rgb)
int b = ColorTools.blue(rgb)
double sum = r + g + b
if (sum > maxValue) {
maxValue = sum
maxRed = r
maxGreen = g
maxBlue = b
// Print the result
print("Background RGB values: " + maxRed + ", " + maxGreen + ", " + maxBlue)
// Set the ImageData stains
def stains = imageData.getColorDeconvolutionStains()
def stains2 = stains.changeMaxValues(maxRed, maxGreen, maxBlue)
* Generate superpixels & compute features for H&E tumor stromal analysis using QuPath.
* @author Pete Bankhead
// Compute superpixels within annotated regions
runPlugin('qupath.imagej.superpixels.SLICSuperpixelsPlugin', '{"sigmaMicrons": 5.0, "spacingMicrons": 40.0, "maxIterations": 10,
"regularization": 0.25, "adaptRegularization": false, "useDeconvolved": false}');
// Add Haralick texture features based on optical densities, and mean Hue for each superpixel
runPlugin('qupath.lib.algorithms.IntensityFeaturesPlugin', '{"pixelSizeMicrons": 2.0, "region": "ROI", "tileSizeMicrons": 25.0, "colorOD":
true, "colorStain1": false, "colorStain2": false, "colorStain3": false, "colorRed": false, "colorGreen": false, "colorBlue": false,
"colorHue": true, "colorSaturation": false, "colorBrightness": false, "doMean": true, "doStdDev": false, "doMinMax": false, "doMedian":
false, "doHaralick": true, "haralickDistance": 1, "haralickBins": 32}');
// Add smoothed measurements to each superpixel
runPlugin('qupath.lib.plugins.objects.SmoothFeaturesPlugin', '{"fwhmMicrons": 50.0, "smoothWithinClasses": false, "useLegacyNames":
* Script to compute areas for detection objects with different classifications.
* Primarily useful for converting classified superpixels into areas.
* @author Pete Bankhead
import qupath.lib.common.GeneralTools
import qupath.lib.gui.QuPathGUI
import qupath.lib.images.servers.ImageServer
import qupath.lib.objects.PathDetectionObject
import qupath.lib.objects.PathObject
import qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClass
import qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClassFactory
import qupath.lib.objects.hierarchy.PathObjectHierarchy
import qupath.lib.roi.interfaces.PathArea
import qupath.lib.roi.interfaces.ROI
import qupath.lib.scripting.QPEx
import qupath.lib.gui.ImageWriterTools
import qupath.lib.regions.RegionRequest
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
// If 'exportImages' is true, overview images will be written to an 'export' subdirectory
// of the current project, otherwise no images will be exported
boolean exportImages = true
// Define which classes to analyze, in terms of determining areas etc.
def classesToAnalyze = ["Tumor", "Stroma", "Other"]
// Format output 3 decimal places
int nDecimalPlaces = 3
// If the patient ID is encoded in the filename, a closure defined here can parse it
// (By default, this simply strips off anything after the final dot - assumed to be the file extension)
def parseUniqueIDFromFilename = { n ->
int dotInd = n.lastIndexOf('.')
