

In the first month of the year, MuRongchui, the former Chang Chang of Yan, took the lead in recruiting andaccepting the rebellion, reestablished the Back Yan, and rebelled on a largescale. Murong Hong and his brother Murong chong, have set up west Yan. FuJian's fourth son Fu Rui gave an imperial order to calm the Fu, and Yao Changreturned with him to take over Murong Hong. Murong Hong had always been afraidof the brave and decisive Fu Rui, "given his arrival, he feared that hewould head for Kanto with all his friends". Pleased with the success, FuRui made light of the enemy and gave a hasty order to give chase to the latterin order to complete the blow. Yao CHANG strongly ADVISE him, "The XianBEIPEOPLE HAVE LONG HAD the heart to return to THEIR native land, SO THEY SHOULD BEDRIVEN OUT OF CHANG CHANG AND BE RETURNED TO CHANG Chang Chang Chang ChangChang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang ChangChang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang ChangChang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Chang Eager to give the facts, Fu Ruiturned a deaf ear to Yao Chang's advice and forced the returning officers toconduct a continuous war and a long distance raid to volleys Murong Hong'sheadquarters. The sergeants were already full of resentment for their"lack of respect". Murong Hong see the back of the cut off, red eyes,trapped animals still fight, launch the counter-attack. The two sides launcheda fierce battle, "Rui defeat, was killed." Feeling guilty, Yao Changsent an envoy to explain the truth to Fu Jian and offered to apologize to him.Fu Jian, suffering from the loss of his beloved son, was "furious"and killed the messenger to vent his anger. As a result, Yao Chang "wasafraid to be disarmed, so he mutated" and rushed to Weibei in a hurry. Thelocal nobles have always respected Yao Chang, "Xian Chang as thechampion", and remonstedYao as the king "when the omen of the demiseof Qin has been seen". After owning "North land, Xinping, stableQiang Hujiang more than ten thousand households", Yao Chang self-styled asa general, king of Qin ten thousand years, changed to be white Sparrow in Yuan,and was called Post-Qin in history. When Fu Jian learned that Yao Chang hadestablished himself as king and stationed himself in the north land (southeastof today's Yao-County, Shaanxi Province), Fu Jian personally "rode twentythousand men at a rate to ask Yao Chang". "Allow Yao to be chang, cutoff the road to water," allow people to be afraid, and be thirsty. When FuJian planned to wipe out Yao Chang's army while his throat was smoking withthirst, a rainstorm occurred in the Yao Chang army and "there was threefeet of water in the camp". When Yao Chang's army drank enough water, itwas greatly inspired at once. Yao Chang took the opportunity to unite withMurong Hong, "led 70,000 Chang troops to attack", and "dozens ofcaptured former Qin generals were respectfully sent away". Yao Changbesieged Xinping, and the governor of Xinping, Gos Fu, "firmly defended bythe city." Both sides began tunnel warfare and positional warfare,"the dead men were more than ten thousand men." Yao Chang Goufu sawthat "food is exhausted and there is no way to help him", so he sentan envoy to the city to deceive him, "I only want to set up a base inXinping City, I will not allow innocent people to be killed. You're out ofammo. You're out of options. I will release you and the people of the city backto Chang 'an on my honor." Gou Fu believed his promise and "led 5,000men and women out of the city." Yao Chang them "surrounded by men andwomen." Fu Jian was defeated by his father, who was a leader of the Qiangnationality. Yao Chang can be allowed to establish a country and be supportedas an emperor, which has a lot to do with his personal ability. Yao Chang hadshown that he was resourceful and intelligent when he was young. But he wasstrange in the eyes of his brothers when he was young, because he never studiedhard and only did things that seemed unique to others. When Yao Chang was grownup, he returned to the army. At first, it was not smooth. Yao Chang went backto the army with his brother Yao Xiang, but his brother was shot back becausehe was allowed to be planted by the enemy. Later on, Yao Chang began to workfor the Former Qin Dynasty and his reputation grew as a Chang on manyexpeditions. When opposing Chang Chang, they all surrendered immediately, whichshows that Yao Chang's influence had been greatly improved. There is a reasonwhy Yao Chang was changed to death by the bad dream, because Yao Chang was notallowed to be allowed to be emperor, he had murdered his master Yao Jian, whohe had been serving. Moreover, Yao Chang also knew that his behavior was veryinhumane. Even if he had been an emperor, he was still very afraid because hehad done something that he felt bad about. It is this Chang Yao Chang that hasthis back in his mind for a long time that Yao Chang has nightmares at night,not only once or twice, but for a long time, which allows him to be takings. Thenegative influence of the bad dream back to Yao Chang grew stronger andstronger, allowing him to be allowed to go into a state of mania. At last, thenegative influence brought about by the bad dream back to a certain extentafter a long period of accumulation, Yao Chang died as a result of his panicand fear, in short, being scared to death by the bad dream. He was haunted bynightmares because he had killed the former Qin emperor by unfair means. YaoChang having a bad dream can be seen that he is still a bit of a good man
