冰与火之歌Ⅴ:魔龙的狂舞 中英文双语同步对照版 第69篇 JON上

Chapter 第六十九章 琼恩(十三)



Let them die,” said Queen Selyse.


It was the answer that Jon Snow had expected. This queen never fails to disappoint. Somehow that did not soften the blow. “Your Grace,” he persisted stubbornly, “they are starving at Hardhome by the thousands. Many are women—”


“—and children, yes. Very sad.” The queen pulled her daughter closer to her and kissed her cheek. The cheek unmarred by greyscale, Jon did not fail to note. “We are sorry for the little ones, of course, but we must be sensible. We have no food for them, and they are too young to help the king my husband in his wars. Better that they be reborn into the light.”


That was just a softer way of saying let them die.

房间里很拥挤,希琳公主站在皇后的座位旁边,补丁脸在公主脚边翘着腿。皇后身后站着Ser Axell Florent。亚夏的梅丽珊卓站在火边,她颈部的红宝石随着她的呼吸在闪闪发光——红袍女吸引了他所有的注意力。Devan Seaworth和其他两个国王的护卫站在梅丽珊卓身边。

The chamber was crowded. Princess Shireen stood beside her mother’s seat, with Patchface cross-legged at her feet. Behind the queen loomed Ser Axell Florent. Melisandre of Asshai stood closer to the fire, the ruby at her throat pulsing with every breath she took. The red woman too had her attendants—the squire Devan Seaworth and two of the guardsmen the king had left her.

赛丽丝皇后的卫兵站在后面的墙边,闪亮的骑士站成一排:Ser Malegorn, Ser Benethon, Ser Narbert, Ser Patrek, Ser Dorden, Ser Brus。有这么多残忍的野人住在黑城堡,赛丽丝只好选择让她的誓言骑士整天守在身边。拖蒙德听说了这件事,“害怕被偷走,不是吗?我希望你没没说过我的那活有多大,琼恩。雪诺,那可以吓到任何女人。我还真想给我自己找一个长胡子的女人。”然后他就放声大笑起来。

Queen Selyse’s protectors stood along the walls, shining knights all in a row: Ser Malegorn, Ser Benethon, Ser Narbert, Ser Patrek, Ser Dorden, Ser Brus. With so many bloodthirsty wildlings infesting Castle Black, Selyse kept her sworn shields about her night and day. Tormund Giantsbane had roared to hear it. “Afraid of being carried off, is she? I hope you never said how big me member is, Jon Snow, that’d frighten any woman. I always wanted me one with a mustache.” Then he laughed and laughed.


He would not be laughing now.


Jon had wasted enough time here. “I’m sorry to have troubled Your Grace. The Night’s Watch will attend to this matter.”


The queen’s nostrils flared. “You still mean to ride to Hardhome. I see it on your face. Let them die, I said, yet you will persist in this mad folly. Do not deny it.”


“I must do as I think best. With respect, Your Grace, the Wall is mine, and so is this decision.”


“It is,” Selyse allowed, “and you will answer for it when the king returns. And for other decisions you have made, I fear. But I see that you are deaf to sense. Do what you must.”

Ser Malegorn问道,“谁会指挥这些游骑兵?”

Up spoke Ser Malegorn. “Lord Snow, who will lead this ranging?”


“Are you offering yourself, ser?”


“Do I look so foolish?”


Patchface jumped up. “I will lead it!” His bells rang merrily. “We will march into the sea and out again. Under the waves we will ride seahorses, and mermaids will blow seashells to announce our coming, oh, oh, oh.”


They all laughed. Even Queen Selyse allowed herself a thin smile. Jon was less amused. “I will not ask my men to do what I would not do myself. I mean to lead the ranging.”


“How bold of you,” said the queen. “We approve. Afterward some bard will make a stirring song about you, no doubt, and we shall have a more prudent lord commander.” She took a sip of wine. “Let us speak of other matters. Axell, bring in the wildling king, if you would be so good.”