if (dotInd < 0)
return n
return n.substring(0, dotInd)
// The following closure handled the specific naming scheme used for the images in the paper
// Uncomment to apply this, rather than the default method above
//parseUniqueIDFromFilename = {n ->
// def uniqueID = n.trim()
// if (uniqueID.charAt(3) == '-')
// uniqueID = uniqueID.substring(0, 3) + uniqueID.substring(4)
// return uniqueID.split("[-. ]")[0]
// }
// Convert class name to PathClass objects
Set pathClasses = new TreeSet<>()
for (String className : classesToAnalyze) {
// Get a formatter
// Note: to run this script in earlier versions of QuPath,
// change createFormatter to getFormatter
def formatter = GeneralTools.createFormatter(nDecimalPlaces)
// Get access to the current ImageServer - required for pixel size information
ImageServer> server = QPEx.getCurrentImageData().getServer()
double pxWidthMM = server.getPixelWidthMicrons() / 1000
double pxHeightMM = server.getPixelHeightMicrons() / 1000
// Get access to the current hierarchy
PathObjectHierarchy hierarchy = QPEx.getCurrentHierarchy()
// Loop through detection objects (here, superpixels) and increment total area calculations for each class
Map areaMap = new TreeMap<>()
double areaTotalMM = 0
for (PathObject tile : hierarchy.getObjects(null, PathDetectionObject.class)) {
// Check the classification
PathClass pathClass = tile.getPathClass()
if (pathClass == null)
// Add current area
ROI roi = tile.getROI()
if (roi instanceof PathArea) {
double area = ((PathArea)roi).getScaledArea(pxWidthMM , pxHeightMM)
areaTotalMM += area
if (areaMap.containsKey(pathClass))
areaMap.put(pathClass, area + areaMap.get(pathClass))
areaMap.put(pathClass, area)
// Loop through each classification & prepare output
double areaSumMM = 0
double areaTumor = 0
double areaStroma = 0
// Include image name & ID
String delimiter = "\t"
StringBuilder sbHeadings = new StringBuilder("Image").append(delimiter).append("Unique ID")
String uniqueID = parseUniqueIDFromFilename(server.getShortServerName())
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(server.getShortServerName()).append(delimiter).append(uniqueID)
// Compute areas per class
for (PathClass pathClass : pathClasses) {
// Extract area from map - or zero, if it does not occur in the map
double area = areaMap.containsKey(pathClass) ? areaMap.get(pathClass) : 0
// Update total & record tumor area, if required
areaSumMM += area
if (pathClass.getName().toLowerCase().contains("tumor") || pathClass.getName().toLowerCase().contains("tumour"))
areaTumor += area
if (pathClass.getName().toLowerCase().contains("stroma"))
areaStroma += area
// Display area for classification
sbHeadings.append(delimiter).append(pathClass.getName()).append(" Area mm^2")
// Append the total area
sbHeadings.append(delimiter).append("Total area mm^2")
// Append the calculated stromal percentage
sbHeadings.append(delimiter).append("Stromal percentage")
sb.append(delimiter).append(formatter.format(areaStroma / (areaTumor + areaStroma) * 100.0))
// Export images in a project sub-directory, if required
if (exportImages) {
// Create the directory, if required
def path = QPEx.buildFilePath(QPEx.PROJECT_BASE_DIR, "export")
// We need to get the display settings (colors, line thicknesses, opacity etc.) from the current viewer
def overlayOptions = QuPathGUI.getInstance().getViewer().getOverlayOptions()
def imageData = QPEx.getCurrentImageData()
def name = uniqueID
// Aim for an output resolution of approx 20 µm/pixel
double requestedPixelSize = 20
double downsample = requestedPixelSize / server.getAveragedPixelSizeMicrons()
RegionRequest request = RegionRequest.createInstance(imageData.getServerPath(), downsample, 0, 0, server.getWidth(), server.getHeight())
// Write output image, with and without overlay
def dir = new File(path)
def fileImage = new File(dir, name + ".jpg")
BufferedImage img = ImageWriterTools.writeImageRegion(imageData.getServer(), request, fileImage.getAbsolutePath())
def fileImageWithOverlay = new File(dir, name + "-overlay.jpg")
ImageWriterTools.writeImageRegionWithOverlay(img, imageData, overlayOptions, request, fileImageWithOverlay.getAbsolutePath())
// Write header to output file if it's empty, and print on screen
def fileOutput = new File(QPEx.buildFilePath(QPEx.PROJECT_BASE_DIR, "Results.txt"))
if (fileOutput.length() == 0) {
fileOutput << sbHeadings.toString()
// Write data to output file & print on screen
fileOutput << sb.toString()
1:QuPath: Open source software for digital pathology image analysis - PMC (nih.gov)