C# 经典实例 第一章 类和泛型 #1.5 解析命令行参数






using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

public sealed class Argument
    public string Original { get; }
    public string Switch { get; private set; }
    public ReadOnlyCollection SubArguments { get; }
    private List subArguments;
    public Argument(string original)
        Original = original; Switch = string.Empty;
        subArguments = new List();
        SubArguments = new ReadOnlyCollection(subArguments);

    private void Parse()
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Original))
        char[] switchChars = { '/', '-' };

        if (!switchChars.Contains(Original[0]))


        string switchString = Original.Substring(1);
        string subArgsString = string.Empty;
        int colon = switchString.IndexOf(':');

        if (colon >= 0)
            subArgsString = switchString.Substring(colon + 1);
            switchString = switchString.Substring(0, colon);

        Switch = switchString;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subArgsString))

    // 一组谓词,提供关于参数的有用信息
    // 使用lambda表达式实现 
    public bool IsSimple => SubArguments.Count == 0;
    public bool IsSimpleSwitch =>
        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Switch) && SubArguments.Count == 0;
    public bool IsCompoundSwitch => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Switch) && SubArguments.Count == 1;
    public bool IsComplexSwitch => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Switch) && SubArguments.Count > 0;

public sealed class ArgumentDefinition
    public string ArgumentSwitch { get; }
    public string Syntax { get; }
    public string Description { get; }
    public Func Verifier { get; }

    public ArgumentDefinition(string argumentSwitch, string syntax, string description, Func verifier)
        ArgumentSwitch = argumentSwitch.ToUpper();
        Syntax = syntax;
        Description = description;
        Verifier = verifier;

    public bool Verify(Argument arg) => Verifier(arg);

public sealed class ArgumentSemanticAnalyzer

    private List argumentDefinitions = new List();
    private Dictionary> argumentActions = new Dictionary>();

    public ReadOnlyCollection UnrecognizedArguments { get; private set; }
    public ReadOnlyCollection MalformedArguments { get; private set; }
    public ReadOnlyCollection RepeatedArguments { get; private set; }

    public ReadOnlyCollection ArgumentDefinitions =>
        new ReadOnlyCollection(argumentDefinitions);

    public IEnumerable DefinedSwitches => from argumentDefinition in argumentDefinitions select argumentDefinition.ArgumentSwitch;

    public void AddArgumentVerifier(ArgumentDefinition verifier) => argumentDefinitions.Add(verifier);

    public void RemoveArgumentVerifier(ArgumentDefinition verifier)
        var verifiersToRemove = from v in argumentDefinitions
                                where v.ArgumentSwitch == verifier.ArgumentSwitch
                                select v;
        foreach (var v in verifiersToRemove)

    public void AddArgumentAction(string argumentSwitch, Action action) => argumentActions.Add(argumentSwitch, action);

    public void RemoveArgumentAction(string argumentSwitch)
        if (argumentActions.Keys.Contains(argumentSwitch))

    public bool VerifyArguments(IEnumerable arguments)
        // 没有任何参数进行验证,失败     
        if (!argumentDefinitions.Any())
            return false;

        // 确认是否存在任一未定义的参数       
        this.UnrecognizedArguments = (from argumentItem in arguments
                                      where !DefinedSwitches.Contains(argumentItem.Switch.ToUpper())
                                      select argumentItem).ToList().AsReadOnly();

        if (this.UnrecognizedArguments.Any())
            return false;

        // 检查开关与某个已知开关匹配但是检查格式是否正确的谓词为false的所有参数
        this.MalformedArguments = (from argument in arguments
                                   join argumentDefinition in argumentDefinitions
                                   on argument.Switch.ToUpper() equals argumentDefinition.ArgumentSwitch
                                   where !argumentDefinition.Verify(argument)
                                   select argument).ToList().AsReadOnly();

        if (this.MalformedArguments.Any())
            return false;

        // 将所有参数按照开关进行分组,统计每个组的数量,
        // 并选出包含超过一个元素的所有组,
        // 然后获得一个包含这些数据项的只读列表
        this.RepeatedArguments = (
            from argumentGroup in from argument in arguments
                                  where !argument.IsSimple
                                  group argument by argument.Switch.ToUpper()
            where argumentGroup.Count() > 1
            select argumentGroup).SelectMany(ag => ag).ToList().AsReadOnly();

        if (this.RepeatedArguments.Any())
            return false;

        return true;

    public void EvaluateArguments(IEnumerable arguments)
        foreach (Argument argument in arguments)

    public string InvalidArgumentsDisplay()
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        builder.AppendFormat($"Invalid arguments: {Environment.NewLine}");         // 的 

        FormatInvalidArguments(builder, this.UnrecognizedArguments, "Unrecognized argument: {0}{1}");

        // 添加格式不正式的参数
        FormatInvalidArguments(builder, this.MalformedArguments, "Malformed argument: {0}{1}");

