商务英语leve4 unit1 part4 speaking

Have you booked a room yet for tomorrow's meeting?

Venture capitalists like to invest in startups.

Their sales suffered a huge decline due to technological changes.

A business strategy defines how a company will achieve its goals.

A business streamlined its processes in order to improve efficiency.

The company was declared bankrupt by the court.

Sometimes it's hard for me to get my ideas through.

He should talk to his manager about the way he is feeling.

To have a well organized meeting, you should  Priorities the agenda items.

A company reaches maturity when it has established a stable percentage of market share.

The company's mission statement defines its purpose goals and vision.

Streamlining our business process means simplifying or reducing staff that do not add value.

Establishing a company involves making a business plan, choosing an office, and applying for permits and licenses.

  An  acquisition usually happens when a large company decided to purchase a smaller one.

If you don't communicate your needs, people won't understand how you feel.

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