select (all|distinct) <目标列表达式> [别名][,<目标列表达式> [别名]]...
from <表名或视图名> [别名][,<表名或视图名> [别名]]...|(<select语句>) [as] <别名>
[where <条件表达式>]
[group by <列名1> [having <条件表达式>]]
[order by <列名2> [asc|desc]]
[limit <行数1> [offset <行数2>]];
select sno,sname from student;
select * from student;
select sno,sname,ssex,sbirthdate,smajor from student;
select sname,(extract(year from current_date)-extract(year from sbirthdate)) '年龄'
from student;
extract(year from current_date)是kingbase提供的内置函数,不同DBMS提供的内置函数不同,所以在写sql语句时一定要参考所使用的产品手册
select sname,'date of birth:',sbirthdate,smajor
from student;
select sno from sc;
select all sno from sc;
select distinct sno from sc;
查询条件 | 谓词 |
比较 | =, >, <, >=, <=, !=, <>, !>, !<; not+上述运算符 |
确定范围 | between and, not between and |
确定集合 | in, not in |
字符匹配 | like, not like |
空值 | is null, is not null |
多重条件(逻辑运算) | and, or, not |
select sname from student
where smajor='计算机科学与技术';
select sname,ssex from student
where extract(year from sbirthdate) >= 2000;
select distinct sno from sc
where grade < 60;
select sname,sbirthdate,smajor from student
where extract(year from current_date) - extract(year from sbirthdate)
between 20 and 23;
select sname,sbirthdate,smajor from student
where extract(year from current_date) - extract(year from sbirthdate)
not between 20 and 23;
select sname,ssex from student
where smajor in ('计算机科学与技术','信息安全');
相反,不属于则是not in
select sname,ssex from student
where smajor not in ('计算机科学与技术','信息安全');
[not] like '匹配串' [escape '换码字符'];
b._代表任意单个字符。例如:"a_b"表示以a开头,以b结尾的长度为3的任意字符串,如acb, afb等都满足该匹配串
select * from student
where sno like '20180003';
select * from student
where sno='20180003';
//如果like后面的匹配串种不含通配符,则可以用=代替like,用!=或者<>运算符代替not like谓词
select sname,sno,ssex from student
where sname like '刘%';
select sno,sname from student
where sno like '2018%'; //学号的数据类型是字符,用字符匹配
select cname,cno from course
where cno like '81__6'; //课程号为固定长度,占5个字符大小
select sname,sno,ssex from student
where not like '刘%';
select sno,credit from course
where cname like 'db\_design' escape '\';
”escape’'表示”\“为换码字符。这一匹配串中紧跟在”\“后面的字符”_“不再具有通配符的含义,转义为普通的 _ 字符“
select * from course
where cname like 'db\_%i__' escape '\';
select Sno,Cno
from sc
where grade is null;
select sno,cno
from sc
where grade is not null;
select sno,sname,ssex
from student
where smajor='计算机科学与技术专业' and extract(year from sbirthdate) >= 2000;
select sname,ssex
from student
where smajor = '计算机科学与技术' or smajor = '信息安全';