“At once, Your Grace.” Ser Axell went through a door and returned a moment later with Gerrick Kingsblood. “Gerrick of House Redbeard,” he announced, “King of the Wildlings.”


Gerrick Kingsblood was a tall man, long of leg and broad of shoulder. The queen had dressed him in some of the king’s old clothes, it appeared. Scrubbed and groomed, clad in green velvets and an ermine half-cape, with his long red hair freshly washed and his fiery beard shaped and trimmed, the wildling looked every inch a southron lord. He could walk into the throne room at King’s Landing, and no one would blink an eye, Jon thought.

“Gerrick是野人们真正的国王,”皇后说道,“他家族的血脉自从RAYMUN RED-BEARD就没有中断过,反过来看曼斯。雷德就是一个乌鸦和女野人的私生子。”

“Gerrick is the true and rightful king of the wildlings,” the queen said, “descended in an unbroken male line from their great king Raymun Redbeard, whereas the usurper Mance Rayder was born of some common woman and fathered by one of your black brothers.”

不,琼恩应该反驳,Gerrick是RAYMUN RED-BEARD的兄弟的后代。对野人来说这和出自RAYMUN RED-BEARD家是一个概念。他们什么都不懂。更糟的是,他们不会去学。

No, Jon might have said, Gerrick is descended from a younger brother of Raymun Redbeard. To the free folk that counted about as much as being descended from Raymun Redbeard’s horse. They know nothing, Ygritte. And worse, they will not learn.

“Gerrick已经同意把他的长女嫁给我亲爱的AXELL,以光之王的名义神圣的结合在一起。”赛丽丝皇后继续说道,“他的其他女人也会同时结婚,二女儿和BRUS BUCKLER,小女儿和MALEGORN OF REDPOOL.”

“Gerrick has graciously agreed to give the hand of his eldest daughter to my beloved Axell, to be united by the Lord of Light in holy wedlock,” Queen Selyse said. “His other girls shall wed at the same time—the second daughter with Ser Brus Buckler and the youngest with Ser Malegorn of Redpool.”


“Sers.” Jon inclined his head to the knights in question. “May you find happiness with your betrothed.”


“Under the sea, men marry fishes.” Patchface did a little dance step, jingling his bells. “They do, they do, they do.”

赛丽丝皇后又吸了一口气,”四个婚礼和三个一样简单。 瓦尔已经住在这里有一段时间了,雪诺大人。我决定把她嫁给我们忠诚的好骑士PATREK.”

Queen Selyse sniffed again. “Four marriages can be made as simply as three. It is past time that this woman Val was settled, Lord Snow. I have decided that she shall wed my good and leal knight, Ser Patrek of King’s Mountain.”


“Has Val been told, Your Grace?” asked Jon. “Amongst the free folk, when a man desires a woman, he steals her, and thus proves his strength, his cunning, and his courage. The suitor risks a savage beating if he is caught by the woman’s kin, and worse than that if she herself finds him unworthy.”


“A savage custom,” Axell Florent said.


Ser Patrek only chuckled. “No man has ever had cause to question my courage. No woman ever will.”


Queen Selyse pursed her lips. “Lord Snow, as Lady Val is a stranger to our ways, please send her to me, that I might instruct her in the duties of a noble lady toward her lord husband.”


That will go splendidly, I know. Jon wondered if the queen would be so eager to see Val married to one of her own knights if she knew Val’s feelings about Princess Shireen. “As you wish,” he said, “though if I might speak freely—”


“No, I think not. You may take your leave of us.”


Jon Snow bent his knee, bowed his head, withdrew.


He took the steps two at a time, nodding to the queen’s guards as he descended. Her Grace had posted men on every landing to keep her safe from murderous wildlings. Halfway down, a voice called out from above him. “Jon Snow.”


Jon turned. “Lady Melisandre.”


“We must speak.”


“Must we?” I think not. “My lady, I have duties.”


