














101、お口(くち)に合(あ)いますか。 合您口味吗?

102、日本(にほん)料理(りょうり)はおいしいですか。 日本菜好吃吗?

103、みんなとても美味(おい)しいですね。 全都很好吃。

104、もっといかがですか。 再吃一点吧。

105、もう十分いただきました。 已经吃得很饱了。

106、大変(たいへん)お邪魔(じゃま)しました。 太打扰你啦。

107、失礼(しつれい)いたします。 告辞了。

108、今日(きょう)は大変(たいへん)ご驰走(ちそう)になりました。 今天饭菜太丰盛啦。



110、お褒(ほ)めに预(あず)かって、ありがとうございました。 承蒙夸奖,深表感谢。


题外话:今日看了一个视频,是关于《Stop Wasting Time》,不知道是不是出于一种执念,人往往总是习惯了,把最宝贵的时间和精力,浪费在并不重要的事情上,生活中的点点滴滴,工作上的林林总总,你的时间不是流逝在指缝之间,也并没有被岁月偷走,而是浪费在了一些并不重要的事情上。 时间是最公平的东西,每个人的一天都是24个小时,太阳升起的那一刻开启一天的旅程,繁星缀满夜幕时静悄悄的结束。有的人,整天忙忙碌碌的工作,风风火火的生活,日复一日,年复一年,最后竟然还像当初一样,没有任何的进步。




The one commodity that is most valuable on the earth is time. Time to love, time to live. From the moment the human body is born it begins dying. I don't think you, you quite caught that. Let me say it again. From the moment the human body is born it begins dying. I don't think you, you quite caught that. Some happen faster, some happen slower, some of us help them go faster, and some of them prevent it from happening sooner than later. How many seconds how many minutes do we waste every day doing things, that are nowhere near the goals, and aspiration and passion that we have inside?


How many times you go through the course of a day and realize: did I do anything I set out to do today? Write down those goals each and every day. No matter if there's two goals a day. If you can accomplish those then you're doing more than just making it through the day. You are living and achieving your dreams. Find time to better yourself. Read explore, research, live life do things, you've never thought of doing before. That's what it's all about.



When you're born that's that date, that they put on the left side of the tombstone. When you die they put another date on the right side of the tombstone. But that dash in the middle is the most important thing on that tombstone. That is a line that throughout that entire time frame. You were able to impact and touch others lives. You were able to leave your mark on this earth. You were able to build a legacy that nobody could change. You were able to have it to where people remember who you are no matter what. When you're living for that dash in the middle, you're going to remember your why. Your why, why you're here, not the why, why did you do something, your why.


Your reason for getting up in the morning. Your reason for pushing yourself past the brink of exertion and giving up。Your reason for moving on and getting things done in life. That dash in the middle that's the thing that pushes you.


How do you rate yourself on a scale of one to ten in terms of your physical appearance? In terms of your health? Do you take care of yourself? Are you allowing yourself to get overweight and out of shape? Are you conscious of your health? Are you watching the food that you take into your body? Do you make a deliberate effort to exercise? You know it was George Burns, he said we can't help getting older but we don't have to get old. And many of us get old before our time because we don't take time to take care of ourselves.


Your environment is a very good indicator on a scale of one to ten, is it what you want it to be? Do you find it desirable? Are you satisfied? The job or career that you're involved in someone said that 85% of the American public are unhappy with their jobs. Are you spending eight hours a day just doing time? Doing something that you don't find challenging, that does not make you stretch mentally, that does not inspire you, something that you don't find a sense of fulfillment in it? If you're doing that day in and day out, it has to affect how you feel about yourself, your level of motivation, your relationships.


What kind of impact is that having on your life? Is it nourishing or is it a toxic relationship? Does it drain you or does it build you up? Ask yourself that. How motivated are you to do something about it? Your contribution, your actions...what are you giving? Many people will leave the universe without a trace. No one will know they were here and in fact undertheir name we could put under there, 'not used up'. Will anybody know that you came this way? What contribution are you giving? What will you leave? What will be different because you came this way?


Just, just stop for a second. Write down your why. What are you doing this for in life? If your why doesn't make you cry, that's not your why. Again, if your why doesn't make you cry, that's not your why. Your why should be something so big that it moves your family tree. Your why should be something so big that it changes the whole outlook on how things are with you and your home, your family, your religion, your purpose.


Think about your passion, think about your opportunities, and that's how you find your purpose: OPP. When that why meets up with your passion, your opportunity, your purpose, then you'll find out: the most important day in your life is the day you remember why you were born.


          2019.3.10  第一百三十一天  于宁园
