指尖留香---时光音符之『Down By The Salley Gardensn』

『Down By The Salley Gardensn』是根据获得诺贝尔奖的爱尔兰诗人叶慈的一首诗,谱曲而成。中文译名:《漫步神秘园》或《走进莎莉花园》。

『Down By The Salley Gardensn』原曲调来自爱尔兰西部的民谣,叶慈用自己的诗笔,为这民谣填上完整的词。叶慈的这首诗,后被另一位爱尔兰作曲家,重新编排谱写成曲,就是文中这首乐曲。



爱尔兰西部农民有砍下柳枝,搭建房屋的传统。流经原野村落的小河边,常有大片柳林。这种柳林就是 Salley Gardensn的由来。



Down by the salley gardens

My love and I did meet

She passed the salley gardens

With little snow-white feet

She bid me take love easy

As the leaves grow on the tree

But I being young and foolish

With her would not agree

In a field by the river

My love and I did stand

And on my leaning shoulder

She laid her snow-white hand

She bid me take life easy

As the grass grows on the weirs

But I was young and foolish

And now I'm full of tears

你可能感兴趣的:(指尖留香---时光音符之『Down By The Salley Gardensn』)