
英文 中文
Oh, you're gonna try to pin this on me? 你打算把这事赖到我头上
- All I know is I didn't do it. - Well, neither did I. -我只知道不是我干的-也不是我
- Do you know the lady who lives here? - Mrs. Yost! -你认识住在这里的太太吗-约斯特太太
When was the last time you saw her? 你上一次见到她是什么时候
Two days ago. 两天前
She was taking a trip up north to visit her sister. 她去看她姐姐了
And I'm sure Rita's been cheating on him this whole time. 我确信丽塔一直以来都在偷情
Hollywood... 好莱坞
Any idea who with? 知道是和谁吗
But once I find out, 不过一旦等我查出来
I'll make Rita and her gigolo very sorry. 我会让丽塔和她的小情人后悔莫及的
I did not kill Carlo. 我没杀卡洛
I'm gonna take your case. 我会接你的案子
But we have to think about our future and the baby. 但我们必须考虑我们的未来以及宝宝
Baby?! 宝宝
- Oh, boy. - I plan to nominate you again. -我的天-我打算再次提名你
- If you still want to be a part of our silly club. - I do. -如果你还想加入我们愚蠢的俱乐部-我想
I'm gonna be all by myself in this cold, 我要独自一人待在这冰冷
- empty house. - I sure wouldn't want you to be lonely. -空荡的房子里-我自然不想让你孤身一人
Why a man is dead and his wife is in jail for murder-- 杀了人害他老婆因为谋杀而进监狱
all so you could get into a garden club. 杀人并陷害他的妻子谋杀
We're about to be grandparents. 我们就要当外公外婆了
Let's just put all this unpleasantness behind us. 就让我们讲这些不愉快抛在脑后
I just decided to stay in town a couple more days. 我刚决定再在这里多住几天
Promising business opportunity has just presented itself. 一个非常有前途的商业机会刚刚不请自来了
Rita Castillo had always thought of herself as a woman 丽塔·卡斯蒂罗一向把自己视作
who would do anything to survive. 一个愿意为了生存而不惜一切的女人
And she had the rap sheet to prove it. 她有犯罪记录可以证明
She'd stolen money. 她偷过钱
She'd sold her body. 卖过身
She even helped to kill a man. 她甚至帮忙杀过人
But she was now in jail for a crime she didn't commit. 可如今她却因为一个她没犯下的罪行而入狱
And no one believed a woman like her 没人相信她这样的女人
could be innocent. 会是清白的
They're calling me a black widow? 他们叫我黑寡妇
That's one of the nicer headlines. 这标题算好的了
Is this your way of telling me you won't take my case? 这是你告诉我你不会代理我的方式吗
With publicity like this? 这样的曝光度
You bet I'll take it. And I'll win it, too. 我当然会代理了而且我会胜诉
Good, because I did not kill my husband. And that's the truth. 很好因为我没杀我老公这是真相
Murder trials aren't about the truth. 谋杀案审判重点不在于真相
They're about stories. And the D.A.'S got a juicy one. 而是故事地检方面的说法很吸引人
Rich guy ends up dead. 富豪死亡
His cheating wife is caught with poison in her purse. 他的出轨妻子包里发现了毒药
You got a better one? 你还有更好的吗
I was framed. 我是被栽赃的
Is that the best you can do? 你只能想到这个了吗
It's what happened. 这是事实
Someone put that syringe in my bag. 有人把那个注射器放进了我包里
But who? And don't say his daughter-- she's got an alibi. 谁放的别说是他女儿她有不在场证明
Who else was home that night? 那晚还有谁在家
Just my cousin, Isabel. 就我表姐伊莎贝尔
Who also happens to work as my maid. 刚好也是我的女佣
Hello. 这不就对了
There's our killer. 这就是我们的凶手
- What? - Yeah, this is good. This is good. -什么-这很好非常好