        // 对于重复的参数,我们想要将其分组以用于显示,
        // 因此通过开关分组并且将其添加到正在构建的字符串
        var argumentGroups = from argument in this.RepeatedArguments
                             group argument by argument.Switch.ToUpper() into ag
                             select new { Switch = ag.Key, Instances = ag };

        foreach (var argumentGroup in argumentGroups)
            builder.AppendFormat($"Repeated argument:                                " +
                $"  {argumentGroup.Switch}{Environment.NewLine}"); 
            FormatInvalidArguments(builder, argumentGroup.Instances.ToList(), "\t{0}{1}");
        return builder.ToString();

    private void FormatInvalidArguments(StringBuilder builder, IEnumerable invalidArguments, string errorFormat)
        if (invalidArguments != null)
            foreach (Argument argument in invalidArguments)
                builder.AppendFormat(errorFormat, argument.Original, Environment.NewLine);

    // 如何使用这些类为应用程序处理命令行?方法如下所示

    public static void Main(string[] argumentStrings)
        var arguments = (from argument in argumentStrings select new Argument(argument)).ToArray();

        Console.Write("Command line: "); foreach (Argument a in arguments) { Console.Write($"{a.Original} "); }

        ArgumentSemanticAnalyzer analyzer = new ArgumentSemanticAnalyzer();
        analyzer.AddArgumentVerifier(new ArgumentDefinition("output", "/output:[path to output]", "Specifies the location of the output file.", x => x.IsCompoundSwitch));
        analyzer.AddArgumentVerifier(new ArgumentDefinition("trialMode", "/trialmode", "If this is specified it places the product into trial mode", x => x.IsSimpleSwitch));
        analyzer.AddArgumentVerifier(new ArgumentDefinition("DEBUGOUTPUT", "/debugoutput:[value1];[value2];[value3]", "A listing of the files the debug output " + "information will be written to", x => x.IsComplexSwitch));
        analyzer.AddArgumentVerifier(new ArgumentDefinition("", "[literal value]", "A literal value", x => x.IsSimple));

        if (!analyzer.VerifyArguments(arguments))
            string invalidArguments = analyzer.InvalidArgumentsDisplay(); 

        // 设置命令行解析结果的容器      
        string output = string.Empty;
        bool trialmode = false;
        IEnumerable debugOutput = null;
        List literals = new List();

        analyzer.AddArgumentAction("OUTPUT", x => { output = x.SubArguments[0]; });
        analyzer.AddArgumentAction("TRIALMODE", x => { trialmode = true; });
        analyzer.AddArgumentAction("DEBUGOUTPUT", x => { debugOutput = x.SubArguments; });

        analyzer.AddArgumentAction("", x => { literals.Add(x.Original); });

        // 检查参数并运行动作

        // 显示结果
        Console.WriteLine($"OUTPUT: {output}");
        Console.WriteLine($"TRIALMODE: {trialmode}");
        if (debugOutput != null)
            foreach (string item in debugOutput)
                Console.WriteLine($"DEBUGOUTPUT: {item}");

        foreach (string literal in literals)
            Console.WriteLine($"LITERAL: {literal}");

    public static void ShowUsage(ArgumentSemanticAnalyzer analyzer)
        Console.WriteLine("Program.exe allows the following arguments:");
        foreach (ArgumentDefinition definition in analyzer.ArgumentDefinitions)
            Console.WriteLine($"\t{definition.ArgumentSwitch}:                    " +
                $"            ({definition.Description}){Environment.NewLine}              " +
                $"             \tSyntax: {definition.Syntax}");



在解析命令行参数之前,必须明确选用一种通用格式。本范例中使用的格式遵循用于Visual C#.NET语言编译器的命令行格式。使用的格式定义如下所示。

  • 通过一个或多个空白字符分隔命令行参数。
  • 每个参数可以以一个-或/字符开头,但不能同时以这两个字符开头。如果不以其中一个字符开头,就把参数视为一个字面量,比如文件名。
  • 以-或/字符开头的参数可被划分为:以一个选项开关开头,后接一个冒号,再接一个或多个用;字符分隔的参数。命令行参数-sw:arg1;arg2;arg3可被划分为一个选项开关(sw)和三个参数(arg1,arg2和arg3)。注意,在完整的参数中不应该由任何空格,否则运行时命令行解析器将把参数分拆为两个或更多的参数。
  • 用双引号包裹住的字符串(如“C:\test\file.log")会去除双引号。这是操作系统解释传入应用程序中的参数时的一项功能。
  • 不会去除单引号。
  • 要保留双引号,可在双引号字符前放置\转义序列字符。
  • 仅当\字符后接着双引号时,才将\字符作为转义序列字符处理。在这种情况下,只会显示双引号。
  • ^字符被运行时解析器作为特殊字符处理。




 public static void Main()    

public static int Main()    

public static void Main(string[] args)    

public static int Main(string[] args)



