
I want to sing, I want to sing.

A song for my beloved jiangxi bank.

You come from the credit union, you come from the red land;

You always have a dream.

You dream of growing and growing, and you dream of going through the land of god.

You innovate your own service, you innovate your own product you update your name, you enrich your own content.

You very happy, jinrui flowers were bloom in jiangxi province of the earth: you are very proud, because you has been out of the influence of jiangxi: you also very confused, because you face the plight of choose and employ persons: you also hurt, you suffer adverse pressure to you, never, three Cha heart, with three built up his own foundation;

It is you who have a future in your heart and a future, and write colorful music.

I am honored to be one of you: I am very proud, because I am a jiangxi banker.

You have me, I am you;

Because we have a common dream: to create a jiangxi bank with dreams, responsibility, recognition and memory.