“It is those duties I would speak of.” She made her way down, the hem of her scarlet skirts swishing over the steps. It almost seemed as if she floated. “Where is your direwolf?”


“Asleep in my chambers. Her Grace does not allow Ghost in her presence. She claims he scares the princess. And so long as Borroq and his boar are about, I dare not let him loose.” The skinchanger was to accompany Soren Shieldbreaker to Stonedoor once the wayns carrying the Sealskinner’s clan to Greenguard returned. Until such time, Borroq had taken up residence in one of the ancient tombs beside the castle lichyard. The company of men long dead seemed to suit him better than that of the living, and his boar seemed happy rooting amongst the graves, well away from other animals. “That thing is the size of a bull, with tusks as long as swords. Ghost would go after him if he were loose, and one or both of them would not survive the meeting.”

“Borroq是你最后关心的事情。 这次骑兵出巡…”

“Borroq is the least of your concerns. This ranging …”


“A word from you might have swayed the queen.”


“Selyse has the right of this, Lord Snow. Let them die. You cannot save them. Your ships are lost—”


“Six remain. More than half the fleet.”


“Your ships are lost. All of them. Not a man shall return. I have seen that in my fires.”


“Your fires have been known to lie.”


“I have made mistakes, I have admitted as much, but—”

“一个骑在死马上的灰色的女孩。黑暗中的匕首。预言中的王子,诞生在烟与盐之地。在我看来你就没把预言读对过,女士。史坦尼斯在哪?叮当衫和他的矛妇呢? 我妹妹人在何方?”

“A grey girl on a dying horse. Daggers in the dark. A promised prince, born in smoke and salt. It seems to me that you make nothing but mistakes, my lady. Where is Stannis? What of Rattleshirt and his spearwives? Where is my sister?”


“All your questions shall be answered. Look to the skies, Lord Snow. And when you have your answers, send to me. Winter is almost upon us now. I am your only hope.”


“A fool’s hope.” Jon turned and left her.

Leathers在外边的院子里踱着步。“ Toregg回来了。”当琼恩出现的时候他报告道。“他的父亲把他的人安置在Oakenshield,他们回在今天下午带着八十个战士回来。胡子皇后怎么说?”

Leathers was prowling the yard outside. “Toregg has returned,” he reported when Jon emerged. “His father’s settled his people at Oakenshield and will be back this afternoon with eighty fighting men. What did the bearded queen have to say?”


“Her Grace can provide no help.”


“Too busy plucking out her chin hairs, is she?” Leathers spat. “Makes no matter. Tormund’s men and ours will be enough.”

也许足够我们到那去。琼恩关心的是回来的行程。回来的时候,他们会被上千个又饿又病的自由民拖慢步伐。缓慢的人流会像结了冰的河流一样缓慢。这会让他们非常容易受到攻击。森林中的尸鬼,水中的尸鬼。“多少人才足够?”他问Leathers。“一百? 两百?五百?一千?”我该带更多的人,还是更少的人?一小队人会更快的到达Hardhome…但是没有食物该怎么办?岛上的野人已经开始吃死人。为了供给他们所急需的食物,他必须带着手推车和货车,再找一群牲畜来拉车——马,牛,狗。和小队人马飞速前往相比,这样的部队的速度就相当于爬行。“还有很多决定要做。把消息放出去。我要所有参与者都在晚班前在大厅集合。拖蒙德那时也该回来了。在哪能找到Toregg?”

Enough to get us there, perhaps. It was the journey back that concerned Jon Snow. Coming home, they would be slowed by thousands of free folk, many sick and starved. A river of humanity moving slower than a river of ice. That would leave them vulnerable. Dead things in the woods. Dead things in the water. “How many men are enough?” he asked Leathers. “A hundred? Two hundred? Five hundred? A thousand?” Should I take more men, or fewer? A smaller ranging would reach Hardhome sooner … but what good were swords without food? Mother Mole and her people were already at the point of eating their own dead. To feed them, he would need to bring carts and wagons, and draft animals to haul them—horses, oxen, dogs. Instead of flying through the wood, they would be condemned to crawl. “There is still much to decide. Spread the word. I want all the leading men in the Shieldhall when the evening watch begins. Tormund should be back by then. Where can I find Toregg?”


