

              begin   beginning

              cut ----  cutting

               dig ----  digging


               get ----  getting

               put ----  putting

               run ----  running











          如下句子里用到that,通俗地说:等于中文一句话的一个逗号,或等于“那个那个”,然后再继续说下去。因为it is 后面的句子长,用一个that,等于将句子分二段讲就清楚了。

   It is said that....            据说。。。

   It is reported that..         据报道。。。

   It is believed that..         大家都相信。。。

   It is hoped that..           大家希望。。。

   It is well known that...      众所周知。。。

   It is thought that...         大家认为。。。

   It is suggested that..        按建议。。。

   It has been decided that..    大家决定。。。

   It must be remember that...  务必记住的是。。。

                                                                  扩展:it is said that...的常用句式归纳:

It is said that…这样句式经常用到。看例句就知道如何用:

It is said that the early European playing-cards were designed for entertainment and education. 据说早期欧洲的纸牌是为娱乐和教育设  计的。

It is said that dogs will keep you company for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely. 据说当你感觉孤单时,狗会一直陪伴你,你需要它陪你多久它就陪你多久!

It’s said that quite a few boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball. 听说你们学校有不少男孩子喜欢在业余时间踢足球,而其他人则喜欢打篮球。

It is said that they have swum to the island from the continent, but they couldn’t have done it because the ocean in between is too wide. 据说他们已从大陆游到岛上,但他们不可能做到这一点,因为其间的海面太宽了。

                                                                    类似it is said that…句式还有:

1. It is believed that… 据说……,据信……

It’s believed that the troops have already crossed the border.据信军队已越过边界。

It is believed that the couple have left the country据信那对夫妇已离开了这个国家。

2. It is claimed that… 据称……

It is claimed that current levels of pesticide do not pose a threat to health.据称当前杀虫剂的含量不会对健康构成威胁。

It’s claimed that they produce the best athletes in the world but I think that’s impossible. 据称,他们可以培养出世界上最好的运动员,但我认为那是不可能的。

3. It is estimated that… 据估计……

It is estimated that smoking causes 100,000 deaths every year. 估计每年有100,000人由于吸烟而死亡。

It is estimated that four million viewers watched the programme. 据估计有400 万观众收看了这一节目。

4. It is expected that… 据估计……,预计……,估计……

It’s expected that the war would end soon. 预计战争不久即可结束。

It is expected that the new owner will change the yacht’s name. 估计新主人会给游艇改名。

5. It is known that… 众所周知……,人们认为……

It is known that he is honest. 众所周知,他是个老实人。

It is known that her father is an expert. 人们认为她父亲是一位专家。

6. It is presumed that… 据推测……

Little is known of the youngest son; it is presumed that he died young. 对于最小的儿子所知甚少,据推测他年轻时就死了。

7. It is reported that… 据报道……

It is reported that many a new house is being built at present in the disaster area. 据报道,灾区如今正在建设许多新房。

It is reported that the police will soon look into the case of the two missing children. 据报道,警察会很快调查这两起儿童失踪案。

8. It is rumoured that… 据传……,谣传……,据说……

It’s rumoured that she’s going to resign. 据传她打算辞职。

It is rumoured that oil has been found in that area. 谣传该地区发现了石油。

9. It is thought that… 据估计……,人们认为……

In former times it was thought that ordinary metal could be turned into gold. 古时人们认为一般金属能变成黄金。

It is thought that there are more than 3,000 different languages in the world. 据估计,世界上有三千多种不同的语言。

10. It was understood that… 据悉……,众所周知……

It is understood that the old man had a heart attack. 据悉,那位老人心脏病发作。

In the library it is understood that loud talking is not permissible. 众所周知,图书馆里禁止大声喧哗。

11. It is whispered that… 据说……,据传……

It is whispered that he is heavily in debt. 据说他负债累累。

It was whispered that he would soon die. 有谣言说他快要死了。



1,all /none指三个人或事以上;   both/neither 指两者。

All my plants have died.我的花草全死光了。

Her children are all very brainy.她的孩子个个都很聪明。

I don't like foot ball at all.我一点也不喜欢足球

Tom doesn't like west food at all.汤姆一点也不喜欢西餐

We don't speak English at all after class.在课下我们根本不讲英语。

Don't eat all that bread!别把那块面包都吃了!

Are all the students here today?今天所有的学生都到了吗?

I don't like him at all.我一点儿也不喜欢他。

All are agreed.全体赞成。

These are all my clothes这些是我全部的衣服。

All my books我的全部书籍。

I finished all Steamed Rice我吃完全部米饭。

It all felt rather odd.所有人都感到奇怪。

All of the students are there.所有的学生都在那.

All (of) the milk is there. 所有的牛奶都在那.

That is all to day今天到此为止。

you have not eaten all (of) the bread.你的面包没有吃完.

-----Thank you very much.-----Not at all.

固定说法:all day;    all night;  all the year;   all the city;  all my life

    None of us was going to the party. 我们之中没人想去参加那个聚会。

    None was in the room. 那间屋里什么东西也没有。

    It's none of your business. 这不关你的事。

    None were left for me to eat when I came back. 在我回来时,什么吃的东西也没剩

None of the telephones are/is working.所有的电话都坏了.

None of them speak(s) English.他们都不会讲英语。



Neither of the books is good.He phoned neither of us yesterday. Neither way is correct.I don't think either of them is at home.Here are two knives.You can take either of them.There are shops on either side of the street.Neither book gives the answer. There are tall buildings on either side of the road. 

Neither of them knows Japanese. 

Neither of us forgot about it. 我俩都没忘记它。

Neither of us had ever skied. 我们俩谁也没有滑过雪。

Neither of us forgot about it. 我俩都没忘记它。

Neither of us felt like going out. 我们两个都不愿意出去。

At first, neither man could speak. 开始两个人都不能说

Their house is neither big nor small. 他们的房子不大也不小。


She is also a teacher. She also likes singing.I can't speak French.My sister can't speak French,either. 

3,both是指“两个人或两件一都……”they were both waiting outside the gate.他们两个都在大门外等着.Both his eyes are hurt.他的两眼都受伤了。

She kissed him on both cheeks.她吻了他的双颊。

Both of the cats are asleep. 两只猫都睡着

I bought both of these bottles in China two years ago.两年前我在中国买了这一对瓶子。

Both of his daughters are doctors. 他的两个女儿都是医生。 Both children won prizes. 两个孩子都得了奖。

I've got oil on both hands. 我两手都是油。