 • Argument 封装一个命令行参数并负责解析该参数
• ArgumentDefinition 定义一个对当行命令行有效的参数
• ArgumentSemanticAnalyzer 基于设置的 ArgumentDefinition 进行参数的验证和获取。


 MyApp c:\input\infile.txt -output:d:\outfile.txt -trialmode

           Command line: c:\input\infile.txt - output:d:\outfile.txt - trialmode     
            OUTPUT: d:\outfile.txt 
            TRIALMODE: True 
            LITERAL: c:\input\infile.txt


        Command line: c:\input\infile.txt - output: -trialmode     
            Invalid arguments:     
            Malformed argument: -output

    Program.exe allows the following arguments: 
            OUTPUT: (Specifies the location of the output file.)            
            Syntax: / output:[path to output]            
            TRIALMODE: (If this is specified, it places the product into trial mode)            
            Syntax: / trialmode            
            DEBUGOUTPUT: (A listing of the files the debug output information will be written to)            
            Syntax: / debugoutput:[value1];[value2];[value3]            : (A literal value)            
            Syntax:[literal value]


 public bool IsSimple => SubArguments.Count == 0;
    public bool IsSimpleSwitch => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Switch) && SubArguments.Count == 0;
    public bool IsCompoundSwitch => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Switch) && SubArguments.Count == 1;
    public bool IsComplexSwitch => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Switch) && SubArguments.Count > 0;



   ArgumentSemanticAnalyzer analyzer = new ArgumentSemanticAnalyzer();
        analyzer.AddArgumentVerifier(new ArgumentDefinition(
            "output", "/output:[path to output]",
            "Specifies the location of the output file.",
            x => x.IsCompoundSwitch));

        analyzer.AddArgumentVerifier(new ArgumentDefinition(
            "trialMode", "/trialmode", "If this is specified it places the product into trial mode", 
            x => x.IsSimpleSwitch)); 
        analyzer.AddArgumentVerifier(new ArgumentDefinition(
            "DEBUGOUTPUT", "/debugoutput:[value1];[value2];[value3]",
            "A listing of the files the debug output " + "information will be written to", 
            x => x.IsComplexSwitch)); 
        analyzer.AddArgumentVerifier(new ArgumentDefinition("", "[literal value]", "A literal value", x => x.IsSimple));

        this.MalformedArguments = ( from argument in arguments    
                                    join argumentDefinition in argumentDefinitions       
                                    on argument.Switch.ToUpper() equals            
                                    where !argumentDefinition.Verify(argument)       
                                    select argument).ToList().AsReadOnly();


        public static void ShowUsage(ArgumentSemanticAnalyzer analyzer)
            Console.WriteLine("Program.exe allows the following arguments:");
            foreach (ArgumentDefinition definition in analyzer.ArgumentDefinitions)
                Console.WriteLine("\t{0}: ({1}){2}\tSyntax: {3}", definition.ArgumentSwitch,
                    definition.Description, Environment.NewLine, definition.Syntax);



   // 设置命令行解析结果的容器
        string output = string.Empty;   
        bool trialmode = false;    
        IEnumerable debugOutput = null;  
        List literals = new List();

        analyzer.AddArgumentAction("OUTPUT", x => { output = x.SubArguments[0]; });
        analyzer.AddArgumentAction("TRIALMODE", x => { trialmode = true; });
        analyzer.AddArgumentAction("DEBUGOUTPUT", x => { debugOutput = x.SubArguments; }); 
        analyzer.AddArgumentAction("", x => { literals.Add(x.Original); });


// 检查参数并运行动作



    public bool VerifyArguments(IEnumerable arguments)
        // 没有任何参数进行验证,失败     
        if (!argumentDefinitions.Any())
            return false;

        // 确认是否存在任一未定义的参数       
        this.UnrecognizedArguments = (from argumentItem in arguments
                                      where !DefinedSwitches.Contains(argumentItem.Switch.ToUpper())
                                      select argumentItem).ToList().AsReadOnly();

        if (this.UnrecognizedArguments.Any())
            return false;

        // 检查开关与某个已知开关匹配但是检查格式是否正确的谓词为false的所有参数
        this.MalformedArguments = (from argument in arguments
                                   join argumentDefinition in argumentDefinitions
                                   on argument.Switch.ToUpper() equals argumentDefinition.ArgumentSwitch
                                   where !argumentDefinition.Verify(argument)
                                   select argument).ToList().AsReadOnly();

        if (this.MalformedArguments.Any())
            return false;

        // 将所有参数按照开关进行分组,统计每个组的数量,
        // 并选出包含超过一个元素的所有组,
        // 然后获得一个包含这些数据项的只读列表
        this.RepeatedArguments = (
            from argumentGroup in from argument in arguments
                                  where !argument.IsSimple
                                  group argument by argument.Switch.ToUpper()
            where argumentGroup.Count() > 1
            select argumentGroup).SelectMany(ag => ag).ToList().AsReadOnly();

        if (this.RepeatedArguments.Any())
            return false;

        return true;