“With the little monster, like as not. He’s taken a liking to one o’ them milkmaids, I hear.”


He has taken a liking to Val. Her sister was a queen, why not her? Tormund had once thought to make himself the King-Beyond-the-Wall, before Mance had bested him. Toregg the Tall might well be dreaming the same dream. Better him than Gerrick Kingsblood. “Let them be,” said Jon. “I can speak with Toregg later.” He glanced up past the King’s Tower. The Wall was a dull white, the sky above it whiter. A snow sky. “Just pray we do not get another storm.”


Outside the armory, Mully and the Flea stood shivering at guard. “Shouldn’t you be inside, out of this wind?” Jon asked.


“That’d be sweet, m’lord,” said Fulk the Flea, “but your wolf’s in no mood for company today.”


Mully agreed. “He tried to take a bite o’ me, he did.”


“Ghost?” Jon was shocked.


“Unless your lordship has some other white wolf, aye. I never seen him like this, m’lord. All wild-like, I mean.”


He was not wrong, as Jon discovered for himself when he slipped inside the doors. The big white direwolf would not lie still. He paced from one end of the armory to the other, past the cold forge and back again. “Easy, Ghost,” Jon called. “Down. Sit, Ghost. Down.” Yet when he made to touch him, the wolf bristled and bared his teeth. It’s that bloody boar. Even in here, Ghost can smell his stink.

熊老的乌鸦看起来也很焦躁不安。“雪诺。”乌鸦大叫。“雪诺,雪诺,雪诺。”琼恩把它赶走了,然后让纱丁升起了火。当波文。马锡尔和Othell Yarwyck来的时候,琼恩吩咐道“去拿一壶酒来。”

Mormont’s raven seemed agitated too. “Snow,” the bird kept screaming. “Snow, snow, snow.” Jon shooed him off, had Satin start a fire, then sent him out after Bowen Marsh and Othell Yarwyck. “Bring a flagon of mulled wine as well.”


“Three cups, m’lord?”


“Six. Mully and the Flea look in need of something warm. So will you.”


When Satin left, Jon seated himself and had another look at the maps of the lands north of the Wall. The fastest way to Hardhome was along the coast … from Eastwatch. The woods were thinner near the sea, the terrain mostly flatlands, rolling hills, and salt marshes. And when the autumn storms came howling, the coast got sleet and hail and freezing rain rather than snow. The giants are at Eastwatch, and Leathers says that some will help. From Castle Black the way was more difficult, right through the heart of the haunted forest. If the snow is this deep at the Wall, how much worse up there?


Marsh entered snuffling, Yarwyck dour. “Another storm,” the First Builder announced. “How are we to work in this? I need more builders.”


“Use the free folk,” Jon said.


Yarwyck shook his head. “More trouble than they’re worth, that lot. Sloppy, careless, lazy … some good woodworkers here and there, I’ll not deny it, but hardly a mason amongst them, and nary a smith. Strong backs, might be, but they won’t do as they are told. And us with all these ruins to turn back into forts. Can’t be done, my lord. I tell you true. It can’t be done.”


“It will be done,” said Jon, “or they will live in ruins.”


A lord needed men about him he could rely upon for honest counsel. Marsh and Yarwyck were no lickspittles, and that was to the good … but they were seldom any help either. More and more, he found he knew what they would say before he asked them.

