良医第1季第2集台词 中英对照


英文 中文
Autism -- a mental condition 自闭症是一种以沟通障碍语言障碍
characterized by difficulty in communicating. 和抽象概念障碍为特征的精神状态
Does it sound like I'm describing a surgeon? 这样的人也能当外科医生
You saved his life. 你救了他
I'm Dr. Shaun Murphy. 我是肖恩·莫菲医生
Never forget, you're the smart one 永远记住你是最聪明的
and I'm proud of you, Shaun. 我为你骄傲肖恩
My brother went to Heaven... 我的弟弟在我眼前...
...in front of my eyes. ...去了天堂
He's got a serious deficit. 他有严重的缺陷
We hire Shaun, 我们录用肖恩
and we give hope to those people with limitations 让有缺陷的人看到希望
that those limitations are not what they think they are, 看到这些缺陷并不能定义他们的人生
that they do have a shot! 他们仍有机会
If Shaun doesn't live up to everything I know he can do, 如果肖恩没有展示出我认为他能达到的水平
I will resign my position as president of this hospital. 我也会辞去医院院长的职务
Where to? 去哪
San Jose - St. Bonaventure Hospital. 圣何塞圣文德医院
I'm a surgical resident. 我是一名外科住院医生
Today is my first full day. 今天我第一天正式上班
I meant floor. 我是说去几楼
Oh, ground floor. 一楼
I'm taking the bus. 我坐公交去
This is Mitchell Brand, 55 years old, 这位是米切尔·普兰德55岁
post-op day one - from a radical prostatectomy. 根治性前列腺切除术后第一天
Morning, Mitchell. 早上好米切尔
I'm Dr. Melendez. 我是梅伦德斯医生
These are my residents Dr. Browne and Dr. Kalu. 这是住院医师布朗医生和卡卢医生
Your surgery went perfectly. 你的手术很成功
Yeah. 是吗
Am I ever gonna walk again? 我还能走路吗
Yes. Of course. 当然能
This is Mitchell Brand. 这位是米切尔·普兰德
I reviewed his chart. 我看了他的病历
He's 55 years old from Chicago, 55岁来自芝加哥
divorced with two children. 离异育二子女
You did a radical prostatectomy on him yesterday. 昨天你们给他做了根治性前列腺切除术
There are many possible complications 可能会有多种并发症
but none related to motor neurons. 但都与运动神经无关
There is no chance you won't be able to walk. 你绝对可以走路的
He -- he wasn't worried about his legs. 他担心的不是他的腿
Oh, yes. 哦对
There's a significant chance of impotence. 阳痿的几率很大
Dr. Murphy, you're late. 莫菲医生你迟到了
No, the bus was late. 不是公交迟到了
The schedule was clear. 时刻表很清楚
They post it online. 放到网上了
But the 4 bus was late which meant -- 但4路公交迟到了所以
- You're late. - Five minutes, we've all been -- -你迟到了-才五分钟我们都...
On your first day, no less. 还是第一天上班
It is your responsibility to be here. 你有责任按时到
If you are not, 如果没有
you have failed in your responsibility, 你就没有尽到你的责任
which makes it your fault. 就是你的错
Okay, how can it be my fault? 怎么会是我的错
I did nothing wrong. The bus -- 我什么都没做错公交
Yeah. This is gonna work out great. 好吧这真是太棒了
The board clearly made the right choice in hiring you. 董事会录用你真是个正确的决定
Thank you. 谢谢
Dr. Melendez, 梅伦德斯医生
we've got an emergent consult in the E.R. 急诊有请紧急会诊
You should be fine if you can leave it alone for a couple days. 你休息几天就会没事了
Four days of indigestion, 连续四天消化不良
bloating, constipation, and nausea. 腹胀便秘恶心
And a lot of pain, apparently. 显然还很疼痛
- Did you give her morphine? - Yeah, 10 milligrams. -给她注射吗啡了吗-注射了十毫克
Hasn't touched her pain. 疼痛未好转
You have time to get a CT? 做了CT吗
Yeah. That's why I called you. 做了这就是我请你来的原因
That's very big. 好大啊
Yes, it is. 没错
What are we looking at? 那是什么
It's definitely abutting the aorta and the left kidney. 毗邻腹主动脉和左肾
Renal angiomyolipoma? 肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤
- Do you see an extensive blood supply? - No. -有看到血供增加吗-没有
Maybe some kind of neurogenic tumor. 可能是某种神经源性肿瘤
Or maybe a lymphoma. 也可能是淋巴瘤
She has a sarcoma, a malignant tumor. 是肉瘤是恶性肿瘤
Malignant? 恶性
- That means it's killing me, right? - Yes. -会要我的命吗-对
Not necessarily. We're just speculating right now. 不一定现在只是猜测
No. It's definitely malignant. 不绝对是恶性的
If it weren't malignant -- 要不是恶性的
Please stop saying "Malignant". 请别再说「恶性」了
Should we talk outside? 我们去外面聊聊
Give her more morphine. As much as she wants. 再给她注射些吗啡需要多少注射多少
You scared her. 你吓坏她了
Didn't need to be so blunt. 不必说得这么直接
Why? 为什么
Her prognosis is terminal without immediate medical intervention. 不立即干预她的预后就是晚期
Isn't that scary? 这不可怕吗
Well -- 可是
That fear does her no good. 害怕对她没好处
Does she have a malignant sarcoma? 她得的是恶性肉瘤吗
Are we gonna be doing a laparotomy? 我们要剖腹探查吗
We need intra-operative staging for the biopsy, 我们得术中取病理
extensive dissection of the retroperitoneum, 广泛剥离腹膜后腔