She, uh, she framed you because she hates your guts. 她嫁祸你因为她对你恨之入骨
What? Please. Isabel loves me. 什么拜托伊莎贝尔很爱我
No, no, no, no, she used to, 不不不那是以前
but, uh, she's gotten jealous of your looks, your money... 她渐渐开始嫉妒你的外貌你的钱
You had everything. She had bupkis. 你拥有一切而她一无所有
She wanted you to suffer. 她想要你受苦
And you really think a jury would buy that? 你觉得陪审团会信吗
Well, it's worth a shot. 值得一试
Here. I need you to answer these questions for me. 来你回答下这些问题
If we're gonna pin this on Isabel, I'm gonna need 如果我们要想推脱给伊莎贝尔我需要
every bit of dirt on her that you can shovel. 你能想到的关于她的所有黑料
This is just a strategy to get me out of jail, right? 这只是把我救出监狱的策略对吗
Of course. 当然
But if people believe this, 但如果人们信了这些
isn't there a chance Isabel could be arrested for Carlo's murder? 伊莎贝尔不是有可能因为谋杀卡洛而被捕吗
That's a good question. 问得好
I got a better one. 我有个更好的问题
Do you want to spend the rest of your life in prison? 你下半辈子想在监狱里度过吗
Yes, Rita Castillo had always thought of herself 没错丽塔·卡斯蒂罗一向把自己视作
as a woman who would do anything to survive. 一个愿意为了生存而不惜一切的女人
She was now about to find out... 现在她将要探究...
...if that was true. 那是否属实了
Alma Fillcot walked into her garden that day 那天艾尔玛·菲尔科走进她的花园
hoping to prune her roses. 打算修剪她的玫瑰
But before she began, 但在开始之前
Alma decided to have a chat with an old friend. 艾尔玛决定先跟一位老友聊聊
Mrs. Yost. 约斯特太太
How are you this fine morning? 这么美好的早上你感觉如何
Still dead? Pity. 还是死着吗真可惜
If you were here, you'd see how good I'm looking. 要是你在你就能看到我有多美
It's not because of any mascara or rouge. 不是因为什么睫毛膏或胭脂
No, ma'am. 完全不是夫人
I have learned firsthand 我从亲身经验中学到
that crushing one's enemies is the best cosmetic. 摧毁敌人就是最棒的化妆品
What do you say to that? 你觉得如何
Alma? 艾尔玛
Grace. You scared me. 格蕾丝你吓我一跳
Sorry. 抱歉
I was going to call, but I thought, 我本想先打电话的可又一想
"No, I want to see her face when I tell her." "不行我要当面告诉她"
Tell me what? 告诉我什么
I spoke to the girls last night. 我昨晚跟姑娘们谈了
We all agreed. 我们都同意了
Rita is out of the Garden Club and you're in. 丽塔被逐出园艺俱乐部你加入
- I'm so happy. - Oh, me too. -我太高兴了-我也是
Will there be a luncheon like before? 还会像以前一样举行午宴吗
This Friday. 这周五
Oh, but I won't be able to come. I have a wedding out of town. 但我就去不了了我要出城去参加婚礼
You have to be at my first meeting. 我的第一次聚会你得来啊
I'm only in because of you. 我能加入都是因为你
I wish I could. 我也想啊
Are you free tonight? 你今晚有空吗
The ladies could come here, just for an hour. 姑娘们可以过来待一小时就行
Well, I suppose a little celebration is in order. 小小地庆祝一下倒也合情合理
Excellent. Uh, shall we say 6:00? 太好了六点如何
I will rally the troops. 我会把人马召齐的
Did you hear that, Mrs. Yost? 听到了吗约斯特太太
I'm in the Garden Club. 我是园艺俱乐部的人了
The club you said would never have me as a member. 就是你说我永远加入不了的那个俱乐部
Have fun turning in your grave. 祝你在坟墓里睡得愉快
Good morning, baby. 早啊宝贝
Oh, Scooter. How handsome you look. 斯库特你可真帅
