2018-12-12 A Lesson from a Interview

Yesterday, i took an interview for a job of game operation. The interviewer asked me which MMO games I liked playing. I thought for a while but what came up to my mind were all card games. I racked my brain and hardly listed few MMO games and I thought this would lower my rating. After this interview, I checked my devices, and found several MMO games that I once played for a period. Feeling regretful, I wondered why i didn't remember those games at that moment. Then I have two answers.

First, I didn't play these games long enough so i didn't form a deep impression for them. That also means i didn't take heart to research them but was satisfied with a superficial knowledge. This is why i didn't have much to express.

Second, I didn't record what I played. A saying goes that "the palest ink is better than the best memory".If i don't record what i have done, i will forget them gradually. When i need to call up my memory, it became blank temporarily. This is why I didn't express much even i knew something.

This interview teaches me two things: make yourself have something to show and learn to show yourself. 

I feel anxious about failing my interview. But i know exactly what caused this result. Anxiety won't help this situation. So what I can do is to learn this lesson and prepare for my next interview.

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