

“新加坡在社交媒体渗透率方面处于领先地位,83%的人口都在使用社交媒体,这个数字也反映了雇主、员工和潜在雇员之间不断变化的动态,这并不奇怪,”瀚纳仕新加坡业务主管Grant Torrens表示,“2019年,雇主使用社交媒体吸引候选人的情况将不断增加,利用社交媒体形象和资料作为职业形象一部分的求职者也将增多。”


1. 社交媒体——雇主在社交媒体上对雇主品牌的推广,以及候选人提升其个人品牌的活动增加。

2. 弹性工作时间——瀚纳仕的一项调查发现,44%的新加坡企业积极提倡灵活和敏捷的工作方式,并将其作为企业的默认定位。

3. 对数字技能的需求——将寻求具有适合的知识和学习意愿的候选人。

4. 多样性与包容性——数据显示,40%的新加坡企业正在实施多样性与包容性目标,而亚洲平均水平为33%。

5. 移动友好型的工作门户网站——2019年移动平台的功能将会提升。

6. 持续学习——求职者越来越关注学习和发展。

7. 人工智能在人力资源中的使用——人力资源人工智能使得人力资源团队能够快速筛选大量的申请。新技术也在帮助企业寻找被动候选人。

8. 面试时更注重文化契合度——许多公司都在进行测试,以评估求职者是否符合企业的工作方式。

9. 临时用工和合同用工——雇主更了解临时用工的好处,求职者也更愿意接受这些职位。

10. 更注重员工体验——在人才市场紧张的情况下,这一趋势预计将在2019年继续下去。


(Dec.19,2018,/staffingindustry.com/)Heightened social media activity ranks among the top 10 recruitment trends inSingapore, according to a press release by Hays.

“As Singapore leads the way in social mediapenetration in South East Asia with 83% of the population on social media, itis not unusual that this number reflects the changing dynamics betweenemployers, employees and prospective employees,” said Grant Torrens, BusinessDirector at Hays Singapore. “2019 will not only see a continuous proliferationin the use of social media by employers to attract candidates, but also therise in candidates making use of their social media profiles and presence aspart of their professional branding.”

The top 10 trends include:

1. Social media – Heightened activity onsocial media from employers for branding and by candidates to enhance theirpersonal brands.

2. Flexi hours – A Hays survey found that44% of organisations in Singapore actively promote flexible and agile workingas the default position of their business.

3. Digital skills in demand – Candidateswith the right knowledge and willingness to learn will be sought.

4. Diversity and inclusion – Data shows 40%of Singaporean organisations are implementing diversity and inclusion targetscompared to an average 33% in Asia.

5. Mobile-friendly job portals – 2019 willsee a rise in the functionality of mobile platforms.

6. Continuous learning – Job seekers areincreasingly concerned about learning and development.

7. Artificial intelligence in HR – AI isallowing HR teams to screen massive amounts of applications quickly. Newtechnologies are also helping firms find passive candidates.

8. Greater emphasis on cultural fit atinterview – Many organisations are putting tests in place to assess if a jobseeker aligns with their way of doing business.

9. Temporary and contract work – Employersare better appreciating the benefits of contingent work, and candidates aremore open to such positions.

10. Greater emphasis on employee experience– Amid the tight talent market, this trend is seen as continuing in 2019.