And another smooch for my snazzy new robe. 再吻一下为了我华丽的新睡袍
Well, I gladly take the kiss, but the robe is not from me. 我很乐意接受你的吻但那睡袍可不是我送的
Come on. It just magically appeared at the foot of my bed? 拜托难道它就凭空出现在我的床尾了
Is the robe to your liking, sir? 睡袍你还喜欢吗先生
Yeah. 喜欢
But if it's from you I'm paying in handshakes. 但如果是你拿来的我只会跟你握手回礼
This is Otto, my butler from Texas. 这是奥托我在得州的管家
He's agreed to work for me here. 他同意来这里为我工作了
Oh, a real butler, huh? 一位真正的管家啊
With a name like Otto, maybe you should have been a chauffeur. 像奥托这种名字也许你该当个司机
I bet you hear that one a lot. 你肯定经常听到这种打趣吧
Thankfully, no. 谢天谢地并没有
Don't tease Otto. 别逗奥托
He's German. It'll end badly. 他是德国人会闹得很难看的
So, what do you want to do today-- 你今天想做些什么
uh, have a swim, catch a movie? 游泳看电影
I can't. I'm busy going through Rita's records. 没时间我忙着翻看丽塔的记录
I need to prove she had a lover here in LA. 我得证明她在洛杉矶有情人
Who cares if she had a boyfriend? 谁在乎她有没有男朋友啊
The district attorney. 地检在乎
He says evidence of an affair 他说出轨的证据
will help convict her of Papa's murder. 能让她谋杀爸爸的罪名成立
Haven't you been through enough all ready 你已经受了够多的苦
without doing the D.A.'s job for him? 何必还要帮地检干活
You need to relax. 你需要放松
I-I say skip the trial. Get out of town. 不如别参加庭审出城去
We'll go to Rome or somewhere in Europe. 我们去罗马或欧洲的什么地方
Mm. Nothing would please me more 和你一起出游
than to take a little trip with you. 最能让我快乐了
But don't worry, this won't take long. 但别担心用不了多久的
You'll be packing your bags before you know it. 你很快就会收拾行李了
Bertram. 伯特伦
There you are. 你在这儿呢
I have wonderful news. It's official. 我有好消息正式宣布了
I've been accepted into the Garden Club. 我入选园艺俱乐部了
The ladies are coming over this evening to help me celebrate. 女士们今晚会过来替我庆祝
I'm going up to the attic to get my punch bowl. 我要去阁楼拿大酒杯
If you don't mind, I could use your help with the cups. 你不介意的话我需要你帮忙准备杯子
Bertram. 伯特伦
I've been thinking about Rita, 我一直在想丽塔
and her little cat. 和她的小猫
She loves him so much. 她好爱它
Of course she loves him. 她当然爱它了
They're the same species. 他们是一路货色
She may be tried for a crime we committed. 她可能会为我们犯下的罪受审
Don't you care at all? 你一点都不在乎吗
Let's say that I do. 假设我在乎
Do you want me to confess? 你希望我去认罪吗
Would you be happier if we both went to jail? 我们都进监狱了你会更满意吗
At least we'd deserve it. 至少我们是罪有应得
Oh, what a thing to say. 这说的什么蠢话
Actions have consequences. 一切行为都有后果
Well, you weren't keen to face any when you were filling up 你把你之前的受害人送进坟墓时
graveyards with your previous victims. 可不热衷于面对后果
My fondest dream is finally coming true. 我最大的梦想终于要实现了
If you can't share in my joy, 如果你不能分享我的喜悦
at least try not to ruin it. 至少别扫兴
Rocco, 洛克
do you see how pretty Mom's garden is? 你看见妈妈的花园有多美了吗
Oh, right. 对哦
It's just one big toilet to you. 对你来说只是个大型厕所
Don't I know you? 我好像认识你
Sure. 是的
- You're Vern's girl, right? - Yeah. -你是维恩的女朋友对吗-没错
