
记英文单字, 不是死背, 而是在玩! 

一天玩个200来字, 就是张飞吃豆芽 --- 小菜! 

单字方面, 别说那些拼命模仿美国人英文的那些中国人不是你的对手, 就是真正的美国人也不一定是你的对手!

请记牢: "Me too", "Me either" 都是美国人语法错误的经典!

Let's talk about a little bit of how to play English words instead of reciting them.

大约80%的英文字, 都符合辅音决定(锁定字义) --- 最前面的2个或不超过3个辅音锁定字义, 元音与字义无关!

Roughly around 80% of English words comply with "the consonants in a word deciding its meaning" --- the first 2 or not more than 3 consonants secure/lock in the meaning, and the vowels in the word have none meaning.


"sp"两个辅音 --- "水, 液体";(很像汉语偏旁的"“三点水”)无论这2个辅音中间加什么元音, 所形成的字, 还是和液体有关。



septic --- -tic adjective suffix (形容词字尾)







"sp": water, liquid, no matter how you add vowels between the consonants "sp", the words formed are relating to water or liquid.



septic --- -tic adjective suffix (形容词字尾)






由于字母 "p" 和 "b" 可以互换, 因此,

"sip" 可以变成: sib

"sop" 可以变成: sob


Due to the letter "p" is interchangeable with the letter "b";

therefore, the word "sip" is to "sib" and "sop" to "sob".

The words "sib" and "sob" are still dealing with the "water".

另个例子 --- Another example:

"spc": "look, see, view". "看, 检查"

"scp": still, "look, see, view". 还是 "看, 检查"

当字母组合顺序变了, 字义不变, 这被称为: "strephosymbolia"

When the orders of consonants in a word has been being changed, the meaning not changing is called "strephosymbolia". The other way is saying, the consonants has kept the meaning is not changed when their order is changed! Hahaha!

"spc": spec(t)-, -spec(t)-, -spect; -spic- --- "look, see, view". "scp": scope, -scopia, -scope, -scopy, -scape --- "look, see, view".

*"c"<-->"k". 互换

"spc": spec(t)-, -spec(t)-, -spect; -spic- --- "look, see, view". "看, 检查"

special, spectacle, spectrum, respect, inspect, prospect, auspice, conspicuous, perspicacious, suspect, expect, introspect, retrospect, perspective, circumspect, aspect, disrespect, specific, suspicious, etc.

"scp": scope, -scopia, -scope, -scopy, -scape --- "look, see, view". "看, 检查"


skeptic, kaleidoscope, landscape, waterscape, cityscape, colonoscope, pagoscope, esophagoscope, gastroscope, episcopate, endoscope, duodenoscope

如果你想自如地随便玩英文字, 你应该试图真正完全理解英文字根的定义! 让我现在分解掉它们!

If anyone wants to play English words freely, he/she should try totally to understand the roots of English words. Let me break them down now!

1) "基本字首(字根)" --- 显示: "时间; 状况; 程度; 位置; 方向; 关系; 情况" 等等。例子:

1) "basic prefix (roots)" --- with meanings that indicating status, times, degrees, situations, directions, relationships, etc. examples:

a-, ad-, e-, ex-, bi-, bio-, de-, di-, dis-, con-, com-, pre-, pro-, ant-, ant-, sub-, in-, en-, im-, em-, acr-, acro-, par-, para-, peri-, micr-, micro-, macr-, macro-, etc.

2) "基本字尾(字根)" --- 显示字性, 有时: "状况; 时间; 尺寸("小"); 程度; 过程"等等。如:

2) "basic suffix (roots)" --- indicating part of speech and sometimes also status, sizes, situations, degrees, process, etc. examples:

-ic, -tic, -itic --- adjective. 形容词

-ion, -tion, -ation, -sion --- noun, sometimes verb. 名词, 有时动词

-ence, -ency; -ance, -ancy --- noun. 名词

-y --- noun, adjective. 名词, 形容词

-ly --- adverb, adjective. 副词, 形容词

-ous, -eous, -uous --- adjective. 形容词

-el, -le, -et, -let, -ette, -kin, -ling, -sy, -ula, -ule, -ulm, -ulas --- "small one". "小"

-ate --- verb, adjective, noun. 动词, 形容词, 名词

-e --- the purpose for pronouncing of words.


3) "基本字中" --- 来自被1)和2)附加的元素带入新组合的字中, 还有就是"连接环": "-i-" 和 "-o-" --- 连接2个不同的元素。

3) "basic infix" --- deriving from 1) or 2) which attached with "meaning roots" that combined into words, or link letters as "-i-" and "-o" used to connect two elements.


Example, the longest English word: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

pneumono- "lung, breath" "肺, 呼吸"

ultra- "beyond, hyper-" "远, 超越"

micr- + -o- = micro- "small, minute, petty" --- 1) "小, 微小" --- "基本字首(字根)"。

scop- + -ic = -scopic "look, view, see" --- 2) "看, 检查", -ic: "基本字尾(字根)"。

silic- + -o- = silico- "relating to silicon" "硅的"。

volcan- + -o- = volcano- --- "volacano" "火山"。

con-, coni- "dust; cone" "尘; 锥体"

-o- + -sis = -osis "diseased state; process, action" "病态; 过程; 行为"

4) "基本字根" --- 通常是"字首", 有时是 "字中", 但不可作字尾。

4) "basic English roots" --- usually being a prefix, or sometimes infix, too, but not suffix.

例子 --- Examples:

hyper- "beyond, above, super-" "上面; 超越"。

hypn-, hypno- "sleep, hypnotism" "睡; 催眠"。

hypo- "under, down" "下面"。

5) "万能字根" --- 可以作为 "字首", "字尾", 也可作 "字中"。

5) "omnipotent roots" --- can be a prefix, and suffix, and sometimes infix.

例子 --- Examples:

"vc"<-->"vk": voc-, -voc-, -voke "sound, call".

vocal, vocable, voice, invoke, provoke, vocation, vociferous, etc.

vor-, -vora "eat". "吃; 食"。

voracious, piscivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, carnivorous, insectivora.

6) "无敌字根" --- 不只是可以作 "字首", "字尾", "字中", 而且辅音排列变动后, 字根意思不变, 或意思有关联。

6) "matchless roots" --- not only being a prefix, suffix, and infix, but also after the order of the consonants has been changed, the meaning not changing, or keeping a related meaning.

例子 --- Example:

"scr"<-->"src" "scr": sacr-, sacro-; -secr- "holy, curse; sacrum". "神圣; 诅咒; 骶骨"

sacred, sacrifice, sacrosanct, consecrate, desecrate

"src": sarc-, sarco- "flesh". "肉"

sarcoma, sarcocarp, sarcastic, sarcophagus --- phag-, phago- "eat". "吃; 食"。

*所谓的 "前缀" 和 "后缀" 的说法 --- 表面合理, 实际害人! 因为:

1) 在英文中, 很多"含义字根"可以当"字首"(prefix), "字尾" (suffix), 也可当 "字中" (infix)。

2) 如果 "1)" 是事实, 就存在, 除了 "基本字首" 和 "基本字尾" 以外, 还有很多 "含义字首" 和 "含义字尾" 及 "含义字中"。

3) 除了上述 "字中" (infix), "连接环" (-i-, -o-) 也很重要 --- 它们是分解不同 "元素" 之间的 "骨头缝"。