and excision of the mass with wide, clear margins. 切除边界宽而清晰的肿物
I want in. 我想上台
You do know you're drooling, right? 你知道你在流口水吗
About cutting open a 40-year-old woman. 这可是给一个四十岁的女性开刀
Real person. Right behind that door. 大活人就在门后面
It's called bedside manner -- 我只听过「临床态度」
no such thing as outside-the-door manner. 没听过「门外礼仪」这一说
It is exciting, Claire. 这令人兴奋克莱尔
We'd be saving a life, and we'd be learning. 一边救人一边学知识
See? 听听
Dr. Browne, you're my number two. 布朗医生你做一助
With all due respect, doctor -- 恕我直言医生
Comments that start that way rarely come across that way. 言多必失
- I was going to say that's an excellent call. - Thank you. -我只是想说这主意不错-谢谢
Jared, prep the surgical team. 杰瑞德安排手术人员
Sir, what do I do? 先生我做什么
Scut work. 打杂吧
What's scut work? 什么是打杂
Today, I'm gonna need my surgeons to have no distractions. 今天我需要我的医生们全神贯注
So I'm gonna need you to handle those distractions. 你就去处理那些让他们分心的事
All the work they do every day that they hate doing, 他们每天讨厌干的活
you're handling it for them. 都交给你来做
Make sure they know we still need a consent on that one. 务必要告知他们一定要签同意书
Am I being punished for something? 我是因为什么受处罚了吗
No. 不是
Okay. 好的
So that's it? 就这样吗
You just accept my answer at face value? 你就这样相信我的回答了
Why? 为什么
You're very arrogant. 你很自负
Arrogant people don't think they need to lie. 自负的人通常认为自己没必要说谎
So you must be doing this to teach me. 你这么做肯定是想教我东西
I look forward to learning from scut work. 我很期待从打杂中学到东西
Say "Ahh." 说「啊」
How long will this be? 还要多久
Seven minutes. 七分钟
Without any complications, 如果没有并发症
it takes seven minutes to do a discharge examination properly. 正确的出院检查需要七分钟
Dr. Dunsmuir has already cleared him to go 邓斯缪尔医生已经同意他出院了
- and we need the bed. - Okay. -我们需要这个床位-好的
Protocol requires that the surgical department also clears him. 但医院规定也要经过外科的同意
You have an ear infection. 你有耳部感染
Yes, that's why he's here. 对所以他才来医院
My hearing's been a little muffled, 我的耳朵有点听不清
and I've had some ringing. 还有耳鸣
They gave him amoxicillin. 他们给他开了阿莫西林
And we're sending him home. 正要送他出院
Which is why you're here. 所以才让你来这
To send him home. 送他回家
I'd like an MRI of the head and internal auditory meatus. 我要给他做脑部和内耳道的核磁共振
I'm not being discharged? 我不出院了吗
What do you think is wrong? 你觉得是什么病
I'll tell you when I know for sure. 等我明确了再告诉你
I don't want to scare you. 我可不想吓到你
Shaun. 肖恩
What are you doing down here? 你在这干什么
I'm waiting for her to fart. 我在等她放屁
Flatulence. 肠胃胀气
But I'm using the word "Fart" in front of the patient 但在病患面前用「放屁」
to be more casual. 会显得更随意
But you're the president of the hospital, 而你是院长
so I'll say "Flatulence" to you. 所以对你用「肠胃胀气」
Well, I appreciate that. 谢谢
Why are you doing that? 可你为什么做这个
She had her deviated septum repaired. 她做了鼻中隔偏曲修复手术
Before we can release her, 在放她出院前
we have to be sure she isn't suffering from post-operative ileus. 我们得确保她没有术后肠梗阻
This is what Dr. Melendez feels 梅伦德斯医生觉得
you'll be most useful doing today? 这就是你今天的用武之地吗
Waiting for farts? 等人家放屁
I'm not just waiting for farts. 我不只要等人放屁
Thank Goodness. 谢天谢地
I'm doing all the scut work. 所有杂活我都得做
Well... 好吧
Welcome to your surgical residency. 欢迎来到你的外科住院医师生活
Thank you. 谢谢
There. I think that was it. 来了我放屁了
I don't think so. 没有
I'll wait a little longer. 我再等会儿
This is important. 这很重要
The procedure is called a laparotomy. 这个手术叫剖腹探查
Yeah, your heart sounds good. 好心音正常
So, we make a long incision down the middle of your abdomen, 我们会在你腹部正中做个切口
expose the tumor -- 暴露肿瘤
Am I going to die? 我会死吗
Dr. Melendez is the best surgeon I have ever seen -- 梅伦德斯医生是我认识的外科医生里最好的
Can this all wait? 手术能缓缓吗
You have a very serious condition. 你的情况很严重
It's not advisable to -- 我们不建议你...
Just a couple of weeks. My son is getting married next weekend. 就等几周我儿子下周末要结婚了
They look very happy. 他们看上去很幸福
After the initial incision -- 在做第一个切口之后...
They've been planning this for months. 他们筹备几个月了
If they have to reschedule -- 要是必须重新安排...
Well -- well, this -- this is complicated surgery, 这是一台复杂的手术
but if all goes well, 但如果一切顺利
recovery is pretty easy. 很容易恢复
No need to reschedule anything. 不必重新安排什么
And if it doesn't? 要是结果不好呢


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