特别是当涉及到自由民的时候,他们的反对意见就像深入骨髓一样难缠。当琼恩把Soren Shieldbreaker安置在Stonedoor时,Yarwyck抱怨说那会让他们太过独立以至于失去控制。他们根本不知道这些自由民会在深山里搞什么飞机。当他把Tormund Giantsbane安置在Oakenshield,把Morna White Mask安置在Queensgate时,马锡尔指出那样的话黑城堡将会被自由民包围,并且随时有被切断补给线和援兵的风险。对于Borroq,Othell Yarwyck认为Stonedoor北方的森林里有太多的野猪。谁知道这个异形人会不会组建一支自己的野猪大军?

Especially when it concerned the free folk, where their disapproval went bone deep. When Jon settled Stonedoor on Soren Shieldbreaker, Yarwyck complained that it was too isolated. How could they know what mischief Soren might get up to, off in those hills? When he conferred Oakenshield on Tormund Giantsbane and Queensgate on Morna White Mask, Marsh pointed out that Castle Black would now have foes on either side who could easily cut them off from the rest of the Wall. As for Borroq, Othell Yarwyck claimed the woods north of Stonedoor were full of wild boars. Who was to say the skinchanger would not make his own pig army?

Hoarfrost Hill 和 Rimegate 仍然缺少人手, 所以琼恩让他们去剩下的野人首领中去找到合适的部落去这两个地方驻扎。 “我们有 Brogg, Gavin the Trader, the Great Walrus … Howd Wanderer 自有去处,拖蒙德这么告诉我, 但是还是有 Harle the Huntsman, Harle the Handsome, Blind Doss … Ygon Old-father 有一些追随者, 但是他们中的大部分都是他的儿子和女儿。 他有18个妻子, 其中一半是偷来的。 这些人…”

Hoarfrost Hill and Rimegate still lacked garrisons, so Jon had asked their views on which of the remaining wildling chiefs and war lords might be best suited to hold them. “We have Brogg, Gavin the Trader, the Great Walrus … Howd Wanderer walks alone, Tormund says, but there’s still Harle the Huntsman, Harle the Handsome, Blind Doss … Ygon Oldfather commands a following, but most are his owns sons and grandsons. He has eighteen wives, half of them stolen on raids. Which of these …”


“None,” Bowen Marsh had said. “I know all these men by their deeds. We should be fitting them for nooses, not giving them our castles.”

“正是如此。”Othell Yarwyck同意道。“真是一个非常非常糟糕的选择。总司令大人把我们送给了一群狼,然后还命令我们摆好姿势等着被咬破喉咙。”

“Aye,” Othell Yarwyck had agreed. “Bad and worse and worst makes a beggar’s choice. My lord had as well present us with a pack of wolves and ask which we’d like to tear our throats out.”


It was the same again with Hardhome. Satin poured whilst Jon told them of his audience with the queen. Marsh listened attentively, ignoring the mulled wine, whilst Yarwyck drank one cup and then another. But no sooner had Jon finished than the Lord Steward said, “Her Grace is wise. Let them die.”


Jon sat back. “Is that the only counsel you can offer, my lord? Tormund is bringing eighty men. How many should we send? Shall we call upon the giants? The spearwives at Long Barrow? If we have women with us, it may put Mother Mole’s people at ease.”


“Send women, then. Send giants. Send suckling babes. Is that what my lord wishes to hear?” Bowen Marsh rubbed at the scar he had won at the Bridge of Skulls. “Send them all. The more we lose, the fewer mouths we’ll have to feed.”


Yarwyck was no more helpful. “If the wildlings at Hardhome need saving, let the wildlings here go save them. Tormund knows the way to Hardhome. To hear him talk, he can save them all himself with his huge member.”


This was pointless, Jon thought. Pointless, fruitless, hopeless. “Thank you for your counsel, my lords.”


Satin helped them back into their cloaks. As they walked through the armory, Ghost sniffed at them, his tail upraised and bristling. My brothers. The Night’s Watch needed leaders with the wisdom of Maester Aemon, the learning of Samwell Tarly, the courage of Qhorin Halfhand, the stubborn strength of the Old Bear, the compassion of Donal Noye. What it had instead was them.

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