Dee. Uh, Detective Rohbin? 我叫小迪罗宾警探对吗
Yeah. What are you doing here? 对你在这里干什么
I live here. 我住在这儿
Why are you here? 你来这里干什么
You know the owner of that house? 你认识这位屋主吗
Mrs. Yost? Sure. 约斯特太太吗当然
We're meeting her nephew in a few minutes. 我们约了他侄子他马上就到
He's helping us investigate her disappearance. 他在帮我们调查她的失踪案
Disappearance? 失踪
No, she's just away on a trip. 不她只是外出了
She asked my mom to look after her dog while she's gone. 她叫我妈在她离家期间帮忙照看她的狗
I'm sorry to tell you, Dee. 很遗憾告诉你小迪
Her car was found submerged in a lake up north. 她的车被发现沉到北部一个湖里了
What? 什么
Yeah. 是的
We suspect foul play. 我们怀疑是谋杀
I'm sorry. 不好意思
What did you just say? 你刚说什么
I said I got proof Rita didn't kill Carlo. 我说我有证据证明丽塔没杀卡洛
- What is it? - Not so fast. -什么证据-先别急
You tell Rita it's gonna cost her 20 Gs. 你告诉丽塔她得付两万
I need to be compensated 我要得到补偿
for the way she treated me all these years. 为她这么多年来对我的方式
I'm not telling her nothing 我什么都不会跟她说
until I see what you got with my own eyes. 除非我亲眼看到你拿到的证据
You already had your chance. 你曾有过机会
My advice? 给你个建议
Pay more attention next time you aim your Kodak. 下次用柯达拍照时多留点心
- What? - You got a week to come up with the money. -什么-给你一周时间筹钱
This is where I'm staying. 这是我的地址
Isabel. 伊莎贝尔
Tell me what you have. 告诉我你有什么证据
Not yet. 现在不行
I've waited a long time for my ship to come in, 我等拯救我的船出现等了很久
and I'm not gonna miss it this time. 这次我不会错过了
When Mrs. Yost asked you to look after Rocco, 约斯特太太请你照顾洛克时
where did she say she was going? 有说她要去哪里吗
Uh, she said she was paying a surprise visit to her sister. 她说她要临时拜访她姐姐
Why? 为什么问这个
Apparently, she never got there. 显然她从来没到
The police say she's missing. 警察说她失踪了
Oh, yes. 是的
You know, uh, they did mention that. 他们确实提过
You spoke to the police? 你跟警察聊过了吗
When? 什么时候
Uh, a detective stopped by, weeks ago, 几周前一位警探来过
asking all sorts of questions. 问了各种各样的问题
Why didn't you tell me? 你怎么没告诉我
Well, I was busy getting ready to host a party. 我正忙着准备办派对
It just slipped my mind. 我只是忘了
Well, the cops are starting to think Mrs. Yost was murdered. 警察开始怀疑约斯特太太是被谋杀的
Why? 为什么
- Did they find her body? - No. -他们找到了她的尸体吗-没有
But they found her car in a lake. 但他们在湖里找到了她的车
Well... 好吧...
Sounds to me like they are jumping to conclusions. 依我看他们结论下得太草率了
Now, how does this look? 这个看起来怎么样
How can you be so calm? 你怎么能这么冷静
Well, we don't know what's happened. 我们不知道发生了什么
Besides, I'm in too good a mood to fret. 而且我心情好到无暇担心这些
I've finally been accepted into the Garden Club. 我终于入围园艺俱乐部了
Some of the ladies are coming by this evening to help me celebrate. 今晚有些女士会来帮我庆祝
Congratulations. 祝贺你
Well, it's not just a victory for me, Deirdre. 这不仅仅是我的胜利迪尔德丽
Once I'm settled and I have some sway 一旦我安定下来在会员委员会里
with the membership committee, I'll get you in as well. 有一定影响力我就把你也搞进来

