Docker 镜像 - 构建 RabbitMQ With Plugins

RabbitMQ 社区插件

  • 插件说明文档:
  • 官方插件列表:

示例安装插件 rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange

插件 GITHUB 地址:

1、在 社区插件 中下载 rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange 到本地

2、解压后得到文件 rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange-

3、编辑 Dockerfile

FROM rabbitmq:3.7-management

ADD rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange-

注意:rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange- 以实际文件名为主


docker build -t rabbitmq:3.7-management-plugins .


docker run -it --rm --hostname rabbit --name rabbit rabbitmq:3.7-management-plugins


2019-04-14 05:18:03.006 [info] <0.8.0> Server startup complete; 4 plugins started.
 * rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange
 * rabbitmq_management
 * rabbitmq_management_agent
 * rabbitmq_web_dispatch
 completed with 4 plugins.

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